Monday, December 27, 2010
There was a lady in the congregation who often talked about a man she did not even know. She talked to the preacher who confirmed it was gossip and she should repent. She asked him what she should do? He said to take her pillow to a high place and rip it with a knife. She returned to the pastor. He asked her if she had followed his instructions. She said yes. He asked what happened and she told him feathers flew out of the pillow and were scattered by the wind. He then instructed her to go now and gather every feather. She hung her head sadly as she told him she could never gather all the feathers. The moral to the story is quite ovious. God bless, Linda
WHEN you do not have a prayer..... a groan will make it to the throne. A moan of self pity will never make it but God hears the groan of bondage and injustice. When the children of Israel were in bondage with no hope they groaned and the Bible says God heard their groans and delivered them. Many years ago there was a tragedy in my family that devastated me, left me so powerless I could not lift up my head or call for help. The Lord woke up an intercessory prayer warrior and gave her some words, told her to call me and speak these words to me. Those words broke the bondage I was in.... lifted me out of the dark loneliness I was suffering and gave me back the power of faith. All I could do was groan and it reached the throne. I often think of the demoniac in the tombs who could not call out for help and I believe God heard his groans of bondage and sent Jesus with his deliverance. When you do not have a prayer a groan can reach the throne.
Monday, December 20, 2010
I received a Christmas card today from an evangelist friend of mine and his wife. The message said they appreciated my support of their ministry that they thought God had brought us together to be partners and signed it friends forever and eternity. I had never heard it put like that before and it blessed my heart. I have often heard friends forever or I love you forever but friends forever and eternity were life giving blessing words. Think of it saints with Jesus we will be friends forever and eternity. What a promise belov-ed.
We have talked many times of the power of words to bless or heal or lift up or destroy but I don't think we have ever discussed wordless actions. They have the same power. College professors set up an experiment. They took a group of workers. The boss was well loved by all. Bosses give orders. The workers loved him and always went the extra mile for him. This day however they had been instructed to ignore the man as if he had not spoken as if he was not there. This went on for several hours. The man was beside himself. He did not understand why this was happening. Finally he went to his workers with tears in his eyes begging them to tell him what he had done wrong to deserve such treatment. He was devastated. They broke down as well. It had hurt them as much to treat the well loved one this way as the well loved was hurt by the treatment. A little food for thought. Wordless actions have power to heal or hurt. God bless Linda
Come dear saints and let us reason together of the image of Christ. So many times we get things backwards in the kingdom. Many times it is due to the traditions of men. Grandma and grandpa believed it this way mom and dad believed it this way the church has believed this way for generations, therefore it must be right. Not so beloved. When you drive around and see the Christmas decorations what do you see? A manger scene with Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus. After all we are celebrating the birth of Jesus. Think about it my friends. A helpless baby Jesus who is 2 thousand years old? What is wrong with this image. Is He not King of Kings and Lord of Lords? Has He not defeated the gates of the enemy? Has He not brought healing and salvation to the world? When we celebrated our first birthday we were treated and honored as a helpless babe however when we celebrated our 30th birthday we were given the honor and respect of an adult with wisdom and talents and authority. We would be humiliated to be treated as a helpless babe. It would be disrespectful. Have you ever driven by a yard at Christmas time and seen a powerful Jesus dressed in the robe of a KING? A KING sitting at the right hand of God? A KING who will return to rule the nations with a rod of Iron? Why not? How do you see Jesus? Maybe we have our images backwards? I love the image of Jesus spoken of in the book of revelation. Rev 1:11... I am alpha and omega, the first and the last and what you see write in a book....and in the midst of the 7 golden candlesticks, one like the son of man clothed with a garment down to the foot, and a girt around the paps with a golden girdle. His head and his hairs were white like wool as white as snow and his eyes were a flame of fire and his feet unto fine brass as if they burned in a furnace and his voice as the sound of many waters. And in his right hand seven stars and out of his mouth went a sharp two edged sword. And his continence was as the sun shineth in his strength. And when I saw him I fell at his feet as if I were dead. And he layed his right hand on me and said...fear not for I am the first and the last. I am he that liveth and was dead and behold I am alive forever more amen and have the keys of hell and death. Now beloved that is am image of power and authority and maturity. A fearsome image. No milk toast baby there. Come saints of God and let us reason together the image of Christ. Food for thought love ya, Linda
One of my favorite stories is of the day Jesus was teaching in the house and it was so full no one else could enter and the friends of a man struck with palsy made a hole in the roof and lowered him down to Jesus and he was healed. Some times we fail to notice the verse that introduces us to the story. Jesus was not teaching to a regular crowd. He was teaching the religious leaders and doctors of the law from every town in Galilee , Judea and Jerusalem. And the power of the Lord was there to heal them. How sad.......none of the religious crowd got healed although healing was available to them. They were more concerned with Jesus messing with their living. As long as God stayed in heaven and the people had to go through the priests to reach Him they were ok but to have God on the earth available to men messed with their offerings and influence......yet Jesus would have healed them.. The anointing to heal was there that day. Jealousy and envey stopped the gift from moving on them but a believer from outside was lifted down to receive what the religious crowd refused.
LIFE HAS CHANGED SO MUCH IN THE LAST 50 YEARS. It seems life and relationships and families are all about rush here rush there. So many activities so many schedules. Families hardly ever take a meals together now a days. I learned early on the most precious gift one human being can give another is time and time developes a love that lasts forever. The same goes for our spiritual lives. The more time we spend with the Holy one the more we love and the more we are able to pass that love on to others. Love is spelled t-i-m-e not rush. Love is lost when we rush. Just a thought. God bless, Linda
I received a Christmas card and a magazine from the carasmatic nuns in Texas. One of the nuns had written a poem that touched me and thought I would share it with you.
Prepare a manger in the inn of your heart
Be not ashamed that it is cold and dark
For when I come, darkness takes flight
And I will be the dawn's new light.
For my lowly shepherds may not find welcome
If too lofty is my dwelling place
They are too poor to behold my glory
So I will be hiding in this baby's face.
And palace lights they would detract
From my little star against a sky so black
And I will test the hearts of these magi traveling
Will they pay homage to a baby king?
For when I enter it won't be the same
I'll sit enthroned on the praises of my name
The shepherds, magi's and angels will sing
All giving glory to the newborn king.
I love the first verse read it again.
Prepare a manger in the inn of your heart
Be not ashamed that it is cold and dark
For when I come, darkness takes flight
And I will be the dawn's new light.
For my lowly shepherds may not find welcome
If too lofty is my dwelling place
They are too poor to behold my glory
So I will be hiding in this baby's face.
And palace lights they would detract
From my little star against a sky so black
And I will test the hearts of these magi traveling
Will they pay homage to a baby king?
For when I enter it won't be the same
I'll sit enthroned on the praises of my name
The shepherds, magi's and angels will sing
All giving glory to the newborn king.
I love the first verse read it again.
Gods will will never take you where his grace will not sustain you. Isn't that good news saints?
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Let us talk about Ruth. She is an old favorite story but I would like to present a couple of thoughts for you to meditate. Naomi's name meant peace, but after losing her husbands and sons and living in a strange land with strange gods in poverty she changed her name to bitterness. Think about Ruth she attached herself to bitterness and left all that was familiar to her in her grief and went to Jerusalem with her mother-in- law. She scraped out enough to eat in their poverty by gleaning fields. Then along came Boaz and in one day she went from peasent to princess. Do you know why? She had a King in her. She gave birth to Seth who begat Jesse who begat David who was in the lineage of Jesus. Even though Ruth was attached to bitterness God delivered her to her destiny.
Many Christians have trouble recognizing their gifts. Usually because it takes so little effort to perform them. If is so easy they tend to minimize their potential. You can study for hours about the gifts and hear tapes and take teaching series but I want to share with you an easy way to define your gifts. They fall into two catagories.....word or work. First ask yourself what people come to you for. Do they come for council, encouragement, inspiration, teaching, scripture solutions? If so then your gift is giving out word. Do they come to you to get something fixed or done? If so your gift is in works. Your gift is easy because it is what you do what you have always done and it takes no effort to do it. Jesus says my yoke is easy......recognize your gifts beloved and become an expert walking in the assurance this is your Destiny in God.
How big is your giant? When you look at him do you say the giant is so big he is going to destroy me? Or do you say , my giant is so big I can't possibly miss him. A word of wisdom....don't look at your giant but rather look at the reward on the other side of him. God bless, Linda
Friday, November 26, 2010
Have you ever noticed that the law demands ....thou shalt not... Thou shalt not.....thou shalt not. God demands man's righteousness through obedience to the law. Grace on the other hand supplies. God supplies righteousness through Jesus Christ His son. He heals,he delivers, he saves. God supplies through the grace of His son. Just some thoughts.... God bless, Linda
Thursday, November 18, 2010
No matter what the religious crowd has told you, Jesus does not treat everyone the same. He did not treat the crowds the same as He treated the 70. He did not treat the 70 the same as he treated the 12. He did not treat the twelve the same as He treated the three. It was according to your faith. He took the three where He never took the others. Raising the dead, healing a blind man, meeting Elijah and Moses on the mountain. He explained the parables to the 12. He simply sent the 70 to tell the good news. Just some thoughts. God bless, Linda
You can not enter the presence of God silently. It is not written. When the priests enter the Holy of Holies the priests garments had a bell and a pomegrante every other one on the hem of his garment. The bell made a sound and if they did not hear the bell it meant the priest was dead. There is not a Hebrew word for pomegrante the Hebrew word is haman. The meaning is fertil life. It means to rise up. God says He inhabits the praise of His people. You have to make noise. Noises of praise. You can not enter His presence silently AMEN. BIRDS PRAISE hIM. COWS PRAISE hIM. HE SAYS IF WE DON'T PRAISE HIM THE ROCKS WILL RISE UP AND PRAISE HIM. I don't want any rock taking my place.
My thoughts were sifting through some memories. I remembered a story from when I had three small children and we were living in an old farm house which needed much repair. We kept the upstairs closed off because there were missing floorboards which needed replaced. One day my husband heard the sounds of slide bump slide bump and went to check it out. There was a six foot black snake under the floor boards with about three inches of tail sticking out. My husband was a very strong man and he grabbed the snake with a pair of vice grips and tried to pull the snake backwards and he could not, no matter how much strength he applied. The only way you can pull a snake backwards is if you can lift him up first because his under scales will catch on the boards and anchor him. You simply can not pull a snake backwards and it occurred to me that is exactly what the snake does to us. He pulls us backwards into our past and our failures. He says see there....... all the times you prayed and God did not listen and something died, a loved one, health, finances, a dream etc. He tries to defeat us with our past to impair us traveling with success to our future. My husband had to tear up the floor at the snakes head to get him out. We too have to go for the head of the snake and remind him we have no past. It is not only forgiven by God but forgotten as well. No you can not pull a snake backwards but you can cut off his head......just some life memories....God bless, Linda
I WAS CONSIDERING ONE OF DAVID'S PLEAS TO GOD THIS AM. He said, Lord return to me the joy of my salvation. Do you remember the day the Lord found you and chose you and called you to Him? I was 8 years old when He chose me. I remember even as that young child the relief I felt when He lifted that burden of sin from my shoulders and took it unto Himself. The pure joy I felt when He washed me with His blood of forgiveness and mercy. I felt like I could fly. I was sooooo loved. After years of word and worship and teaching others sometimes we too need to pray, Lord return to me the joy of my salvation. God bless, Linda
We live in an age of relationships...religious spirits...pride....but I am here to tell you PRAISE IS THE ORIGINAL CRACK! When they circled the wall God told them to be silent and at the designated time to blow the trumpets and shout a word of praise and they would see cracks in the walls. There is a power in pure praise that ought to crack the walls of the worlds addictions and set us free. God bless, Linda
Monday, November 15, 2010
EVERY ONE IS BORN WITH A SPIRITUAL GIFT. God gives gifts without repentance which means it is according to your will whether you use them for good or evil. The enemy can not steal your gift but he can steal your confidence. If he manages to steal your confidence your gift will still work but most likely you will be working it in an obscure cave where it is hard to bless someone. The gifts are never for us but for us to give the world. Take Gideon for instance... He lived in the promise land he was a child of the promise. His daddy was a devil worshiper. The enemy had stole his confidence and replaced it with fear. He was hiding out in the cellar threshing wheat which meant he would receive small results. Every one knows you have thresh wheat on the hillside so the wind can blow away the chaff. He felt small in his own eyes and blessed no one. Then the angel shows up and says oh mighty man of valor. Suddenly after tearing down his father's altars to strange gods, a simple act of obedience mighty men of war show up to be put under the leadership of a man who had never been in battle. God says Gideon go save Israel , I have done all the saving I am going to do now you save Israel. You can do it oh mighty man of valor. So Gideon believed. God armed them with clay pots torches and horns. They confused the enemy and they fought with swords against themselves. God restored Gideon's confidence and a nation was saved, a nation was blessed by his gift.
Doorways to demons include wigi boards, horoscopes, fortunetellers, seances. These things open your mind to the deceptive moves of the enemy. These things tell you what you already know. Just as God knows all your thoughts and actions there has been other observers to events in your life.....spiritual observers (demons). They were there when your mama spoke her last words to you. A familiar spirit can give you that information. They will always tell you things you already know so do not think it a marvelous thing. Jesus says I will reveal my mysteries to you. He says I will tell you things you do not know. My mother was a Christian who read her horoscope every day. I could not persuade her it was evil even using the scripture that God was going to destroy the astrologers and monthly procrastinators. No matter what her horoscope said she would bend the events of the day to make it be true. That is a strange power to have over your mind. We call it the mind blinding spirit. Do not be deceived and open doorways to demons. God bless, Linda
THE BIBLE SAYS IT IS APPOINTED UNTO MAN ONCE TO DIE. Reincarnation says you can do it over and over again until you can get it right. The two lies it tells is you can escape judgement and you do not need Jesus Christ. Just in case you did not know love you, Linda
I asked God, how you see a thousand years and He said as a second. I asked God how He saw a million dollars and He said as a penny. I asked God if I could have a penny and He said....... give me a second. It is an old joke but still funny none the less. God bless, Linda
I HEARD A TEACHING OF YOUR FACE REPRESENTING THE MENORAH. Most of you have seen a menorah. It is the 7 golden candlesticks on the lamp stand. The middle candlestick is the base support of which the other six cross through in a half moon shape with a candle on each side and then another half moon smaller until all candlesticks match in height. Your face has seven holes in it. The two outside candle sticks represent your two ears, the widest part of your face. The next two represent your eyes, the next your nose or two nostrils and the center your mouth. You ever notice how every thing comes in pairs except your mouth and it is in the center. This is the first gift God gave men in the Holy Ghost... The voice of the spirit.
This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. This beloved scripture is as familiar and memorized as John 3:16. If you were to quote it to someone....would you quote it from your head from memory or from your heart from meditation? These are powerful words saints of God. This is the victory that overcometh the world. Nothing can stand against our faith....not cancer, not lack, not finances, not governments or principalities, not sickness or disease, not mountains or oceans, not the enemy. Nothing can stand against our faith. We have to meditate on this word until we get it down in our heart and believe this word belved....THIS IS THE VICTORY THAT OVERCOMETH THE WORLD, EVEN OUR FAITH.......when we limit our faith we limit the power of God....think about it. The Bible says we are more than conquers, but most Christians are not. Our faith works according to the word we have in us and if it is just head knowledge instead of heart knowledge there is no power in it. Only faith pleases God. If we could believe this word and work our faith on this word, Christians could turn the world upside down by the power of that word in Jesus name. God bless, Linda
Sunday, November 14, 2010
A few weeks ago a preacher friend called and asked me to write a song about Psalms 119:130. He was here recently for revival and we all had an amazing time in the Lord. I wrote the song the day after he left and want to share it with you. God bless, Linda
I knew a preacher man,
Who called me on the phone.
He heard of my ability,
To write a scripture song.
He asked me to consider,
The words to Psalms one nineteen.
And when I read those words of love,
My heart began to sing.
The entrance of your words,
Gives light, the psalmist claimed.
It gives understanding to the simple,
He solemnly proclaimed.
Your faith can only work,
According to the light you have received,
The more word you have in your heart,
The more you can believe.
So, don't linger in the darkness,
Of doubt and unbelief.
Mighty soldiers of the cross,
Let the light destroy the darkness of the thief.
The entrance of your word,
Gives light, the psalmist claimed.
It gives understanding to the simple,
He solemnly proclaimed.
Light and life and word,
They all mean the same thing.
They conquer death and darkness,
Declares the mighty KING.
The light of the word,
Will make you clean again.
It leads to salvation,
And forgives you of your sin.
A few weeks ago a preacher friend called and asked me to write a song about Psalms 119:130. He was here recently for revival and we all had an amazing time in the Lord. I wrote the song the day after he left and want to share it with you. God bless, Linda
I knew a preacher man,
Who called me on the phone.
He heard of my ability,
To write a scripture song.
He asked me to consider,
The words to Psalms one nineteen.
And when I read those words of love,
My heart began to sing.
The entrance of your words,
Gives light, the psalmist claimed.
It gives understanding to the simple,
He solemnly proclaimed.
Your faith can only work,
According to the light you have received,
The more word you have in your heart,
The more you can believe.
So, don't linger in the darkness,
Of doubt and unbelief.
Mighty soldiers of the cross,
Let the light destroy the darkness of the thief.
The entrance of your word,
Gives light, the psalmist claimed.
It gives understanding to the simple,
He solemnly proclaimed.
Light and life and word,
They all mean the same thing.
They conquer death and darkness,
Declares the mighty KING.
The light of the word,
Will make you clean again.
It leads to salvation,
And forgives you of your sin.
I knew a preacher man,
Who called me on the phone.
He heard of my ability,
To write a scripture song.
He asked me to consider,
The words to Psalms one nineteen.
And when I read those words of love,
My heart began to sing.
The entrance of your words,
Gives light, the psalmist claimed.
It gives understanding to the simple,
He solemnly proclaimed.
Your faith can only work,
According to the light you have received,
The more word you have in your heart,
The more you can believe.
So, don't linger in the darkness,
Of doubt and unbelief.
Mighty soldiers of the cross,
Let the light destroy the darkness of the thief.
The entrance of your word,
Gives light, the psalmist claimed.
It gives understanding to the simple,
He solemnly proclaimed.
Light and life and word,
They all mean the same thing.
They conquer death and darkness,
Declares the mighty KING.
The light of the word,
Will make you clean again.
It leads to salvation,
And forgives you of your sin.
A few weeks ago a preacher friend called and asked me to write a song about Psalms 119:130. He was here recently for revival and we all had an amazing time in the Lord. I wrote the song the day after he left and want to share it with you. God bless, Linda
I knew a preacher man,
Who called me on the phone.
He heard of my ability,
To write a scripture song.
He asked me to consider,
The words to Psalms one nineteen.
And when I read those words of love,
My heart began to sing.
The entrance of your words,
Gives light, the psalmist claimed.
It gives understanding to the simple,
He solemnly proclaimed.
Your faith can only work,
According to the light you have received,
The more word you have in your heart,
The more you can believe.
So, don't linger in the darkness,
Of doubt and unbelief.
Mighty soldiers of the cross,
Let the light destroy the darkness of the thief.
The entrance of your word,
Gives light, the psalmist claimed.
It gives understanding to the simple,
He solemnly proclaimed.
Light and life and word,
They all mean the same thing.
They conquer death and darkness,
Declares the mighty KING.
The light of the word,
Will make you clean again.
It leads to salvation,
And forgives you of your sin.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Did you realize when Jesus became the visible ark of the covenant? The ark resided in the holy of Holies. It was wood over laid with gold with an angel on each side and the law resting within with two other articles. Only the high priest went in once a year. The people were not allowed to view it. God resided there. Separated from the people. Jesus was sealed in a tomb separated from the people. Love (Jesus) laid on a cold hard stone with an angel on each side representing the ark of the covenant. The stone was rolled away. The separation between God and the people removed. The law lay inside the ark. Jesus spoke the law for He was the word and said I have not come to destroy the law but to fullfill it. On that resurrection day Jesus became the visible ark of the covenant.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Judas did not have to hang. If he had waited a few hours Jesus hung for him. His sin was no worse than Peter's and Peter was forgiven, but because of Judas's pride, self righteousness, and self condemnation he hung himself. If we live in the emotions Judas lived in we also will hang ourselves when we have one who hung for us and WE CAN BE FORGIVEN.
I was thinking about the resurrection and how the stone was rolled away. The stone was not rolled away so Jesus could walk out but rather that others could look in. The resurrected body is indeed flesh and bone for he told doubting Thomas to feel His flesh and bones to handle Him but at the same time He could walk through walls. I also noticed when Mary ran back and got Paul and John when they looked in they saw nothing but the empty grave clothes and left but when Mary looked in she saw two angels one at the head and one at the foot. It is the only place in scripture you will find angels sitting. Why? Because the work was finished. Mary was the only one sensitive enough to see the angels and the first to see Jesus. Isn't that amazing?
Sunday, October 24, 2010
When God wants your heart to say yes you have no choice. The heart is the compartment of change. Pharoah said no, but God plagued him until he said yes. I like what Proverbs 21:1 says......the Kings heart is in the hand of the Lord, as are the water courses; He turns it which ever way He matter how anxious we get about our leaders even if God has to plague them He can change their heart as He wills. That is a comforting thought, beloved. The heart is the compartment of change.
Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil........a famous word from the Lord's prayer..... The Bible not only outlines the plan of salvation beloved but it also outlines the plan of the enemy to lead us into temptation. I often feel pain in my heart when I hear someone whooing an unsaved person into the kingdom with promises that if you just accept Jesus as Savior your life will become a pleasant, trouble free place. That is not the truth friends. The first thing that happened to Jesus was he was led into the wilderness to face the temptation of the enemy. If the enemy did it to Jesus he will do it to you, but the Bible sheds light on the enemies plan always starts with the stimulation of the senses. The plan can be found in James 1:14-15.....but every person is tempted when he is drawn away, enticed, baited by his own evil desire,lust, passions. Then the evil desire, when it has conceived, gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully matured brings forth death. What a revelation beloved. Evil is first a thought.....what if I did this or that until it begins to manifest.....then the evil is practiced and brings about death. The enemy plants a seed in the imagination and stimulates your senses and emotions. He weakens your will....then you surrender to that will. Remember whatever the devil offers is a counterfeit. God will always make a better offer. Life and that more abundantly. Do you remember what the devil offered Jesus? The kingdoms of the know why Jesus did not accept the offer other than the ovious one He already owns the kingdoms of the earth. He made a like offer to will be like God, she was already like God made in His image. He did not accept because Jesus was sold out. You can not buy someone who is sold out. The Bible says cast down vain imaginations. Be aware of the enemies plan and be sold out for Jesus and be not led into temptation. God bless Linda
I am sure most of you are aware there are six things God hates and 7 are an abomination, but it is good to bring them to mind occasionally. They are found in Proverbs 6:17-19..... A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that sheds innocent blood. A heart that manufactures wicked thoughts and plans, feet that are swift to run to evil, a false witness that breathes out lies and he who sows discord among his brethren. Just a bit of wisdom.
One of the first commands God gives man in the Bible is to have dominion over the cattle, etc. In the old days cattle was a sign of wealth or money. The size of your herd determined your wealth. Today instead of herds of cattle we have finances. God said take dominion over finances but as usual we have turned it upside down and our finances have dominion over our selves. A famous preacher once said..... we buy things we do not need with money we do not have to impress people we do not like. I remember my mom and dad would save up for special items before they bought them. Today our kids bow to the credit card and have to have what it took their folks 40 years to have. They agree with strangers to pay for the item with interest sometimes mounting to more than the cost of the item. My brother bought a house. 30 year the time he paid it off with 30 years of his life the bank had took in enough interest to buy 3 houses. Who has dominion here saints of God? I bought an old house in need of repairs with no interest and paid it off in one year. I am still resurrecting the home with frequent repairs but I haven't made any rent or house payments in 15 years. I paid my car off in 3 months. I never make car payments. I save for other necessary expendertures. I am not bragging just giving you an example. Solomon was a wise man and told how to get dominion over finances in Proverbs son if you have become security for your neighbor, if you have given your pledge for a stranger or another. You are snared by the words of your lips, you are caught by the speech of your mouth. Do this now and deliver yourself when you have put yourself into the power of your neighbor; go bestir yourself, and beg your neighbor to pay his debt and thereby release you. Give not sleep to your eyes, nor slumber to your eyelids. Deliver yourself as the gazelle from the hand of the hunter. God says debt is a prison you have casually walked into with the words of your mouth. God says don't even sleep but run from debt as a gazelle. The hunter of a gazelle is the cheetah who can run up to 70 miles an hour. When a gazelle scents a cheetah, the hunter, it runs as if it's life depended on it..... for it does. Get dominion over your finances do not let your finances have dominion over you. EXERCISE DOMINION AS A WISE MAN GOD BLESS, LINDA
Have you ever been stubborn in something whether you were wrong or right? We have all had those times in our lives. I have watched my grandchildren do inappropriate behavior and been banished to the time out corner to consider their actions. Every few minutes Dad would ask, have you changed your mind? I have seen the child answer no in stubbornness in up to two hours or heard them say yes and get up and do it again to be banished to the time out corner again. A test of wills and Dad would be more stubborn than them and not give up until they changed their mind. The Bible says .....stubbornness is as a sin of that statement amazed me the first time I heard it. I had never thought of stubbornness being connected with witchcraft. But reflecting on the three tools Satan uses isolation, intimidation and manipulation of course it is a sin of witchcraft or if you will a sign of witchcraft. A little known fact. A sermon seldom preached. Think about it. I love you, Linda
Isaiah has often been referred to as the fifth gospel because Isaiah speaks as if he knew the Christ personally. He says , unto us a child is born. He speaks as if it had already happened. He says, he was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniqitities. He saw the lamb who was slain since the foundations of the world. He saw the glory of the Christ. He knew the power of the lamb of God in an intimate way. Try reading Isaiah again as the fifth gospel. Amazing. Love you, Linda
Thursday, October 21, 2010
I know I have taught this before but H.G. won't leave me alone so I'll preach it again. There was a time in David's life when he was wore out from fleeing from Saul who was trying to kill him. He was tired of running, he was weary with surviving the attacks and running some more. He failed to consult God which is always a recipe for failure, so he made a pack with the enemy king to hang out in his land. He forgot God had other enemies. When he and his men got home they found complete devastation. Their wives and children had been kidnapped, their goods stolen and their houses burned to the ground, nothing left. They cried until they could cry no more. Have you ever been in a place of devastation where you cried until you could cry no more? So alone so tired of the war, so defeated, death would be a step up? After they weeped they decided to kill David. It is always easier to blame someone else and after all he was the leader who had failed them. The world calls what they were going through HIGH IMPACT STRESS. 7 things happen then....years ago I wrote a book called don't feed the demons and that is what high impact stress does....
1. It hinders the ability to focus
2. It hinders the ability to concentrate
3. It decreases the ability to even think about how to move forward
4. It decreases self-confidence
5. It decreases morale
6. It decreases the readiness to maintain the mission
7. It increases irrational thinking
The mob wanted his blood but David got a brilliant idea. Why not consult God? He did and God said in 1 Samuel 30:8 pursue for you shall surely overtake them and you will surely recover all. God always over answers prayer. They recovered wives, children, their goods and the spoils of war from other battles. When you are in that place of high impact stress saints and too wore out to fight just consult God, my friends and pursue, overtake and recover all. Mike Murdock says...when you have nothing left but God you have enough to start over again AMEN!!!!!
1. It hinders the ability to focus
2. It hinders the ability to concentrate
3. It decreases the ability to even think about how to move forward
4. It decreases self-confidence
5. It decreases morale
6. It decreases the readiness to maintain the mission
7. It increases irrational thinking
The mob wanted his blood but David got a brilliant idea. Why not consult God? He did and God said in 1 Samuel 30:8 pursue for you shall surely overtake them and you will surely recover all. God always over answers prayer. They recovered wives, children, their goods and the spoils of war from other battles. When you are in that place of high impact stress saints and too wore out to fight just consult God, my friends and pursue, overtake and recover all. Mike Murdock says...when you have nothing left but God you have enough to start over again AMEN!!!!!
HERE I AM WITH 5 BIBLES SPREAD BEFORE ME. I have chosen the amplified to quote from. God's recipe to succeed and prosper. If you need a plumber you do not consult a physician. If you want to succeed and prosper you do not consult a homeless man for advise. If someone were to ask you what is God's recipe for success in one word, could you tell them? I thought of David the man after God's own heart who had great success and prosperity in battle and financially. He wrote most of the Psalms and gave God's recipe for success in the first chapter the first few verses. How is that for getting to the point? Psalms 1:1-3 says..... Blessed,happy, fortunate, prosperous and enviable is the man who walks and lives not in the council of the ungodly following their advise, their plans and purposes, nor stands submissive and inactive in the paths where sinners walk, nor sits down to relax and rest where the scornful and the mockers gather. But his delight and desire are in the law of the Lord, and on His law the precepts, the instructions, the teachings of God. He habitually MEDITATES ponders, studies by day and by night. And he shall be like a tree firmly planted and tended by the streams of water, ready to bring forth it's fruit in season; it's leaf also shall not fade or wither and EVERYTHING he does shall prosper and come to maturity. This is a familiar scripture which I am sure some of you have memorized but did you ever get it? God's recipe for success is to MEDITATE. Meditate means to mutter....mutter God's word under your breath.... Fascinating. People feed at church but meditation comes at home and is at the mercy of our own dedication to do the word. This is good teaching friends you ought to say amen. There was another prosperous successful man named Joshua and like David, he gave God's recipe for success in the first chapter of the book in the 7-8verses.....only you be strong and very courageous, that you may do all according to the law which Moses my servant commanded you. Turn not from it to the right hand or left, that you may prosper wherever you go. This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall MEDITATE on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous and then you shall deal wisely and have good success. Wow I'll say it backwards wow. MEDITATE.... GOD'S RECIPE FOR PROSPEROUS SUCCESS. God bless...Linda
During tea with Him this am my thoughts began to ramble. My grandsons are playing soccer. They are being taught to be competitive team players. Not to be obnoxious winners and to be good losers. Sounds good doesn't it. Then I thought about the word of God. We have trained our children to settle if they lose a battle and try again. Sounds good but I realized God never tells us to settle. He does tell us to try again until we succeed and win the battle against the enemy. He tells us to plan to win...succeed. The enemy was already defeated 2000 years ago by Jesus. The battle is His we just have to show up. We never have to settle for anything less than victory. In these spiritual wars I am determined to be a sore loser and war until I see victory. As the world says it ain't over till the fat lady sings and I intend to sing and praise my way to victory. God bless Linda
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Extraordinary moves of God begin with ordinary acts of obedience. That's it beloved, the word of wisdom for today. We tend to get discouraged as Christians because we listen to the testimonies of mega-word preachers telling how God is doing extraordinary things in their lives and their growth from 7 families to 10,000 in one year. Two thousand declaring Christ as their savior in one service and we think wow what an awesome move of God. We hear faith healers telling how they are raising brain dead people to life and missing limbs are growing back and they are raising the dead... Wow what a powerful move of God. Maybe you are only a Christian woman writing a devotional blog every day or a dad trying to provide for your family and pay the mortgage. Seems like all you get is one ordinary day after another. It seems you are missing the move of God everyone else is excited about. I say remember Moses . He was on the back side of the desert, taking care of the sheep. They were not even his sheep they belonged to his father-in-law. It was another mundane day for him. Boring........ Then he saw a burning bush and went over to check it out. That began an extraordinary move of God that changed the course of two nations. It changed the faith of the world forever. They impacted the world for God. I repeat...... beloved.... this simple word......Extraordinary moves of God start by ordinary acts of obedience...God bless, Linda
Satan's new battle plan to defeat Christians has been revealed. It can be summed up in one word...COMMUNICATIONS. We live in a world centered around communication. We have T.V., radio, I-phones, Internet, text messages,e-mail, CNN, home phones. We are so busy talking to each other, texting each other. If the enemy can keep us busy advising each other we don't have time for prayer, our communication with God to build a relationship with him to get the answers of truth we seek. Sometimes prayer takes time and God makes us wait for the answer, but we are a generation of instant gratification and do not practice patience. If I e-mail you and do not get an answer I can text you again and tell you I need you to text me back but you can not text God and order him to respond. Beware the battle plan of the enemy, beloved.....God bless Linda
Music is powerful saints. Words put to music can have life altering effects on all our lives. It can cause life and that more abundantly or it can cause thoughts of suicide and destruction. Did you know Satan was the music minister in heaven. He perverted that gift when he fell. The world pictures him as a devil in a red suit, pointy ears and a forked tail with a sinister scowl on his face when God describes him as the most beautiful of all his creations. He was created with pipes in his sides. Imagine this beautiful creature with organ music radiating out of him. A very differently picture than the world gives. That is why the beat of the music and the words are so powerful. Did you ever notice how some of the biggest battles fought against the enemy were won when God instructed them to send out the singers first. They went out with songs of praise and adoration to the Holy One of Israel. The enemy was defeated. The enemy can not stay where praise and worship live. I learned early on two words that will make the enemy flee is the name of Jesus and the word blood. When the enemy backs me into a corner I come out singing every song I know that has the name of Jesus and the blood in it. The Bible says we overcome the enemy with the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony. . The demons left when David played and sang. They have to go, they can not stay. If you are in a battle beloved, SEND OUT THE SINGERS.
Most of you have heard my testimony of many things but for those of you who have not....I will give it again. If any of you had told me ten years ago I would be a poet, a songwriter or an author of books, if any had told me I would win national and international poetry contests and fly to Reno twice, if any had said I would have my songs recorded by professional artists and sent to the boys in Iraq, if any had told me I would recite my poems on two T.V. Shows, if any had said two of my songs would be made into video's and shown on cable in Hollywood, if any had said I would have a blog on the Internet and reach people for Jesus, if you had said I would be published in national magazines and write 6 articles a week for a newspaper, I would have been like Sarah and laughed in your face. But all these things have come to pass and I am not through yet. I heard a preacher teach on believer's meetings. He asked if we knew what a believers meeting was? He said believers meeting only had believers attending, no one unsaved was there. That we should spend enough time in prayer that when we attended we should not be spectators,but participators having something from God to share with the body...a song, a prophesy, a psalm or a spiritual song. If we wanted God to give us a song we should get in our prayer closet and start praising him with the spirit and with the understanding. We should ask him to give us a song and he would. I went home inspired with child like faith and did as he said and although I prayed that God give me a song I was surprised when he did and so filled with joy. I sang that song from 10 at night till 3 in the morning and I was satisfied. I thought if God never gave me another I had my moment with the SON. But God did give me more... Ten years later I have now written 250 poems songs, and articles, plus over 200 blog devotions. You see, beloved my vision for my life was so small, I could not imagine into God's greater vision for my life. My vision was to serve God and my family. Be a good mother, grandmother, great grandmother and share the faith with those who walked through my life. God had bigger plans for my destiny. Plans I could never imagine. I remember once asking God how I could write and get published? You see I live in a small farming community with no opportunities. His reply was you have everything you need in your own backyard. What a concept to me. God saw endless opportunities while I saw none. I challenge you to see with child like faith beyond your limited vision into God's vision for your life. Every thing you need is in your own backyard in your child like faith. God bless Linda
Most of you have heard my testimony of many things but for those of you who have not....I will give it again. If any of you had told me ten years ago I would be a poet, a songwriter or an author of books, if any had told me I would win national and international poetry contests and fly to Reno twice, if any had said I would have my songs recorded by professional artists and sent to the boys in Iraq, if any had told me I would recite my poems on two T.V. Shows, if any had said two of my songs would be made into video's and shown on cable in Hollywood, if any had said I would have a blog on the Internet and reach people for Jesus, if you had said I would be published in national magazines and write 6 articles a week for a newspaper, I would have been like Sarah and laughed in your face. But all these things have come to pass and I am not through yet. I heard a preacher teach on believer's meetings. He asked if we knew what a believers meeting was? He said believers meeting only had believers attending, no one unsaved was there. That we should spend enough time in prayer that when we attended we should not be spectators,but participators having something from God to share with the body...a song, a prophesy, a psalm or a spiritual song. If we wanted God to give us a song we should get in our prayer closet and start praising him with the spirit and with the understanding. We should ask him to give us a song and he would. I went home inspired with child like faith and did as he said and although I prayed that God give me a song I was surprised when he did and so filled with joy. I sang that song from 10 at night till 3 in the morning and I was satisfied. I thought if God never gave me another I had my moment with the SON. But God did give me more... Ten years later I have now written 250 poems songs, and articles, plus over 200 blog devotions. You see, beloved my vision for my life was so small, I could not imagine into God's greater vision for my life. My vision was to serve God and my family. Be a good mother, grandmother, great grandmother and share the faith with those who walked through my life. God had bigger plans for my destiny. Plans I could never imagine. I remember once asking God how I could write and get published? You see I live in a small farming community with no opportunities. His reply was you have everything you need in your own backyard. What a concept to me. God saw endless opportunities while I saw none. I challenge you to see with child like faith beyond your limited vision into God's vision for your life. Every thing you need is in your own backyard in your child like faith. God bless Linda
If I were to ask you to tell me something you know about Joshua, most of you would answer...Joshua fought the battle of Jericho and the walls came tumbling down...some of you would answer he was one of 12 spies sent into the promise land. Let us review Joshua's life for a moment. He was born into slavery and delivered by God into the wilderness where he developed a relationship with God over 40 year period of time. He was one of the spies who came back with a good report. God told him when he entered the promised land he would give him the land every where his foot touched and named the boundaries and he would deliver his enemies into his hands for the rest of his life. When he was fighting mighty enemies the sun was about to go down and the enemy was about to escape into the shadows to torment them another day and this man of audacious faith prayed that God would make the SUN STAND STILL. Can you imagine that kind of faith. God honored his request and the SUN STOOD STILL for almost 24 hours until the enemy was utterly destroyed. I remember reading an article about the space scientists in Houston, Texas having a problem with the computers. They had a missing day in history and all the scholars could not find it and then a man of faith reminded them of the Biblical day when Joshua asked God to make...THE SUN STAND STILL. They found their missing day and then the computer program worked. We have many prayer requests in our life where we need to pray a ...SUN STAND STILL PRAYER. A time where the enemy is about to slip into the shadows to return and rend us again. We too can be men and women of God with the audacious faith of Joshua and command the SUN TO STAND STILL IN OUR SITUATION. If he did it for Joshua he can do it for you!
Every King needs a prophet, every leader needs a prophet who tells the truth. It is up to the King to decide if he will listen to the man of God. Ever since I heard this word... Every King needs a prophet.... My prayer life has changed. We are instructed to pray for the leaders of our government. The Bible says God has appointed those in power. He appointed a pharaoh to set his people free after much affliction. The King's had prophets, the church had prophets. Obedience to the word of the prophet brought victory and blessings to the nations. Disobedience could cause the death of a King. My prayer for the leadership in our churches, cities and nation are Lord send a prophet to those in leadership who will speak the words of truth and light. God bless, Linda
The Good Shepherd
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The Good Shepherd
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An illegitimate son can lift you out of the pit. We all know the story of Ismael the illegitimate son of Abraham and Issac the legitimate son of Abraham. The two son have been at war with each other for generations unto this day. I think of how Joesph and his brothers were legitimate sons. The brothers were jealous and had murder on their hearts. They threw Joseph in a pit intending to murder him and a caravan of Ismaelites came by. They bought Joseph, lifted him out of the pit. Of course it was strictly business to them. They resold him on the slave market for a profit never realizing they had saved the promise of God on a journey to his destiny. He became the 2nd in command over Egypt, a country of illegitimate sons who became blessed because Joesph the living word of God's vision was there. Every thing he set his hand to was blessed. Several nations in fact. He impacted the world and saved ligimate and illegitimate sons. My point being if you are on your way to the destiny God has appointed to your life, God's word can not return void. If he has to use an illegitimate son to bring you out of the pit, he will. Sooooo rejoice an be glad beloved.
How many times have you been between a rock and a hard place? A place you can not get out of in your own power. A place of desolation. A place without hope. It occurred to me the other day that place is a lie. That place does not exist as long as your rock is Jesus. Then there is hope. Then that hopeless place becomes a place where faith is. Then that rock becomes a victory and the hard place becomes a testimony. I love you guys....God bless, Linda
Through out the Bible we are given examples of men and women of audacious faith who dared to believe God could perform the impossible. I want to give you a word today that will change your life and increase your vision. If your vision does not intimidate you there is a good chance it is insulting to God.....let me repeat....if your vision does not intimidate you there is a good chance it is insulting to God....let me repeat.... If your vision does not intimidate you there is a good chance it is insulting to God!!!. I have made this statement three times because if these words are repeated three times it is more likely they will be engraved on your heart and moved by audacious faith to change your life. I remember one time God said your harvest is coming in, Linda. I said, oh goody, I'll get my wheelbarrow and God said you're thinking too small, get a dump truck. I was thinking home garden wheel barrow harvest to benefit my household but God was thinking truck garden harvest to benefit the world....I repeat... If your vision does not intimidate you it is probably insulting to God.
The 11th chapter of Hebrews is called the faith chapter of the Bible. I call it the hall of faith. Only two of the hero's of faith were women. Not women you would think to chose. One was Sarah. Sarah had to be forced into her faith. She was 90 years old and the time of women was over. Her womb was dead. When she first heard the promise of God that she would bear a man child she laughed. She knew it was impossible. A few years passed and her womb was still barren so she decided to help God and sent her husband to her handmaid to bear a son through her and then the impossible became possible and she bore her son, yet the faith chapter calls her a hero of the faith.....through faith Sarah herself received strength to conceive seed..... The other woman was Rahab, the harlot. She is always referred to as Rahab the harlot. She was called by name with her profession tacked on behind. There was no escaping who she was. She lived in Jericho. She hid the spy's, asked for her family to be saved and asked that they remember her. They told her to hang a red rope out her window and her and her family would be saved on the day of battle. She told the spy's that she had heard of the mighty works of their God and believed. She had never seen his works only heard of them. In those days harlots had to paint their windows red so every one would know this was a harlots house. Picture this... The window is painted red and a red rope is hanging down and she has applied the sign of the bloody cross of salvation. Yes! The rope was made of flax from the roof. The other place in the Bible flax is mentioned is in Proverbs 31 the virtuous woman. Her community calls her harlot and God labels her a virtuous woman of faith. I also find it interesting that James mentions only two heroes of faith...Abraham the father of faith and Rahab the harlot. My point being no matter what the world labels us God can make the impossible possible due to audacious faith.
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Sunday, September 26, 2010
Every one has a storm story. Jesus had been ministering to crowds of thousands all day. He was weary. He told the disciples to get the boat ready .. He was going up the mountain and spend some time with the Father and then they would go to the other side. He got on the boat went below and took a nap. A bad storm came up and the disciples thought they were going to die.. They came and woke him up asking him if he did not care they were going to die. They had just watched him feed 5 thousand people with a small sack lunch and speak words of life and yet could not speak words of faith. Jesus calmed the sea and they made it to the other side. There is another side when you pass through the storm friends and what waited on the other side was a man in desperate need of help. There is someone waiting on the other side of your storm my friends who is desperate for help. This man was the madman of the tombs. He was tormented day and night with a legion of demons who lived in his body. He was a savage man who caused much damage to the people of the village as well as himself. He was strong enough to break chains and could not be contained. Jesus told the devil to go and the devil argued with him how he had no right to make them go. Jesus did not argue back he only waited and told them to go again. You see they did not want to leave the man's body. A demon only has expression if he inhabits a human or animal body. They left and went into the pigs. The pigs had enough sense that they killed themselves rather than live with them. The next time you see the man he is dressed sitting talking with his right mind to Jesus. You would think the people in the village would be happy the man was sane no longer tormented and now a useful member of society would you not? But no.... Those pigs were their paycheck and they wanted him out of Dodge. I am running around bushes... My point is the disciples had a physical storm, the madman had a spiritual storm and they all came out winners on the other side. When you are going through a storm that looks as if it will take you out remember on the other side is someone only you can minister to and they need the deliverance only you can bring...soooooo enjoy your storm story, God bless Linda
The disciples wanted Jesus to teach them about the devil.
He said all right, gather round. They did not have to go to seminary 6 years...they did not have to wait 6 months, 6 days or 6 minutes. Jesus gave them the whole course, everything you have to know about the devil. In todays world we would call it devilology 101. He said it in 5 words.. The devil is a liar... And closed the book. What is a lie? It is something that does not exist. He can only exist if we believe the lie and give him place. Jesus says don't give the devil place. He is a defeated foe. Darkness does not exist... It is simply the absence of light. Don't give the devil credit for anything....just praise God instead... No matter what it looks like.God can turn your mistakes into miracles...... EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT THE DEVIL....he is a liar...God bless, Linda
He said all right, gather round. They did not have to go to seminary 6 years...they did not have to wait 6 months, 6 days or 6 minutes. Jesus gave them the whole course, everything you have to know about the devil. In todays world we would call it devilology 101. He said it in 5 words.. The devil is a liar... And closed the book. What is a lie? It is something that does not exist. He can only exist if we believe the lie and give him place. Jesus says don't give the devil place. He is a defeated foe. Darkness does not exist... It is simply the absence of light. Don't give the devil credit for anything....just praise God instead... No matter what it looks like.God can turn your mistakes into miracles...... EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT THE DEVIL....he is a liar...God bless, Linda
Jesus had an amazing anointing to see what it is instead of what it looked like. If I were to ask you, what was the first miracle of Jesus. You would say the turning water into wine at the wedding feast......but if I were to ask you what the second miracle of Jesus was......could you answer without looking it up? The second miracle is found in John 4... A nobleman came to Jesus after the wedding feast( he may have been a guest there, the Bible doesn't say). He wanted Jesus to come home with him and heal his son who was near death. Now I am sure he loved his son and wanted him healed but Jesus cut to the chase and said this to the man......except ye see signs and wonders, you will not believe.....isn't that a strange thing to say, but Jesus knew the man's heart was not right. He did not come with the right motive. The man implored him again to heal his son and Jesus said ...go thy way thy son liveth. He met his servants on the way and they told him his son lived. He asked when this came to pass and it was the same hour that Jesus spoke your son liveth and then he and his whole house believed. Jesus was right the man believed because of the signs and wonders....this was the second miracle that Jesus did when he came out of Judea into Galilee. Isn't that something... The first miracle was celebration of a new life and destiny for a couple who came together to share the rest of their lives.... And the second miracle was full of unbelief.......the next miracle John mentions is the fellow who layed by a pool for 38 years whining he had no one to help him in the water. I never cared for this guy much...Jesus healed him and the religious crowd got upset and wanted to know who did this. The guy did not know so he went back and found out then went and told on Jesus. How ungrateful can you get....just a few things to think about... God bless Linda
Monday, September 20, 2010
A few days ago I asked you Bible scholars out there to help me with a question and got no replies. The question was about the marriage supper of the lamb found in Rev. 19. If the lamb is the bridegroom and the bride is the church who are the guests? I may have found the answer in John 3. Who are the guests invited to the wedding? Friends and family. As the old saying goes you choose your friends but are stuck with your family. John the Baptist is having a conversation with his disciples. They are complaining about Jesus disciples baptizing........John gives them a rather strange answer... He says he that hath the bride is the bridegroom:BUT THE FREIND OF THE BRIDEGROOM,which standeth and heareth him, rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegrooms voice: this my joy is therefore is fulfilled. I BELIEVE THIS VERSE GIVES US A CLUE TO THE WEDDING GUESTS. I BELIEVE THEY MUST BE THE FREINDS OF THE John the Baptist, Abraham , Issac, Elijah , Moses and David, all those who went before the power of the resurrection brought salvation to the church, the bride. At least I have peace with that answer. God bless, Linda
Friday, September 17, 2010
What is the testimony of Jesus? If someone asked you that question, would you have a scriptural answer? Is there a scriptural answer? As a matter of fact there is. It is found in Rev. 19:10..................the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophesy..... Not the answer I about you. Interesting. God bless, Linda
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
We recently celebrated God's new year called Rosh Hashanah...The festival of trumpets occurred on the week end and Friday we celebrate Yom Kippur the day of Attonement....important things both dark and light happen during this season. God created man on the day of Attonement...Joseph was brought before the king on that day. Elisha received the double portion then. The dark of the month occurs during this season. World wide things happen ..earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, 911, wars escalate. Tonight on Christian news they were irate because the Muslims want to build a mask on ground zero to erect a memorial of the suicide pilots who brought the twin towers down and killed thousands of innocent people and the president seems to be supporting their right to do this.
Have you noticed how God has 7 bad years followed by 7 good years. We have just come out of the 7 bad years and are about to enter the 7 good years. God has three holy days where He says if you want blessed if you want your children and your flocks blessed, if you want to win wars , come to the mountain on these three holy days and I will bless you.
As there were 7 blessings for celebrating the passover so is there 7 blessings on the day of Atonement. They are found in Joel 2.....
1. Double portion
2. Financial blessing
3. Restoration
4. Special miracles
5. Divine presence
6. Family blessings
7. Deliverance
God says I will bring the former and the latter rain of blessings in this season. They start at Passover and gradually build to double blessing on the Day of Atonement. Be a wise man and celebrate God's Holy Days instituted forever. We will be keeping these same days in heaven ....go ahead open the book and check it out. God bless, Linda
Have you noticed how God has 7 bad years followed by 7 good years. We have just come out of the 7 bad years and are about to enter the 7 good years. God has three holy days where He says if you want blessed if you want your children and your flocks blessed, if you want to win wars , come to the mountain on these three holy days and I will bless you.
As there were 7 blessings for celebrating the passover so is there 7 blessings on the day of Atonement. They are found in Joel 2.....
1. Double portion
2. Financial blessing
3. Restoration
4. Special miracles
5. Divine presence
6. Family blessings
7. Deliverance
God says I will bring the former and the latter rain of blessings in this season. They start at Passover and gradually build to double blessing on the Day of Atonement. Be a wise man and celebrate God's Holy Days instituted forever. We will be keeping these same days in heaven ....go ahead open the book and check it out. God bless, Linda
THERE IS A SCRIPTURE WITH A WONDERFUL PROMISE. Something we rarely hear preached. God will give us double blessings for our former shame. It is found in Is. 61:7 . That is an exciting promise especially to those who have been in bondage for years because of physical, mental, spiritual or sexual abuse that has made them feel unworthy.......God says because of your former shame I will give you a double blessing. This is God's time of year to hand out double blessings. Yom Kipper is Friday at sunset.....that is when Elisha got his double blessing and many others...believe the promise and receive the blessing.
DID YOU KNOW IN MATTHEW, MARK, AND LUKE ONLY USED THE WORD BELIEVE 9or 10 times? But in the book of John used it 99 times in his book. He simply believed. He was the disciple who lived the was boiled in oil a couple times and survived it. He wrote revelation the only book in the Bible that does not contain the word now because all was future time. Don't you believe that was why John was so arrogant in his love for Jesus because he believed the most. Only believe!
I was blessed when my brother and sis-in-law stopped by to see me this week. We spent 3 and a half hours praising, praying and sharing Jesus. It was wonderful. They had been on a retreat for the week-end. A time to listen closely to God. My brother related an experience he had when he went fishing at a pond. He said, God is not into catching and releasing. That word touched my spirit. He shared the scripture where the fisherman had fished all night and came home empty. Jesus was waiting on the shore cooking fish for their breakfast. I got to thinking when fishing is your business and you can't even catch your own breakfast it is indeed a sad day. Jesus told them to cast their nets and they were overfilled. They needed help pulling them in so the nets would not break. My brother then said another thing I had not thought about. Not all the fish were good fish. They sorted the bad fish from the good and the bad were not returned to the water. They were thrown on the burn pile. God is not into the catch and release system. So many times church folks get caught up in attendance, how many got many that once they are saved and added to the church roll they are not discipled. God is not into the catch and release system and he has taught us to be fishers of men. I'm off......GONE FISHING
Sunday, September 12, 2010
BELOVED I HOPE YOU KNOW HOW VALUABLE YOU ARE IN THE KINGDOM....this is the generation that is living in the greatest time of the church in history. This is the folks God is going to use to set the world on it's ear. You have a purpose to full fill, a glory to manifest, a plan only you can do. God wants to work through you. Just remember the devil doesn't mess with bag ladies, he's after bigger fish, he's after rejoice and be glad, you have him worried. God bless, Linda
BELOVED, PASSION IS THE STRENGTH OF PURSUIT! Revelation is a process. God gives it line upon line precept upon precept a little at a time. Then by faith we have to pursue the vision. That's why we walk by faith. If we took the faith out of it and God showed us the walk all at once we would be walking by agreement. Walking by faith pleases God. Pursue with passion, my friends, it is your strength, God bless, Linda
He said, when you look you see just a pinecone but when God looks he sees unlimited possibilities. He sees acres of forest in the valleys and on the mountain side. The possibilities go on for generation. What do you see when you picture yourself in the palm of God's hand? A small person compared to the universe. But think what God sees when he looks at you ......unlimited possibilities.
Unlimited possibilities,
That's what God sees when He looks at me,
A preacher, a teacher, a songwriter too.
What does God see when He looks at you?
He said, when you look you see just a pinecone but when God looks he sees unlimited possibilities. He sees acres of forest in the valleys and on the mountain side. The possibilities go on for generation. What do you see when you picture yourself in the palm of God's hand? A small person compared to the universe. But think what God sees when he looks at you ......unlimited possibilities.
Unlimited possibilities,
That's what God sees when He looks at me,
A preacher, a teacher, a songwriter too.
What does God see when He looks at you?
I loved this devotion so I thought I would share it....the townspeople were in total despair. A fire which started in a diner was threatening to burn down the bussiness district. They seemed helpless to o anything about it. Suddenly a truck full of farm workers came speeding down the hill toward the fire. The crowd moved back as the truck drove straight into the flames. The farm workers jumped out and started beating the flames with their coats, miraculously bringing it under control. The city fathers were so grateful they gave each man a thousand dollar reward. A newsman interviewed the driver asking what he was going to do with his money? You can be the first thing I am going to do is fix the brakes on my truck!
Our community has a pre-Easter week of meetings in a different church every night. Also a preacher from a different denomination preaches every night. That is the one time of year all denominations and differences in theology are put aside and we are all united as the body of Christ. Iheard a sermon I will never forget. The pastor said, shouldn't we all be as smart as a green bean. When they push their heads out of the ground they are bowed as if in prayer and then as the sun hits them they open their two leaves to the sky as if in adoration and praise. Yes. Lord, I hope I can be as smart as a green bean. Hallelujah
WHEN ABRAHAM TOOK ISSAC TO THE MOUNTAIN TO SACRIFICE HIM HE WAS 127 YEARS OLD. God stopped his hand and told him there was a ram in the brambles, to sacrifice him. Now a mad ram will take you out brother, especially if you are 127 years old. But God tangled the ram in the thicket and took the fight out of the blessing. Many times when the enemy comes against us we feel as weak and weary as a 127 year old man who has just climbed a mountain with our last strength. But God has already defeated the enemy and wrestled him to the ground and if we stand in faith and command him to go, he has no choice but to obey. That leaves the way open to receive the blessing. No ram can take you out beloved cause Jesus has your back...........the only place the Armour of God does not protect is the back....isn't that interesting.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Hello be loved of the most high God. I need the help of all you Bible scholars out there today.... In Rev. tells of the marriage of the lamb...if the lamb is the groom, Jesus Christ and the bride is the saints of God,the church who are the wedding guests called blessed??????? I do not know. I know who they are not...Satan and his angels for they have already been cast in the fire.....soooooooo...if the groom, Jesus, and the bride, the church and the wicked are accounted for ...who are the wedding guests? Who is left?????? I can give you opinons of saints....... A Rabbonic, Messanic Jew says he believes the guests are the great multitude who came to faith after the rapture of the church during the waning days of Daniel's 70th week. They will enter the millennial kingdom, still in mortal bodies. This suggests that the wedding supper probably takes place on earth, in the presence of the post-rapture saints made pure through the blood of the lamb. Another source suggests it is Abraham, Elijah, David and the pre-Christ saints. Another thinks it may be angels. Anybody out there got any scripture??????? God bless, Linda
Did you know the word allelujah or hallelujah as we know it only appears in the New Testament 4 only one book in one chapter? Rev. 19:1-6 hallelujah is a compound of 2 words...halle..lujah. In the Old Testament it is translated "Praise ye the Lord," 24 times. More literally it should be translated, "Praise ye yah." Yah is a shortened form of Yahweh which is the correct and proper name of God. Just some fun ya, Linda
NO SHOES...NO many times have you seen that sign on a place of business? USUALLY WHERE THEY SERVE FOOD. Isn't it odd what offends man pleases God. Footwear was never part of the priestly uniform. In fact the priests had to minister barefoot after washing their feet in rain or spring water...then they could enter the Holy Place.... Man says.... NO SHOES...NO SERVICE...GOD SAYS...... SHOES....NO SERVICE...Moses take off your shoes for this is Holy ground.....I have visited many denominations during my years and the only place I have found that wasn't offended when you took off your shoes to worship God was the full gospel people. My daughter-in-law is an evangelist anointed with the spirit of joy. When she walks into a room the sun comes out. Her joy is so infectious no one can resist her. The first evangelist meeting she had she came in with her long hair flowing down her back and was barefoot. When she stands behind the pulpit and starts preaching she doesn't stand there long but comes down in front of the congregation starts waving that Bible and full of energy she can't contain it. She ministered in the gifts of healing prophesy and word of knowledge....when alter call came over half the congregation came forward humbled with tears running down their cheeks and moved by the power of God delivered by this woman. As the people left with joy and deliverance on their faces, I heard some of the church women complaining that they were offended because she did not wear shoes while she preached. Now help me understand saints.....these saints had just been saved, healed and delivered from bondages that had held them captive for years and they were offended it was done without shoes?????????? God says take off your shoes when you minister for this is Holy time you are in a service and the Holy Spirit falls and your toes long to be free of your shoes could be the Holy Ghost saying take off your shoes beloved this is Holy ground. The last church meeting Jesus attended was the last supper where they served food to the church crowd and the first thing He did was take off their shoes and wash their feet....friends that was Holy ground....and events that followed that meeting has turned the world upside down for 2 thousand years..think about it....Jesus is our high priest and He doesn't wear shoes as He stands before God in our is not and has never been part of the priestly uniform.......God bless, Linda
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Sometimes our vision is so small we tend to keep God in a box. This week a verse keeps going through my mind. I have read it a thousand times but this time it changed my vision of who Christ was when he walked the earth as a man. John only knew Him for 3 years and yet he said in John 21:25.... And these are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Can you imagine doing so many good works that if they were recorded would fill all the books of the world and some left over? It sure broadens your vision. We have such a small portion of His deeds recorded in the gospels, we can read them in a day. I am an avid reader. I read at least a book a day and often grieve to think I don't have enough time left to read all the books I would like to. Look at all the Christian books that have been written about Him in the last 2 centuries based on only the gospels. It is awe inspiring is it not.......ALL THE BOOKS IN THE WORLD COULD NOT CONTAIN THEM.......THE GOOD WORKS OF JESUS....GOD BLESS LINDA
We all know the story of Abraham and Sarah ........that Abraham was the richest man in the land....and from the hall of faith chapter in Hebrews 11, he was exalted for his great faith. But do you remember how Abraham acquired all his wealth? He met a King who desired his wife and Abraham was afraid the King would kill him to get his wife so he introduced her as his sister. A man of faith let fear over ride him. The King desired her for a wife to be added to his harem. Sarah was 90years old at the time. Can you imagine being so beautiful at age 90 that a King who could have any in the kingdom desired you. It is beyond my imagination,but Sarah lived in the blessings of Abraham and the favor of God. I have known a lot of 90 year old women and it just doesn't happen in my world. The king suffered much as God warned him Sarah was Abraham's wife and not to touch her ........ And he returned her and gave Abraham much wealth to take her and leave and then it happened again. Not only was Sarah desired by one king but by two at 90 years old. I suppose Sarah was a type of the virgin Mary, a shadow of things to come, as Mary's womb would hold the blessings of the nations. Though Mary was young and a virgin, Sarah was old and barren but her womb would also hold the blessings of the nations. For in Issac all nations were blessed. Food for thought saints, love ya, Linda
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Psssst have you heard the gossip about Jesus? Yeah, I heard it but I went to the book and found out it is not written. Jesus was not poor or broke or homeless. He did not wear second hand clothes and he did not go dumpster diving for dinner. He was born in a stable which seems to indicate poverty but the truth is that Joseph had the money to provide a room at the Hilton but it was sold out, there wasn't even a room at the Econo Lodge. He had no choice but the stable. When Herod wanted to kill all the babies from 2 years up God warned Joseph in a dream to flee to Nazareth. Joseph had the money to flee to another land and get them a house to live in..........then the three Kings came with gifts.....yes you heard me right the three Kings were not at the stable the night of his birth they were following the star that appeared on the night of His birth. They came to the house in Nazareth. They brought gifts, wealth with them for the babe. Do you remember when the queen of Sheba came to Solomon the richest King on the earth she brought him gifts of the riches of the Kingdom.... A you think 3 Kings would travel especially with wealth without guards and soldiers into an unknown country. They brought enough wealth to support Jesus and His family for years to come. He had a traveling ministry of 12 men plus the women who followed Him and for a time 70 more. His ministry was so prosperous He put the thief in charge of the bag. As for Him being homeless the religious crowd uses the scripture the birds of the air have nests and foxes have holes but the son of man has not to lay His head. That does not mean Jesus was homeless. That is a kingdom scripture. Jesus is the head of the church the church is His body. He had no body of believers to lay His head on. Jesus had a house. The word says the disciples asked Him,WHERE IS YOUR HOUSE AND HE SAID COME AND SEE. Jesus did not shop for clothes at the local Salvation Army. The coat He wore on the day of His crucifixion was so valuable the soldiers gambled for it. It was a coat fit for a KING. Jesus did not go without meals nor those with Him. Just because he ate green corn out of the fields and helped Himself to the fig tree was the exception not the rule. He could feed five thousand with two fish and five loaves. He could order the sea to give up enough of a catch to sink the boat. So beloved don't waste your time with the the book and read the truth.....God would not send His son to earth and not provide for him when His message was that God is the provider... Trust Him with your needs. Glory to the Holy one of Israel!
Monday, August 30, 2010
WHAT IS UP WITH THAT SAINTS? Unworthy only works in church. It does not work in the does not work in a does not work in the does not work in the world....we have endured hundreds of years of poverty preaching......the religious world comes against prosperity messages..... What is up with that.....Jesus never preached poverty he always preached prosperity.....sowing and reaping....blessed coming in and blessed going out...blessed in the field and blessed in the city.......what are you going to do when you get to heaven? You gonna say NO JESUS I'm unworthy... I can't live in a mansion just give me a trailer....there are no trailers in gonna say NO JESUS I can't walk on streets of gold...saints you are your father's sons and daughters...poverty is foirgn to the nature of God. Unworthy is foreign to the nature of God. Who told you you were unworthy? The church that's who. Better to believe God than man. You can not go by feelings can not become intoxicated by success or paralyzed by failure.
Who told you you were unworthy? It sure was not God. He does not talk like that.......God bless...Linda
Who told you you were unworthy? It sure was not God. He does not talk like that.......God bless...Linda
Do not despise the wilderness experience beloved for in that experience you find your voice. The Bible says John the Baptist was the voice crying in the wilderness.....John found his voice in the wilderness.....Jesus was baptized and went immediately into the wilderness to be tempted.....he may of went up as the carpenter's son but he came down full of the Holy Ghost and power.....he gained a voice he never used before......we have many wilderness experiences in our life...sometimes we are so overwhelmed we whine to God why me Lord, what did I do to lose your protection? Why have you deserted me? Can't you feel my pain? What we should be doing is praising Him and finding our voice......are you on an assignment from God? Or are you under a mandate? An assignment changes you.....a mandate uses you to change others......a voice in the wilderness.......YES!
ABRAHAM WAS 100, HIS WIFE SARAH WAS 90 AND GOD SAID YOU WILL HAVE A SON. They did not believe God for their bodies were dead.....but when Abraham was fully persuaded those two dead bodies brought forth a son...and when he went to sacrifice his son Issac Abraham knew if he brought him from the dead once he could do it again. Just a little side note Issac was not a 12 year old child when Abraham took him to the mountain to sacrifice caculate his real age which was in his 30's you will find scripture that says while they were in the mountains his mama died and it gives her age.......sooooo Issac had to be willing to lay down his life just as Jesus are going to dig in the Bible and find out if I speak the truth aren't you? You will be amazed the treasures that are hidden there. God bless, Linda
FROM THE TABERNACLE TO THE TEMPLE GOD WAS IN A BOX....IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL BOX WITH GOLD FURNITURE,BUT IT WAS STILL A BOX. The people were not allowed into His box and the high priest could only come in their behalf at certain times and if he was not spiritual and physically clean he died. Then Jesus was crucified and the curtain in the temple was rent in two and God came out of the box and now dwells within the hearts of men as accessible as our next breath.......what a gift....God bless, Linda
God is the fruits of the, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness,goodness,faith,meekness, and temperence......What God does is call things that aren't as if they were. Glory to His Holy name!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
This blog is not for every one but for those who operate in the gifts according to Corinthians .......I operate in the word of knowlege...I never know what God is going to say until it comes out of my mouth...for many years I worked the gift and some of the saints I ministered to would say no that isn't right and I went away feeling like I had missed God, but a few days later the person would return and tell me I had spoke the truth but they were afraid to admit it. How ever many received the word with joy or deliverance or healing or salvation. People are still lying to the Holy Ghost. It is not a new thing to lie to the Holy Ghost, a married couple in Acts lied to the Holy Ghost and God gave Peter a word of knowledge about the lie and God struck them dead. Over the years as the gift has grown I now trust God. I no longer believe I miss God. Now when someone says it is not true I simply say the Holy Ghost does not lie and they immediately tell the truth........the Holy Ghost is not a person to fear and he does not lie. He will always edify and lift you up by speaking truth only you and God knows....if someone comes with a condemning word you can be sure they were not sent by God. It is the enemy's job to condemn. Be delivered from people and trust God. Do not let believers humiliate you into believing you have missed God and quench the Spirit . Just trust Him....God bless, Linda
A saint gets up in the morning and H. G. (HOLY GHOST) says what are we going to do today? The saint replies God, don't you know what you're going to do today? God is the heart...Jesus is the face of God...the Holy Spirit is the mouth of God....but the saints are his hands and feet.....think about it...God Bless, Linda
WE HEAR PEOPLE TALK ABOUT HEAVEN ALL THE TIME,but which heaven are they referring too? According to the Bible there are three heavens...the one that surrounds us....the atmosphere above us where Satan is the prince of the power of the air and the third heaven where God is and where Paul visited. Jesus came down from the third heaven to bless us in the first heaven and equip us to conquer the second heaven. Glory to God!
WHEN THE ENEMY COMES AGAINST YOU.....don't sink down in the darkness and depression that brings a spiritual death to dreams and matter how bad things look.....look up to the light which brings life...Jesus is our hope....there was a study done...they put some rats in a tank of water turned off the light....plunged them into total darkness...the rats swam 3 minutes and gave up and drowned.....they put a fresh batch of rats in a tank of water and left the door open a crack...the rats swam for 36 hours before they gave if a crack of light can encourage a rat how much more can Jesus the light encourage you...God bless, Linda
Saturday, August 28, 2010
AFTER JESUS WAS CRUCIFIED THE BIBLE SAYS.... He appeared in the midst of them. The disciples were hiding in the upper room in fear. Jesus appeared in the midst of their fear and their fear disappeared. Let Jesus appear in the midst of your fear. God bless, Linda
Where ever two or more are gathered in my name there I am. Moses asked God what is your name? He said I am. Jesus said before Abraham was I am. When we gather together we are in the presence of the great I am.......where ever two or more are gathered in my name.....there I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, August 27, 2010
The most memorized Psalm is Psalms 23......the Lord is my shepherd I shall not why do many Christians act as if it said .....the Lord is my shepherd I shall suffer lack and be grateful for it? He maketh me to lie down in green pastures mean nutritious food and contentment when that food is consumed... An attitude of satisfaction...he leadeth me beside the still waters... Do you know why he leads the sheep by still waters? Sheep will not drink from running water. They have a fear of it. He restoreth my soul....have you noticed Jesus always makes the people comfortable before he teaches? If they are hungry, he feeds them, if they are in pain he heals them, if they are in sin he forgives them. He restores their soul so they are at peace to receive his life giving word. He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name sake.....he leads the sheep in the paths of his righteousness for the Bible says our righteousness is as filthy rags....yeah though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil........did you get that beloved? He did not say through the valley of death but the valley of the shadow of death. There is an eighteen wheeler coming at you..... You step out of the way and the shadow of the truck passes over you. The truck would have killed you but the shadow does no harm......for thou art with me... Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me......when a sheep strays near the edge of a cliff the shepherd reaches out with his staff hooks the sheep and drags him back to safety... The rod he uses against enemies of the sheep..... Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies....enemies often gather round to do you harm but they only have the power you give them. If you stay in your peace they can not touch you. Thou anointest my head with oil..... The pest that can literally drive a sheep wild attach themselves to the sheep's face.. Fleas, ticks, flies, mites... The shepherd anoints the head with oil which sends the pests fleeing.....the devil has direct contact with your mind....if you are renewing your mind with the oil of the Holy Ghost the enemy has to cup runneth over....have you ever noticed God always over answers matter what you ask for he gives you more.....surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life....I like to think of goodness and mercy being like two angels attached to my heart....just as the Father, Son and Holy Ghost are three so are goodness mercy and me.....and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever...YES AMEN....THAT IS MY HOME GOD BLESS LOVE YA LINDA
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
At 7:00 this morning I was headed west to a Dr.'s appointment in another city. In the western sky hung a transparent full moon. It looked like an artist had painted the faintest illusion of the moon on an azure blue day lit sky. And in my rearview mirror the blazing rising sun reflected in my eyes. They were about the same height in the sky. A marvelous sight of night giving way to day. The moon appearing in the the jurisdiction of the sun. The moon kept fading until it disappeared. I enjoyed the wonder of it for about 8 minutes about the same time you are allowed to enjoy a sunrise or reminded me of the psalms....... Even the heavens declare His handiwork. What a wonderful gift. I wondered how many others looked up and received His gift? I wonder how many never looked up. Turkeys never look up.....but eagles do. Which are you...a turkey or an eagle.....and where the eagles are gathered together.......can anyone finish this scripture for me? I am a blessed you Linda
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
A Sunday school teacher, Mr. Kimble, in 1858 led a Boston shoe clerk to Jesus. The clerk Dwight D. Moody, became an evangelist and in England in 1889 awakened an evangelistic zeal in the heart of Fredrick B. Meyers. Meyers preached at an American college campas brought Jesus to a student J. WILBUR CHAPMAN who employed former baseball player Billy Sunday who held a revival campaign and brought in Mordecai Hamm to preach and a young man named Billy graham gave his life to Jesus and become a world famous evangelist whom Jesse Deplantis saw on T.V. Who gave his life to Jesus and become a globe trotting evangelist as well and the list goes on ND on and on and on. God knows how to pass the mantle from one generation to another. Just some facts. God bless, Linda
God sent thieves to feed the prophet. I am speaking of the story of Elijah at the brook during a time of famine when He sent the ravens to feed the prophet. I have wondered for years why of all the birds He sent thieves, scavengers. One of the most noisy disagreeable birds in the kingdom. They raid other birds nests and reek havoc. Why not an eagle? Why a raven? I recently read a little devotional that may answer the question. An elderly woman who was in distress was heard praying to God for bread being heard by some mischievous lads. They played a joke by buying a loaf of bread putting it on her doorstep ringing the bell and hiding to see her reaction. When she saw the bread she immediately fell to her knees and thanked God for it. The boys couldn't stand that and popped out and told her God had not sent the bread that they had bought it. She chuckled and said oh the Lord sent it all right even if the devil delivered it.......just a ya, Linda
Monday, August 23, 2010
THROUGHOUT MY BLOGS I HAVE ENCOUAGED YOU TO OPEN THE BOOK AND READ IT FOR YOURSELVES. To find the truth. A woman who was not a Jew came to Jesus begging him to heal her daughter. Jesus replied, it is not meet to give the children's bread to dogs. Did you get that beloved? Jesus called healing the children's bread. Her answer was even the dogs eat the crumbs and he healed her daughter because of her faith. She recognized the bread of life named Jesus. We are taught the communion is the body(bread) and the wine is the blood of Jesus. Jesus purchased our healing on the way to the cross by his stripes and our salvation on the cross with his blood. The Bible says you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free......but it is only the truth you know which will set you free....the religious crowd only refers to the bread and wine as the body and blood of Jesus and we do this in remembrance of him. They don't teach the bread is healing. If no man teach us how can we have faith to believe as the woman who sought the children's bread. Remember the children of Israel in the desert who ate the bread sent from heaven every meal? There was not a sick or feeble one among them. Their well being had nothing to do with whether they were sinners or not. They ate heaven's bread every day. Jesus is that bread today. Holy communion is more than you have been taught the book and H.G will reveal the truth of all things to you.....take communion often and believe in the healing power of the children's blood and receive your miracle..God bless Linda
Some labels come automatically like husband wife, brother sister, grandma grandpa, man woman, Christian Jew. That is a natural order in our world. But some labels are placed on us by the world through the flesh.....dummy stupid, fatty beanpole, crazy fanatic, idiot genus....and other things. We can bow to that label and live an unhappy life or we can brush it off. I love it when people call me a Bible thumping, tongue talking Jesus freak. If I dwelled in the flesh those words coul wound me but since I am led by the spirit I rejoice because they saw Jesus in me. Even if they did not like it they saw Jesus....... YEAH! I love what God says about me in 1 Peter 2:9.....but you are a chosen people,(wow God chose me), a royal priesthood, (royal blood from the King of Kings......into the priesthood)a holy nation, (because of Jesus I am holy),a people belonging to God,( I belong to God), that you may declare the praises of Him you called you out of darkness into the glorious light. (that is our job to praise Him) (called out of the sad some chose to dwell in such a barren place) into His glorious light ( how God honors us and gives His best) we all live under labels beloved.....chose God's label be led by the Spirit not the flesh...have a great rest of the day you royal priesthood holy nation belonging to God praising His name living in His glorious light. AMEN
Sunday, August 22, 2010
GOD IS NOT CONCERNED WITH GETTING YOU TO HEAVEN. He is into relationships and he has always wanted to come and dwell in you. He is not concerned about bringing earth to heaven but bringing heaven to earth is what he is about. What an awesome thought God bless, Linda
Every man has a fool and a king in him, the one you talk to is the way he will respond.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Satan desires to block the light from your life. He uses two tools. He'll take all the bad things in your life and make them so big they block God or he will take all the accomplishments of your life and make them so big that they block God. Be aware of the enemy's tricks. God bless Linda
YOU HAVE TO SEE GOD'S VISION FOR YOUR LIFE BY FAITH. Consider Joshua as he gazed on the walled city of Jericho with the soldiers on the rampart and the locked gates and God says SEE I have given you Jericho. How in the world could he see that. What he saw in the natural was wall, soldiers and locked doors meaning war. He had to see God's vision by faith. When God says see I have given you the city or the mountain have no doubt, beloved just jump into his vision and SEE. God bless Linda

When we look at the world and see all the great and mighty things taking place it seems as if our life is just a grain of sand in the grand scheme of things. What good is a piece of sand we wonder, but let me tell you what grain of sand can do beloved. A grain of sand can irritate an oyster until it becomes a pearl of great price. Over the years I have made many brothers and sisters angry because I tell them such and such is in the Bible or worse tell them their pet theory is not written. They get upset to the point they open the book and search it out. They usually come back to apologize. A sister once told me I am like a piece of sand that irritates. I just smile and say did you hear that Jesus, I am a piece of sand and I have done my job? A pearl of great price......... that is my Jesus. God bless Linda .
Friday, August 20, 2010
Chapter 21
Chronicles of Malcome
My intercessory prayer partner Nona and I have walked
together in faith and agreement for over twenty years. She is my
beloved sister-in-Christ.
Several years ago Nona and her husband took a trip to
California. Their son had completed his Marine Corps training
and they wanted to attend the graduation ceremony and bring him
back home with them for a small leave before heading to his next
destination. Nona had a beloved pet. A cat named Malcomb. He
was a huge lumbering long haired charcoal gray with beautiful
white markings. She asked me to care for him while she was away
for the week. Sounds simple enough, but not so my friends. I don't
do cats. I have a healthy aversion to cat hair on my person and
furniture. I love and tolerate cats if they belong to you and don't
touch me. Because I love Nona and she loves her cat, I
reluntantly agreed to care for him. Whew! The things I do in the
name of love!
Saturday, Day 1: They've gone away. How can they do that
to me? They are my people! They belong to me. First the boy
goes away and now them. I am angry, (Prowl), (Prowl), (Pace),
Sunday, Day 2: I miss the woman and the man. They closed
their bedroom door. I had to find a new place to sleep. I resent
that! Wait! I hear the door. They are back. I go running to greet
them and play my catch me before I escape game. I come to a
screeching hault, my hair bristling straight up. That is not my
woman and man. It is that woman who comes every Saturday
morning. She won't let me drink from her glass or sit on her Holy
Bible. How dare they send her. I will show them.
Monday, Day 3: I've been pouting all day. Here comes that
woman again. She's looking everywhere for me. She can not find
me. I will not answer her. She sounds worried. Uh-ooo she
found me on top of the grandfather clock near the ceiling. I will just
glare at her. I do not want her here. I want my family. She
sounds nice, but I am not coming down.
Tuesday, Day 4: Here she comes again. I am still high above
her on top of the clock. I will just glare at her some more. I do not
care how softly she begs me to come down. I am not doing it!
Wednesday, Day 5: There's the door. I will scare her this
time. When she leaves I will jump down and race to the door. I
do not know what she has done with my man and woman, but I will
find them. Boy, can she sqwal and jump, but she caught me. I do
not want her touching me. I twist and jerk suddenly out of her
arms. I run and hide behind my woman's chair.
Thursday, Day 6: I am getting awfully lonely. That woman is
back, but I will just stay on top of the China cabinet where I can
peek at her while she gets my dinner. She talks to me all the time,
but I just glare at her. I am not giving in. She does leave me a
lovely meal every day.
Friday, Day 7: There she is again. She is faithful. Maybe she
is not so bad. I will come down and walk around the room, but I
will not let her touch me. She is trying to be friendly, but I'm not
sure. She almost persuaded me, but I'm still not sure. I would
not let her touch me. "Poor Malcomb" she said, "The man and
woman and boy will be back soon."
Saturday, Day 8: It is prayer meeting time. Here is the
woman. She came to me and talked to me. I let her pet me. She
asked me to come down and I did. She petted me some more. She
let me rub against her legs. It feels good to have human company.
She says she is staying for a while. She is going to write something
called, "The Chronicles of Malcomb". Hey! That's me. Guess
what? She let me lay on the table while she was writing. She
talked to me and petted me. I purred for her. I tried to play with
her. I batted her arm with my fists, but she wasn't very good at it.
Not much practice I guess. She was crying while she wrote. I
think she misses the man and the woman and boy too. She told me
they would be back tomorrow. She said I get my old bed back. She
did the strangest thing. She picked me up and went to the woman's
chair. We sat and watched the rain through the window. She
petted, I purred. She is kind of ur plump, and soft and warm. We
sat and watched the rain through the window until I fell asleep on
her lap.
She said it was a good prayer meeting. It reminded her of
Jesus. No matter how cold, angry and distant someone is, He just
keeps walking by and offering His quiet love, until one day they can
believe to receive it. Thank-you, Jesus. The week she spent with
me was a lesson in love. Love never fails.
That week tending Malcomb helped me understand the very
character of the awesome love of Jesus. How His heart must break
when we reject that love. He just keeps quietly coming back,
offering it again and again. No matter how we treat Him, how we
disappoint Him, He just keeps loving us.
Under His protection
Is where I ever want to be.
Surrounded by His love
For all eternity!
God's recipe for comfort and peace is love. For God so loved
the world, He gave His only begotten son....John 3:16.
Chapter 21
Chronicles of Malcome
My intercessory prayer partner Nona and I have walked
together in faith and agreement for over twenty years. She is my
beloved sister-in-Christ.
Several years ago Nona and her husband took a trip to
California. Their son had completed his Marine Corps training
and they wanted to attend the graduation ceremony and bring him
back home with them for a small leave before heading to his next
destination. Nona had a beloved pet. A cat named Malcomb. He
was a huge lumbering long haired charcoal gray with beautiful
white markings. She asked me to care for him while she was away
for the week. Sounds simple enough, but not so my friends. I don't
do cats. I have a healthy aversion to cat hair on my person and
furniture. I love and tolerate cats if they belong to you and don't
touch me. Because I love Nona and she loves her cat, I
reluntantly agreed to care for him. Whew! The things I do in the
name of love!
Saturday, Day 1: They've gone away. How can they do that
to me? They are my people! They belong to me. First the boy
goes away and now them. I am angry, (Prowl), (Prowl), (Pace),
Sunday, Day 2: I miss the woman and the man. They closed
their bedroom door. I had to find a new place to sleep. I resent
that! Wait! I hear the door. They are back. I go running to greet
them and play my catch me before I escape game. I come to a
screeching hault, my hair bristling straight up. That is not my
woman and man. It is that woman who comes every Saturday
morning. She won't let me drink from her glass or sit on her Holy
Bible. How dare they send her. I will show them.
Monday, Day 3: I've been pouting all day. Here comes that
woman again. She's looking everywhere for me. She can not find
me. I will not answer her. She sounds worried. Uh-ooo she
found me on top of the grandfather clock near the ceiling. I will just
glare at her. I do not want her here. I want my family. She
sounds nice, but I am not coming down.
Tuesday, Day 4: Here she comes again. I am still high above
her on top of the clock. I will just glare at her some more. I do not
care how softly she begs me to come down. I am not doing it!
Wednesday, Day 5: There's the door. I will scare her this
time. When she leaves I will jump down and race to the door. I
do not know what she has done with my man and woman, but I will
find them. Boy, can she sqwal and jump, but she caught me. I do
not want her touching me. I twist and jerk suddenly out of her
arms. I run and hide behind my woman's chair.
Thursday, Day 6: I am getting awfully lonely. That woman is
back, but I will just stay on top of the China cabinet where I can
peek at her while she gets my dinner. She talks to me all the time,
but I just glare at her. I am not giving in. She does leave me a
lovely meal every day.
Friday, Day 7: There she is again. She is faithful. Maybe she
is not so bad. I will come down and walk around the room, but I
will not let her touch me. She is trying to be friendly, but I'm not
sure. She almost persuaded me, but I'm still not sure. I would
not let her touch me. "Poor Malcomb" she said, "The man and
woman and boy will be back soon."
Saturday, Day 8: It is prayer meeting time. Here is the
woman. She came to me and talked to me. I let her pet me. She
asked me to come down and I did. She petted me some more. She
let me rub against her legs. It feels good to have human company.
She says she is staying for a while. She is going to write something
called, "The Chronicles of Malcomb". Hey! That's me. Guess
what? She let me lay on the table while she was writing. She
talked to me and petted me. I purred for her. I tried to play with
her. I batted her arm with my fists, but she wasn't very good at it.
Not much practice I guess. She was crying while she wrote. I
think she misses the man and the woman and boy too. She told me
they would be back tomorrow. She said I get my old bed back. She
did the strangest thing. She picked me up and went to the woman's
chair. We sat and watched the rain through the window. She
petted, I purred. She is kind of ur plump, and soft and warm. We
sat and watched the rain through the window until I fell asleep on
her lap.
She said it was a good prayer meeting. It reminded her of
Jesus. No matter how cold, angry and distant someone is, He just
keeps walking by and offering His quiet love, until one day they can
believe to receive it. Thank-you, Jesus. The week she spent with
me was a lesson in love. Love never fails.
That week tending Malcomb helped me understand the very
character of the awesome love of Jesus. How His heart must break
when we reject that love. He just keeps quietly coming back,
offering it again and again. No matter how we treat Him, how we
disappoint Him, He just keeps loving us.
Under His protection
Is where I ever want to be.
Surrounded by His love
For all eternity!
God's recipe for comfort and peace is love. For God so loved
the world, He gave His only begotten son....John 3:16.
The words you spoke yesterday determined the life you live today. The words you speak today determine your future. Think about it. I am sure you all know someone who makes the old country song come alive. Gloom despair and agony on me, deep dark depression excessive misery. I'm sure you've heard them say things like...the flu is going round I know I'll get it and be in bed for a week. Sure enough it came to pass. I know I'll have arthritis by the time I'm forty yep. I'll never get a raise. My car breaks down every time I turn around. My teenager is going to end up in jail. On and on they go and so goes their life. God said speak to things that aren't as if they were. That's what He did. He spoke to things that aren't and they became what He said. In fact that is what prayer is. We speak possibilities into impossible situations and believe by faith to become what we spoke. Sometimes people speak negative things into my life and I have to tell you I am not shy to rebuke those things in Jesus name. Jesus wasn't shy to rebuke Peter or the religious leaders and I like to imitate the one I love. I hear people speak a healing prayer on their life and then ruin it with their next breath. Lord heal me if it be thy will. I tell you right now those words canceled out your healing. If it be God's will? Of course it is God's will to heal you. By saying if it be your will doubt enters in and God can't move by doubt only by faith. Read the book He purchased your healing with His stripes before He purchased your salvation with His blood. Yes, beloved words matter. The book says we will be judged for every idol word we speak. Speaking is the creative power of God and He passed it on to us. God bless Linda
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