Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Psssst have you heard the gossip about Jesus? Yeah, I heard it but I went to the book and found out it is not written. Jesus was not poor or broke or homeless. He did not wear second hand clothes and he did not go dumpster diving for dinner. He was born in a stable which seems to indicate poverty but the truth is that Joseph had the money to provide a room at the Hilton but it was sold out, there wasn't even a room at the Econo Lodge. He had no choice but the stable. When Herod wanted to kill all the babies from 2 years up God warned Joseph in a dream to flee to Nazareth. Joseph had the money to flee to another land and get them a house to live in..........then the three Kings came with gifts.....yes you heard me right the three Kings were not at the stable the night of his birth they were following the star that appeared on the night of His birth. They came to the house in Nazareth. They brought gifts, wealth with them for the babe. Do you remember when the queen of Sheba came to Solomon the richest King on the earth she brought him gifts of the riches of the Kingdom.... A caravan.....do you think 3 Kings would travel especially with wealth without guards and soldiers into an unknown country. They brought enough wealth to support Jesus and His family for years to come. He had a traveling ministry of 12 men plus the women who followed Him and for a time 70 more. His ministry was so prosperous He put the thief in charge of the bag. As for Him being homeless the religious crowd uses the scripture the birds of the air have nests and foxes have holes but the son of man has not to lay His head. That does not mean Jesus was homeless. That is a kingdom scripture. Jesus is the head of the church the church is His body. He had no body of believers to lay His head on. Jesus had a house. The word says the disciples asked Him,WHERE IS YOUR HOUSE AND HE SAID COME AND SEE. Jesus did not shop for clothes at the local Salvation Army. The coat He wore on the day of His crucifixion was so valuable the soldiers gambled for it. It was a coat fit for a KING. Jesus did not go without meals nor those with Him. Just because he ate green corn out of the fields and helped Himself to the fig tree was the exception not the rule. He could feed five thousand with two fish and five loaves. He could order the sea to give up enough of a catch to sink the boat. So beloved don't waste your time with the rumors....open the book and read the truth.....God would not send His son to earth and not provide for him when His message was that God is the provider... Trust Him with your needs. Glory to the Holy one of Israel!

Monday, August 30, 2010


WHAT IS UP WITH THAT SAINTS? Unworthy only works in church. It does not work in the world...it does not work in a restaurant...it does not work in the store...it does not work in the world....we have endured hundreds of years of poverty preaching......the religious world comes against prosperity messages..... What is up with that.....Jesus never preached poverty he always preached prosperity.....sowing and reaping....blessed coming in and blessed going out...blessed in the field and blessed in the city.......what are you going to do when you get to heaven? You gonna say NO JESUS I'm unworthy... I can't live in a mansion just give me a trailer....there are no trailers in heaven...you gonna say NO JESUS I can't walk on streets of gold...saints you are your father's sons and daughters...poverty is foirgn to the nature of God. Unworthy is foreign to the nature of God. Who told you you were unworthy? The church that's who. Better to believe God than man. You can not go by feelings beloved...you can not become intoxicated by success or paralyzed by failure.
Who told you you were unworthy? It sure was not God. He does not talk like that.......God bless...Linda


Do not despise the wilderness experience beloved for in that experience you find your voice. The Bible says John the Baptist was the voice crying in the wilderness.....John found his voice in the wilderness.....Jesus was baptized and went immediately into the wilderness to be tempted.....he may of went up as the carpenter's son but he came down full of the Holy Ghost and power.....he gained a voice he never used before......we have many wilderness experiences in our life...sometimes we are so overwhelmed we whine to God why me Lord, what did I do to lose your protection? Why have you deserted me? Can't you feel my pain? What we should be doing is praising Him and finding our voice......are you on an assignment from God? Or are you under a mandate? An assignment changes you.....a mandate uses you to change others......a voice in the wilderness.......YES!


ABRAHAM WAS 100, HIS WIFE SARAH WAS 90 AND GOD SAID YOU WILL HAVE A SON. They did not believe God for their bodies were dead.....but when Abraham was fully persuaded those two dead bodies brought forth a son...and when he went to sacrifice his son Issac Abraham knew if he brought him from the dead once he could do it again. Just a little side note Issac was not a 12 year old child when Abraham took him to the mountain to sacrifice him...to caculate his real age which was in his 30's you will find scripture that says while they were in the mountains his mama died and it gives her age.......sooooo Issac had to be willing to lay down his life just as Jesus was.......you are going to dig in the Bible and find out if I speak the truth aren't you? You will be amazed the treasures that are hidden there. God bless, Linda


FROM THE TABERNACLE TO THE TEMPLE GOD WAS IN A BOX....IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL BOX WITH GOLD FURNITURE,BUT IT WAS STILL A BOX. The people were not allowed into His box and the high priest could only come in their behalf at certain times and if he was not spiritual and physically clean he died. Then Jesus was crucified and the curtain in the temple was rent in two and God came out of the box and now dwells within the hearts of men as accessible as our next breath.......what a gift....God bless, Linda


God is the fruits of the Spirit.....love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness,goodness,faith,meekness, and temperence......What God does is call things that aren't as if they were. Glory to His Holy name!

Sunday, August 29, 2010


This blog is not for every one but for those who operate in the gifts according to Corinthians .......I operate in the word of knowlege...I never know what God is going to say until it comes out of my mouth...for many years I worked the gift and some of the saints I ministered to would say no that isn't right and I went away feeling like I had missed God, but a few days later the person would return and tell me I had spoke the truth but they were afraid to admit it. How ever many received the word with joy or deliverance or healing or salvation. People are still lying to the Holy Ghost. It is not a new thing to lie to the Holy Ghost, a married couple in Acts lied to the Holy Ghost and God gave Peter a word of knowledge about the lie and God struck them dead. Over the years as the gift has grown I now trust God. I no longer believe I miss God. Now when someone says it is not true I simply say the Holy Ghost does not lie and they immediately tell the truth........the Holy Ghost is not a person to fear and he does not lie. He will always edify and lift you up by speaking truth only you and God knows....if someone comes with a condemning word you can be sure they were not sent by God. It is the enemy's job to condemn. Be delivered from people and trust God. Do not let believers humiliate you into believing you have missed God and quench the Spirit . Just trust Him....God bless, Linda


A saint gets up in the morning and H. G. (HOLY GHOST) says what are we going to do today? The saint replies God, don't you know what you're going to do today? God is the heart...Jesus is the face of God...the Holy Spirit is the mouth of God....but the saints are his hands and feet.....think about it...God Bless, Linda


WE HEAR PEOPLE TALK ABOUT HEAVEN ALL THE TIME,but which heaven are they referring too? According to the Bible there are three heavens...the one that surrounds us....the atmosphere above us where Satan is the prince of the power of the air and the third heaven where God is and where Paul visited. Jesus came down from the third heaven to bless us in the first heaven and equip us to conquer the second heaven. Glory to God!


WHEN THE ENEMY COMES AGAINST YOU.....don't sink down in the darkness and depression that brings a spiritual death to dreams and hopes.....no matter how bad things look.....look up to the light which brings life...Jesus is our hope....there was a study done...they put some rats in a tank of water turned off the light....plunged them into total darkness...the rats swam 3 minutes and gave up and drowned.....they put a fresh batch of rats in a tank of water and left the door open a crack...the rats swam for 36 hours before they gave up...now if a crack of light can encourage a rat how much more can Jesus the light encourage you...God bless, Linda

Saturday, August 28, 2010


AFTER JESUS WAS CRUCIFIED THE BIBLE SAYS.... He appeared in the midst of them. The disciples were hiding in the upper room in fear. Jesus appeared in the midst of their fear and their fear disappeared. Let Jesus appear in the midst of your fear. God bless, Linda


Where ever two or more are gathered in my name there I am. Moses asked God what is your name? He said I am. Jesus said before Abraham was I am. When we gather together we are in the presence of the great I am.......where ever two or more are gathered in my name.....there I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 27, 2010


The most memorized Psalm is Psalms 23......the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want........so why do many Christians act as if it said .....the Lord is my shepherd I shall suffer lack and be grateful for it? He maketh me to lie down in green pastures...green pastures mean nutritious food and contentment when that food is consumed... An attitude of satisfaction...he leadeth me beside the still waters... Do you know why he leads the sheep by still waters? Sheep will not drink from running water. They have a fear of it. He restoreth my soul....have you noticed Jesus always makes the people comfortable before he teaches? If they are hungry, he feeds them, if they are in pain he heals them, if they are in sin he forgives them. He restores their soul so they are at peace to receive his life giving word. He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name sake.....he leads the sheep in the paths of his righteousness for the Bible says our righteousness is as filthy rags....yeah though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil........did you get that beloved? He did not say through the valley of death but the valley of the shadow of death. There is an eighteen wheeler coming at you..... You step out of the way and the shadow of the truck passes over you. The truck would have killed you but the shadow does no harm......for thou art with me... Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me......when a sheep strays near the edge of a cliff the shepherd reaches out with his staff hooks the sheep and drags him back to safety... The rod he uses against enemies of the sheep..... Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies....enemies often gather round to do you harm but they only have the power you give them. If you stay in your peace they can not touch you. Thou anointest my head with oil..... The pest that can literally drive a sheep wild attach themselves to the sheep's face.. Fleas, ticks, flies, mites... The shepherd anoints the head with oil which sends the pests fleeing.....the devil has direct contact with your mind....if you are renewing your mind with the oil of the Holy Ghost the enemy has to flee....my cup runneth over....have you ever noticed God always over answers prayer...no matter what you ask for he gives you more.....surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life....I like to think of goodness and mercy being like two angels attached to my heart....just as the Father, Son and Holy Ghost are three so are goodness mercy and me.....and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever...YES AMEN....THAT IS MY HOME GOD BLESS LOVE YA LINDA

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


At 7:00 this morning I was headed west to a Dr.'s appointment in another city. In the western sky hung a transparent full moon. It looked like an artist had painted the faintest illusion of the moon on an azure blue day lit sky. And in my rearview mirror the blazing rising sun reflected in my eyes. They were about the same height in the sky. A marvelous sight of night giving way to day. The moon appearing in the day...in the jurisdiction of the sun. The moon kept fading until it disappeared. I enjoyed the wonder of it for about 8 minutes about the same time you are allowed to enjoy a sunrise or sunset.it reminded me of the psalms....... Even the heavens declare His handiwork. What a wonderful gift. I wondered how many others looked up and received His gift? I wonder how many never looked up. Turkeys never look up.....but eagles do. Which are you...a turkey or an eagle.....and where the eagles are gathered together.......can anyone finish this scripture for me? I am a blessed woman....love you Linda

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


A Sunday school teacher, Mr. Kimble, in 1858 led a Boston shoe clerk to Jesus. The clerk Dwight D. Moody, became an evangelist and in England in 1889 awakened an evangelistic zeal in the heart of Fredrick B. Meyers. Meyers preached at an American college campas brought Jesus to a student J. WILBUR CHAPMAN who employed former baseball player Billy Sunday who held a revival campaign and brought in Mordecai Hamm to preach and a young man named Billy graham gave his life to Jesus and become a world famous evangelist whom Jesse Deplantis saw on T.V. Who gave his life to Jesus and become a globe trotting evangelist as well and the list goes on ND on and on and on. God knows how to pass the mantle from one generation to another. Just some facts. God bless, Linda


God sent thieves to feed the prophet. I am speaking of the story of Elijah at the brook during a time of famine when He sent the ravens to feed the prophet. I have wondered for years why of all the birds He sent thieves, scavengers. One of the most noisy disagreeable birds in the kingdom. They raid other birds nests and reek havoc. Why not an eagle? Why a raven? I recently read a little devotional that may answer the question. An elderly woman who was in distress was heard praying to God for bread being heard by some mischievous lads. They played a joke by buying a loaf of bread putting it on her doorstep ringing the bell and hiding to see her reaction. When she saw the bread she immediately fell to her knees and thanked God for it. The boys couldn't stand that and popped out and told her God had not sent the bread that they had bought it. She chuckled and said oh the Lord sent it all right even if the devil delivered it.......just a thought.....love ya, Linda

Monday, August 23, 2010


THROUGHOUT MY BLOGS I HAVE ENCOUAGED YOU TO OPEN THE BOOK AND READ IT FOR YOURSELVES. To find the truth. A woman who was not a Jew came to Jesus begging him to heal her daughter. Jesus replied, it is not meet to give the children's bread to dogs. Did you get that beloved? Jesus called healing the children's bread. Her answer was even the dogs eat the crumbs and he healed her daughter because of her faith. She recognized the bread of life named Jesus. We are taught the communion is the body(bread) and the wine is the blood of Jesus. Jesus purchased our healing on the way to the cross by his stripes and our salvation on the cross with his blood. The Bible says you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free......but it is only the truth you know which will set you free....the religious crowd only refers to the bread and wine as the body and blood of Jesus and we do this in remembrance of him. They don't teach the bread is healing. If no man teach us how can we have faith to believe as the woman who sought the children's bread. Remember the children of Israel in the desert who ate the bread sent from heaven every meal? There was not a sick or feeble one among them. Their well being had nothing to do with whether they were sinners or not. They ate heaven's bread every day. Jesus is that bread today. Holy communion is more than you have been taught beloved.....open the book and H.G will reveal the truth of all things to you.....take communion often and believe in the healing power of the children's blood and receive your miracle..God bless Linda


Some labels come automatically like husband wife, brother sister, grandma grandpa, man woman, Christian Jew. That is a natural order in our world. But some labels are placed on us by the world through the flesh.....dummy stupid, fatty beanpole, crazy fanatic, idiot genus....and other things. We can bow to that label and live an unhappy life or we can brush it off. I love it when people call me a Bible thumping, tongue talking Jesus freak. If I dwelled in the flesh those words coul wound me but since I am led by the spirit I rejoice because they saw Jesus in me. Even if they did not like it they saw Jesus....... YEAH! I love what God says about me in 1 Peter 2:9.....but you are a chosen people,(wow God chose me), a royal priesthood, (royal blood from the King of Kings......into the priesthood)a holy nation, (because of Jesus I am holy),a people belonging to God,( I belong to God), that you may declare the praises of Him you called you out of darkness into the glorious light. (that is our job to praise Him) (called out of the darkness..how sad some chose to dwell in such a barren place) into His glorious light ( how God honors us and gives His best) we all live under labels beloved.....chose God's label be led by the Spirit not the flesh...have a great rest of the day you royal priesthood holy nation belonging to God praising His name living in His glorious light. AMEN

Sunday, August 22, 2010


GOD IS NOT CONCERNED WITH GETTING YOU TO HEAVEN. He is into relationships and he has always wanted to come and dwell in you. He is not concerned about bringing earth to heaven but bringing heaven to earth is what he is about. What an awesome thought God bless, Linda


Every man has a fool and a king in him, the one you talk to is the way he will respond.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Satan desires to block the light from your life. He uses two tools. He'll take all the bad things in your life and make them so big they block God or he will take all the accomplishments of your life and make them so big that they block God. Be aware of the enemy's tricks. God bless Linda


YOU HAVE TO SEE GOD'S VISION FOR YOUR LIFE BY FAITH. Consider Joshua as he gazed on the walled city of Jericho with the soldiers on the rampart and the locked gates and God says SEE I have given you Jericho. How in the world could he see that. What he saw in the natural was wall, soldiers and locked doors meaning war. He had to see God's vision by faith. When God says see I have given you the city or the mountain have no doubt, beloved just jump into his vision and SEE. God bless Linda


When we look at the world and see all the great and mighty things taking place it seems as if our life is just a grain of sand in the grand scheme of things. What good is a piece of sand we wonder, but let me tell you what grain of sand can do beloved. A grain of sand can irritate an oyster until it becomes a pearl of great price. Over the years I have made many brothers and sisters angry because I tell them such and such is in the Bible or worse tell them their pet theory is not written. They get upset to the point they open the book and search it out. They usually come back to apologize. A sister once told me I am like a piece of sand that irritates. I just smile and say did you hear that Jesus, I am a piece of sand and I have done my job? A pearl of great price......... that is my Jesus. God bless Linda .

Friday, August 20, 2010



Chapter 21

Chronicles of Malcome

My intercessory prayer partner Nona and I have walked

together in faith and agreement for over twenty years. She is my

beloved sister-in-Christ.

Several years ago Nona and her husband took a trip to

California. Their son had completed his Marine Corps training

and they wanted to attend the graduation ceremony and bring him

back home with them for a small leave before heading to his next

destination. Nona had a beloved pet. A cat named Malcomb. He

was a huge lumbering long haired charcoal gray with beautiful

white markings. She asked me to care for him while she was away

for the week. Sounds simple enough, but not so my friends. I don't

do cats. I have a healthy aversion to cat hair on my person and

furniture. I love and tolerate cats if they belong to you and don't

touch me. Because I love Nona and she loves her cat, I

reluntantly agreed to care for him. Whew! The things I do in the

name of love!

Saturday, Day 1: They've gone away. How can they do that

to me? They are my people! They belong to me. First the boy

goes away and now them. I am angry, (Prowl), (Prowl), (Pace),


Sunday, Day 2: I miss the woman and the man. They closed

their bedroom door. I had to find a new place to sleep. I resent

that! Wait! I hear the door. They are back. I go running to greet

them and play my catch me before I escape game. I come to a

screeching hault, my hair bristling straight up. That is not my

woman and man. It is that woman who comes every Saturday

morning. She won't let me drink from her glass or sit on her Holy

Bible. How dare they send her. I will show them.

Monday, Day 3: I've been pouting all day. Here comes that

woman again. She's looking everywhere for me. She can not find

me. I will not answer her. She sounds worried. Uh-ooo she

found me on top of the grandfather clock near the ceiling. I will just

glare at her. I do not want her here. I want my family. She

sounds nice, but I am not coming down.

Tuesday, Day 4: Here she comes again. I am still high above

her on top of the clock. I will just glare at her some more. I do not

care how softly she begs me to come down. I am not doing it!

Wednesday, Day 5: There's the door. I will scare her this

time. When she leaves I will jump down and race to the door. I

do not know what she has done with my man and woman, but I will

find them. Boy, can she sqwal and jump, but she caught me. I do

not want her touching me. I twist and jerk suddenly out of her

arms. I run and hide behind my woman's chair.

Thursday, Day 6: I am getting awfully lonely. That woman is

back, but I will just stay on top of the China cabinet where I can

peek at her while she gets my dinner. She talks to me all the time,

but I just glare at her. I am not giving in. She does leave me a

lovely meal every day.

Friday, Day 7: There she is again. She is faithful. Maybe she

is not so bad. I will come down and walk around the room, but I

will not let her touch me. She is trying to be friendly, but I'm not

sure. She almost persuaded me, but I'm still not sure. I would

not let her touch me. "Poor Malcomb" she said, "The man and

woman and boy will be back soon."

Saturday, Day 8: It is prayer meeting time. Here is the

woman. She came to me and talked to me. I let her pet me. She

asked me to come down and I did. She petted me some more. She

let me rub against her legs. It feels good to have human company.

She says she is staying for a while. She is going to write something

called, "The Chronicles of Malcomb". Hey! That's me. Guess

what? She let me lay on the table while she was writing. She

talked to me and petted me. I purred for her. I tried to play with

her. I batted her arm with my fists, but she wasn't very good at it.

Not much practice I guess. She was crying while she wrote. I

think she misses the man and the woman and boy too. She told me

they would be back tomorrow. She said I get my old bed back. She

did the strangest thing. She picked me up and went to the woman's

chair. We sat and watched the rain through the window. She

petted, I purred. She is kind of ur plump, and soft and warm. We

sat and watched the rain through the window until I fell asleep on

her lap.

She said it was a good prayer meeting. It reminded her of

Jesus. No matter how cold, angry and distant someone is, He just

keeps walking by and offering His quiet love, until one day they can

believe to receive it. Thank-you, Jesus. The week she spent with

me was a lesson in love. Love never fails.

That week tending Malcomb helped me understand the very

character of the awesome love of Jesus. How His heart must break

when we reject that love. He just keeps quietly coming back,

offering it again and again. No matter how we treat Him, how we

disappoint Him, He just keeps loving us.

Under His protection

Is where I ever want to be.

Surrounded by His love

For all eternity!

God's recipe for comfort and peace is love. For God so loved

the world, He gave His only begotten son....John 3:16.




The words you spoke yesterday determined the life you live today. The words you speak today determine your future. Think about it. I am sure you all know someone who makes the old country song come alive. Gloom despair and agony on me, deep dark depression excessive misery. I'm sure you've heard them say things like...the flu is going round I know I'll get it and be in bed for a week. Sure enough it came to pass. I know I'll have arthritis by the time I'm forty yep. I'll never get a raise. My car breaks down every time I turn around. My teenager is going to end up in jail. On and on they go and so goes their life. God said speak to things that aren't as if they were. That's what He did. He spoke to things that aren't and they became what He said. In fact that is what prayer is. We speak possibilities into impossible situations and believe by faith to become what we spoke. Sometimes people speak negative things into my life and I have to tell you I am not shy to rebuke those things in Jesus name. Jesus wasn't shy to rebuke Peter or the religious leaders and I like to imitate the one I love. I hear people speak a healing prayer on their life and then ruin it with their next breath. Lord heal me if it be thy will. I tell you right now those words canceled out your healing. If it be God's will? Of course it is God's will to heal you. By saying if it be your will doubt enters in and God can't move by doubt only by faith. Read the book He purchased your healing with His stripes before He purchased your salvation with His blood. Yes, beloved words matter. The book says we will be judged for every idol word we speak. Speaking is the creative power of God and He passed it on to us. God bless Linda

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Everyone in the Christian world knows the most famous Bible verse John 3:16..... For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son......... But on the other hand have you considered John 10:28-29.........the shepherd speaking of the sheep said.....I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand....... God loved and He gave us His son then God gave us to His son.......no devil in earth or hell can pluck us out of the Father's hand. We are in the Father's other hand. What a promise beloved...he is mine and I am His....... God bless....Linda

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


The last few months the Lord has given me a revelation to refuse to leave my peace. No matter what the enemy throws at me I shall not leave my peace. I have spent many years as a prayer warrior. I now find if I do not leave my peace I don't have to go to war any more for the battle is won. Every day I have opportunity to get involved in the world's soap operas but I refuse to leave my peace. The first thing the enemy will do is to try and trouble your mind. He wants you distracted. I have found that remaining in my peace confuses the enemy. I am no longer an easy target. Jesus says in John 14:27 I leave you peace. My peace I give to you. I do not give it to you as the world does. So don't let your hearts be troubled. Don't be afraid. ..........words of wisdom my friends do not let your heart be troubled. Do not be afraid. There is healing in peace. There is a feeling of well being in peace. Ladies remember when you were first married and crisis would come. Your husband would wrap his arms of love around you in a place of safety and tell you don't worry it will be all right. That was a safe place to dwell. He comforted your heart and you were no longer afraid. You felt you could conquer the world as long as you were together. It brought you strength you did not know you had. You became a giant killer. Do not leave the peace of Jesus. He is your comfort your ever present help in time of trouble. Refuse to be moved, like a tree planted by the water. Peace is powerful beloved. God bless LINDA

Monday, August 16, 2010


Don't you know every time Peter heard a rooster crow he was embarrassed to remember how he denied Christ. Peter was embarrassed and preachers have been eating chicken for Sunday dinner ever since. Isn't that funny? I remember once at work at the rest home I too heard the cock crow. There was a nurse who was not kind to the clients. I struggled every day to try and find something good about her to like. I could not. I resented her insinsitivity. I had been witnessing to my unsaved boss for 6 years. That day the nurse did something so cruel I flew mad and said to my boss without any thought......I know Jesus died for her too but I can not figure out why? I ruined 6 years of testimony of love for a moment of anger. I was ashamed. No matter how wrong she was I was just as wrong to judge. I should have prayed. Has the rooster crowed and embarrassed you?



Friday, August 13, 2010


THE WORLD LOVESLABELS. If they cannot explain a behaviour they label it and then use drugs to medicate it and tone it down and have years of therapy which makes them a paycheck and does not solve the problem. We have a prime example of by-polar behavor in the Bible. His name was David and he was called a man after God's heart. David was a mess. He killed a giant with a stone and next you find him hiding out in caves fearing death. Look at the book of Psalms written by him. One chapter he's whining and telling God how pitiful he is the next chapter he is over the moon with praise and adoration. One day he rapes a woman and kills her husband and the next he's lying prostate on the temple floor begging God to forgive. David was a by-polar mess but he remained the apple of God's eye because he was quick to repent and God was quick to forgive. God knew the heart of this man and that no matter what bad decisions he made in his life he would never back slide from serving God and praising His Holy name. Just something to think about. God bless love ya, LINDA


A word of encouragement and promise can be found in the book of Ps.32....from the Everyday Bible........Happy is the person whose sins have been forgiven, whose wrongs are pardoned. Happy is the person whom the Lord does not consider guilty. In that person there is nothing false. When I kept things to myself, I felt weak deep inside me. I moaned all day long. Day and night you punished me. My strength was gone as in the summer heat. Then I confessed my sins to you. I didn't hide my guilt. I said "I confess my sins to the Lord." And you forgave my guilt.


John out ran Peter. Four little words but a powerful message in those words. There is a hunger and thirst for the anointing of God. People are crying out to see him move. There is an awakening in hearts to know Him and see the miracles, the signs and wonders that follow the preaching of His word. John out ran Peter. Those who have the heart of God will always out run those who have a revelation. When you read the 4 gospels it is easy to see John had a personal relationship with Jesus. He was loved, the one who lay his head on the masters breast at the last supper. He knew the heart of God. Are you a John? Will you out run Peter? Do you have a relationship or a revelation? God bless, LINDA

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Lost in the pain.
Lord what can I do?
In my disspare,
But reach out to you.

The arms that would hold me,
Are there no more.
Just bittersweet memories,
Of the one I adore.

The rainbow is fading,
No longer a delight.
The silence is loud,
As I struggle through the night.

Where is the comfort,
I so diligently seek.
It is here in my broken heart,
As I kneel at your feet.

The words come,
As a sobbing breath I take.
I won't leave or forsake you,
Make no mistake.

Let hope have it's moment,
While you are lost in your pain.
Joy will come in the morning.
You will love and live again.


ANGER MANAGEMENT IS A CROCK! The world's solution for anger is to suppress and manage it. What about anger resolution? How about getting rid of it. God's answer is simple, it is called forgiveness. You can't stay angry at something you have forgiven. Forgiveness destroys the root of bitterness. Without a root it can not live. Let us be wise men and follow the instructions of the Holy One of Israel.


Beloved of God how many times have you heard the religious crowd say, "Relax God is in control"? Where did they get that? It is not written. I have often told my children, Christians are not defeated by the enemy as often as they are defeated by their own laziness. They are too lazy to open the book and read it for themselves. God is only in control of what you give Him control over. God is not in control of cancer, He is in control of healing cancer. God is not in control of sin, He is in control of forgiving sin. Some blame God for earth quakes saying it is an act of God. Come on people, He is a life giver. The enemy comes to steal kill and destroy. If it is God's will to kill thousands of people in an earthquake and you see a small child trapped in the rocks crying out for help then you need to walk on by and let her die to stay in the will of God. That is ludicrous you must stop and help her. Some religious folks say the word of God is the most powerful thing in the world but the Bible says the tradition of men make the word of God void. What is the truth beloved? The word of God is the most powerful thing in the world if it is activated by faith in that word. If you follow the tradition of men it is of no consequence to your life. Do not bow to the religious crowd beloved. Know the word for yourself. Do not relax and believe God is in control of everything. Your free will, your faith or lack of it pushes His hand to action or refrains Him. I encourage to read the book for yourselves and learn the truth. God bless. I love you, Linda


HOW DO YOU REACT TO A TORNADO? A few years ago we had a devastating tornado in our community. I never feared tornados as I grew up in Kansas and could see them coming from miles away. At least once a week we children were grabbed by our parents and shoved in the potato bins of a nearby cellar. However when we moved to Missouri and I married my husband I found he had an unnatural fear of them and ran from them. He instilled this fear in our children. He would drag us out in the rain and wind and run from the storm in the car, the absolute worse thing you can do. He was driven by his fear and we suffered for it. When I heard the siren warning of the coming tornado I was at work in a nearby city. The rest home where I was working started racing to get the patients into the hallways. I remember telling the nurse that it was wasted energy because where I was no harm would come nigh my dwelling. Unknown to me my children were running in the center of the devastating storm in their father's fear. One was in his pick up an was litterally lifted up and set back down. He took refuge in a small revene. Another son with twin infants took refuge in a closet under mattresses while another son trying to rescue them drove into a tree during the hail and high winds and got them carried to safety. Another son was standing on a front porch watching houses being ripped apart. We got word that my city had been hit bad. The storm destroyed many homes and killed an elderly man. I told my workers that my house would be standing unharmed. When I returned to the devastation of the storm I found my home intack a few tree limbs down and most of them from the neighbors yard. My neighbors tin shed was upside down in my yard. The damage I received was a few shingles blown off the small chicken house made out of crates. My point being is I spoke peace to the storm concerning my home and my children. My children ran around in their own power and their own strength trying to save themselves. I am not saying we should be foolish. I am saying by faith you can speak peace to the storm. My children have drug me to storm cellars a few times since then and now I refuse to go. They now call me and tell me there is a tornado warning and I tell them ok get to shelter me and God are going to hang out here and be comfortable. As long as my children operate in fear they need to seek shelter as for me I seek the shelter of the Almighty's arms of safety. I seek the wisdom of H.G. (Holy Ghost) . He always tells me the truth. If He gives me peace I stay put. I remember being at a revival in another city with my sister-in-law. The tornado whistle sounded and the lights went out. The evangelist admonished the people do not be afraid no harm will come nigh you as long as I am in the house, but if you see me take out the back door you'll know the Holy Spirit has told me to go. In a small city where the tornado took out several miles of houses there was a story of an older woman who cried out to God to save her. She trusted Him with her life there was no time to run. He did exactly as she asked when the storm passed she was standing behind her door. Her home was gone. The only thing left standing was her and the door. I believed if she had cried for God to save her and her house He would have done so, but He acted according to her faith. He gave her exactly what she asked for. During a storm my first act is to pray. My children react by running in fear and then crying out God save me. Do you act or react. How do you address the storms in your life. The words of Jesus still work best, peace be still and trust that He is God. Someone out there today is reacting to a storm in their life and I ask that person to stop, be still and speak peace into that storm. I love you. God bless...LINDA