Saturday, September 3, 2011


GOD HAD PLANNED A SPECIAL PARTY WITH HIS CHILDREN FOR 4 HUNDRED YEARS. The mountain was trembling. Go came down on bolts of lightening. It was to be a day of vows for God and His children. He was offering them a relationship as He had with Adam in the garden. Moses went down the mountain and delivered the message. The children said no we are afraid. You go talk to God for us and then tell us what He says. That day the children of God chose religion instead of relationship. God was grieved when Moses gave Him their answer....He told Moses ok build me a box. That box was the ark. God was placed in a box and welt in the Holy of Holies. Only the priests could enter there in behalf of the children of Israel. And then the priests would approach them with God's answers. That was the day man put God in a religious box, saints. We have heard many sermon's exhorting us to let God out of the box but even today we ten to keep Him in a religious box depending on the preacher to talk to God and tell us what He says, when we could have a personal relationship with Him. Food for thought my friends.


OUR LIVES ARE FILLED WITH INTERRUPTIONS. Some respond to the interruptions, others don't spare the time and walk on by them. Interruptions are often divine appointments from God. 90 per cent of the miracles of Jesus were interruptions. Most happened as He was on His way to do His business. He was on his way to a meeting when He was interrupted by the centurian. On the way to help the centurian He was interrupted by the woman with the issue of blood. On His way He was interrupted by a tax collector in a tree. He was interrupted by a funeral and stopped to raise a dead man. He was teaching the religious crowd and interrupted by a man let down through the roof. There is a story in the Bible..... Two donkey's left the ranch. The father sent his son and a servant to find them. The son was Saul. They searched three places and did not find the donkey's. Saul says it is time to head back to the ranch. The servant says no we are close to the seer's house. He can tell us what we want to know. Saul says we cannot approach a prophet of God without a gift. I have nothing to give. The servant says you may not have a gift but your father gave me enough to give a gift. They go to Samuel's house. The prophrt says stay till tomorrow and I will tell you what is on your heart. They stay. The donkey's have already been found so they are no longer an issue and Samuel tells Saul he is to be king of Israel. Your plans will take you to good my friends but your interruptions will take you to great. God bless, Linda


Your Exodus from the usual and the norm begins now.

What happens first when God begins an Exodus?
God executes justice on the adversary and sets things right.
God bless enjoy your Exodus Saints.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


WE MEMORIZE MANY FAMILIAR SCRIPTURES in the Bible....Psalms 23...the Lord's prayer ...John 3:16.... But I ran across one the other day that we all should memorize and speak often. Paul spoke to the Ephesians exhorting them to win the battle against the enemy. He told them how to put on the whole Armour of God. To resist the devil and he will flee and then on the 19 verse of Eph. 6 he says pray for me.... And goes on to tell them how and what to pray for. Pray also for me that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly as I should. Isn't that good. Indeed that must have been the desire of his heart from birth because he was those things even when he was persecuting God . But to speak fearlessly the mystery of the gospel should also be our hearts desire saints. God bless, Linda

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


The disciples has just watched Jesus feed the 5000 and the disciples had had hands on experience in a great miracle. They saw the awesome power of God. Jesus was rung out and weary. He told the disciples to get in the boat and go to the other side. He went up the mountain to pray and be alone with the father. To remove himself from the ministry of the crowds. Jesus had been training the disciples for the ministry for months, they still did not get it. They are in the boat. A storm comes up. Faith flees in the presence of fear. The enemy convinces them the boat is going to sink. They believe the lie. Jesus has been teaching them to do what he does and to say what he says. That all he says and all he does comes from the father to him and is released from him to his followers. He sends them off alone armed with faith. Trouble comes(the storm) they lose faith and embrace fear. They move from the land of more than enough (miracles) to the land of lack (we are not enough). Refreshed, Jesus comes strolling by, walking on the water. The scriptures says he would have walked by but they called out to him. We can learn an important lesson from their experience. When Jesus was not present they felt fear and they felt powerless. When he showed up faith returned and they felt powerful. With him there... everything would be all right. Peace comes to still the storm. The same thing happens to us. When we drift away from his presence we become weak and powerless, but when we pray and praise forth his presence miracles can happened, answered prayer is a surety. The thing they failed to realize is the boat was never meant to sink. It's destiny was to reach the other side. In our faith our destiny is not to sink but to reach the other side. Heaven is our destiny. Another lesson is that as soon as their faith got them through the mess they were in and they got to the other side... the person they met was a house for a legion of demons. What a reward. God has such a sense of humor. A great lesson we can learn from the demoniac is that he was indestructible. When you are in the hand of God you are so valuable that nothing can stop who you are meant to be. Think of all the man went through. He tried to kill himself to rid himself of the torment but he could not. Others bound him with chains and they could not hold him. When Jesus healed him and returned him to his right mind he sent him home to tell others what God had done for him. Get that... His reward was to go home. Our reward at the end of our destiny is to go home...a place of rest and comfort and peace to think on HIM and all He has done for us. Remember be-loved no matter the matter the world's report the boat was never meant to sink. God bless Linda.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Jesus commanded us, take up your cross and follow me. Jesus' cross was the cross. Man commanded him....if you be the Christ come down from your cross. Our cross is our destiny our future . The only way we can stop following our destiny is if we willingly come down from our cross. I heard a preacher say God had given him a vision of a junk yard full of empty crosses. He asked what was the meaning of the vision and the answer he received was....these are the abandoned crosses the workers of the kingdom has come down from. They have disconnected themselves from their destiny. God is waiting for them to be restored and come take up their cross yet again and follow him. Something to think about.


A couple months before my mom passed last year, her and dad came to my house to visit. It was the last time she ever came to my house before she left us. My son and his 2 sons came over to visit with them as well. I had a bowl of trail mix on my table. It had dried fruits as well as nuts and seeds in it. The youngest grandson had just turned 7. He came often to the table and picked out the dried pineapple from the trail mix and ate it. The pineapple pieces were his favorite. Now my mom is old school and after about the third trip to the bowl she said I think you ought to eat some of the other things and not just the pineapple. My grandson looked at her in amazement and said quietly...I can have anything I want in grandma's house. My mom face was priceless and I burst out laughing. I said mom, he's right, he can have anything he wants in my house. I don't mind if he eats all the pineapple. I thought later of the scripture that says we have to come to him with the faith as a little child. It warmed my heart that my grand kids know without a doubt they can have whatever they want in grandma's house. We should take a lesson of the faith of a child and believe we can have anything we want in our Father's house. Salvation, healing, deliverance, miracles. God bless.


One of my favorite Bible stories is about blind Bartimaius in the 10th chapter of Mark. This is how the story starts...... Jesus is passing by with a crowd following him. May have been up to 2000 people. Imagine the noise level of this crowd. Even if they are being respectively quiet there has to be a murmer going on. There is a blind man begging at the side of the road. Then this blind man cries out...Son of David have mercy on me. The crowd tells him to shut up...don't bother the Master, but the blind man calls out louder and Jesus hears the cry and he stops...stands still and commands the crowd...bring him to me. When Jesus heard the call the crowd faded from him and he focased on the one man. He gives him his personal attention. The crowd goes to the blind man and tells him to cheer up get up Jesus wants to see him. Then an amazing thing happens. The blind man gets up and flings off his garment and goes to a personal audience with Jesus. Today we identify blind people because of their white cane or seeing eye dog. Then a blind man was identified with the garment they When he stood up by faith he threw off his present his past. He threw blindness behind him. When Jesus asked him what he wanted? He said to see. Jesus said according to your faith be it done to you. The blind man received his sight and became a part of the crowd who followed Jesus. I think we all can learn a lesson from this blind man. When we call on Jesus and get his attention we need to by faith throw off our garment of fear, doubt, illness, our present our past and look to the future. That is where miracles can happen. To cast off the garments the world has put on us to identify who they say we are. We need to to look forward to who Jesus says we are.... The healed.... The saved.... The delivered. AMEN.


If you want to be a bridge of hope sometimes you have to let people walk on you. Think about it. It is not our job to judge how the world receives our gift. It is our job to give the gift of hope and Jesus is his name. God bless.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


JERIMIAH WAS A YOUNG MAN OF 17 when God called him and started living him instructions. God told him what to do for 23 years and then says I want you to write down everything I have ever told you. He got a friend a scribe and wrote down al God had ever told him. The King heard about the book and demanded to read it. Most of the book was about the King and he did not like it and destroyed the book and God said write it again. Can you imagine. No computer no back up. Wow!


Every week before prayer meeting I ask God for a word. This week he said, come unto me be-loved. Come and rest in me. He called me be-loved. That blessed my heart. We know He loved us enough to sacrifice His son for us and we know He sees us as so much more than we see ourselves, but when He calls us be-loved the same thing He said to His son, that is so awesome. This is my be-loved son...... He called me be-loved. Come and rest in me. We are brought up thinking we have to do something. We have to work for our salvation, we have to do, do, do. But the greater truth is we only have to show up and He does the work. He says His burden is light. He has done the work and now we can rest in His love and His peace. Come unto me be-loved . Come and rest in me.

Friday, May 27, 2011


I was listening to an interview with Steve Sjogren. He does servant evangelism. A few years back he wrote a book called, Conspiracy of Kindness. They used a line from his book in the movie Evan Almighty.... Small things done with great love can change the world. He told how he started his ministry which is vast now. He asked God why they were not developing following? God said Steve you are boring. Of course Steve thought that was the enemy speaking and rebuked him. When he told his wife what the Lord had said she agreed with the word. They read through the 4 gospels 4 times and discovered how Jesus was all about doing acts of kindness. They started by giving a free car wash. The customers decided they were Christians so they probably wanted a donation. When they offered, the team refused and said we do this in service of Jesus because we believe He would have done the same act of kindness to you. Then they changed the sign to 1.00 car wash and got even more customers. When they had washed the car the washers handed the car drivers a dollar bill. The customers were so over come they teared up. What a ministry! A visiting preacher came to preach 7 sermons on a Sunday and in the breaks between services instead of Steve offering him a cup of coffee, Steve took him to service stations and they cleaned toilets in the name of Jesus. It truly was a conspiracy of kindness. Small things done with great love can change the world! Also saw a clip for a new 3-d animated movie to come out June the 3rd called... The Lion of Judah. An awesome clip. I want to see it. Take your kids. It will be an awesome movie. God bless. If you are interested in Steve his web site is

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


If you can praise in a hostel environment you can change the atmosphere. Let us look at the lady with the alabaster box. The disciples were in the house having church with Jesus. When she walked in it became hostel territory. The disciples did not want her in their service, after all she was a sinner. It is sad that they walked with him for over three years and still had that attitude. They really got mad when she broke the box and anointed Jesus. They had money on their mind. It could have been sold and given to the poor they claimed. Jesus defended her from the religious crowd. This was her best worship gift to the messiah preparing him for his imintent death. Her actions, his defense changed the atmosphere of that hostel environment. Friends we need to have the courage of this woman who did not bow to hurt feelings or criticism. But bravely worshiped and ministered to Jesus. Hair is a woman's glory and she let down her hair her glory for His glory. Her praise and worship in a hostel environment changed the atmosphere to glorify God. Amen.


These are the famous word of Jacob. He had just been in a place of blessing and now he was running for his life. His brother wanted to kill him. He is driven into a wilderness area. His destination was uncle Laban's place so he thought, but he had to go a different route so his brother could not find him. He ended up in a wilderness mountainous place that no herds or people inhabited. There he met God in a dream with a ladder ascending into heaven where he saw God on the throne above the stairs and angels ascending and descending. There he wrestled with an angel till daylight and was blessed. An isolated place where only he and God met. Beloved are you aware that even though Jacob did not know where he was that was the place his granddaddy had visited when he went to sacrifice Issac, Jacob's father, the place Jacob wrestled with the angel and was blessed, the place that is now home to the dome of the rock in Israel and the place where the temple mount will rest when Jesus returns. So the next time you are driven into the wilderness by the circumstances in your life remember, the steps of a righteous man is ordered by the Lord. Even though it looks like a curse this is a place of blessing. Remember Jacob's words. Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place and I did not know it. Amen

Friday, May 20, 2011


I came from the land of Egypt, a slave to my fear.
The land of never enough,
I came into the desert of despair,
The land of just enough.
But when I stepped into the promised land,
I met El Shaddi, the God of more than enough.
I been changed from glory to glory.
Proclaiming to one and all, the greatest love story.
A Father's love for His sons and daughter's.
Hearing the heart of God, that's all that matters.
I've ran a long race from fear to despair to victory,
The promise is life everlasting, come run with me.
The light of the world, the salt of the earth, a city on a hill that can not be hidden,
Dance and rejoice to the marriage of the great I am where you have been bidden.
Gather healing, salvation and deliverance at the throne of grace,
Join Jesus at the right hand of God. As you take your place.


I awoke this morning to a glorious day,
So full of the word, I didn't know what to say.
Should I teach bits of all I learned, just what should I do?
The Holy Spirit says quietly, I only have one verse for you.
It contains the wisdom of the ages, the answers to all things, it's true.
Just give them 1Timothy 6:14,that's all you have to say, that's all you have to do.
These words strengthen faith and bring power.
They were given for this very hour.
They will expand your vision and make you grow.
Follow them and they will teach you all you have to know.
The promised land of great expectations,
Await you for your chosen station.
You are a chosen generation and my word is true.
Do all I command until I return for you.


Walking across Egypt,
What a journey that can be,
Making the same old mistakes,
Enduring the same old company.

Wearing 40 year old clothes,
And 40 year old shoes,
They never wear out you see,
No place to buy something new.

Our food, manna rains from heaven,
Fresh every day,
Can only gather enough for now,
Stocking up causes decay.

We've seen many miracles,
They happen quite frequently,
But we take them for granted,
Grumbling and bored consistently.

Walking across Egypt,
We took all the gold of the nation,
We can only tithe to God,
Cannot spend it carelessly, oh what frustration.

Moses says stop,
Don't bring your offering any more,
We have no room to contain it,
Don't bring it through the temple door.

Walking across Egypt,
The journey could have been made in days,
For 40 years we refused to learn the lesson,
To simply trust God and obey.

Now we see the promised land,
40 years searching at an end,
Because of doubt and unbelief,
We die, only our children enter in.

So when things go good and your family has no lack,
Don't follow the path of the elders, complaining of being bored,
In simple faith, praise and honor the Holy One,
Don't gripe because you can not spend your gold at the store.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Your past is just history. Your future is destiny with Jesus. No matter what has been written in your life, remember Jesus has an eracer. Praise God. God will never bring up your past only the enemy does that. I love what Paul said to King Agrippa. Here Paul has been in jail. Paul has preached to him and the King said I am almost persuaded and the first thing Paul says to him is, I think myself happy. Think yourself happy looking forward to your destiny, don't look back. Looking back can turn you into a useless pillar of salt. Looking forward makes you and those you touch a mountain of hope. God bless, Linda


There was a wayward sheep,
Often wandering from the fold,
The shepherd spent much energy,
Returning him to safety, I'm told.

The shepherd left the ninety-nine,
To search for the disobedient lamb,
Caught with the hook, at the edge of the cliff,
Returned to the safety of the shepherd's hand.

You are forever wandering into trouble,
The shepherd said to the sheep one day,
Now I must break your leg,
So you will at last learn not to stray.

The sheep then had to depend on the shepherd,
To carry him and tend on his every need,
The sheep learned the joy of obedience,
And repented of his wayward ways.

When the lamb's leg was healed,
And he was able to come and go,
Following the footsteps of the shepherd,
Was the path he chose to know.


Burdened by a mountain,
Of guilt and shame.
Can you understand the power,
To be forgiven in Jesus name?

Released from yesterday's bondages,
A weight of care and pain,
Suddenly standing proud and tall,
Never to be the same.

And if you were to ask the Master,
Remember the sin you forgave me for yesterday?
He'd say, "Friend they were tossed in the sea of forgetfulness,
By my blood, they were washed away."

Be of good cheer, do not be afraid,
Your spirit refreshed and new
You no longer have a past,
Forgiveness is His gift to you.


Love was there,
The day man was born.
Created in His image,
By Love he was formed.

The man was lonely,
And Love had compassion,
Drew from man's side,
A creature named woman.

Love set them in a garden,
And provided all their need,
Yet man and woman disobeyed.
Because of their greed.

Because of their sin,
They suffered the curse,
In pain and in sorrow,
They wandered the earth.

But Love had a plan,
If they became lost,
His son took their place,
On a rugged wooden cross.

Though they were cast from the garden,
And could no longer enter in,
Love's son bought their forgiveness,
And the garden was planted in them.

Love's creatures smile in victory,
Through the blood they now own,
To rule as Kings andPriests,
In Love's heavenly garden home.

Monday, May 9, 2011


God speaks in pictures and we hear I pictures. Hebrew the language Jesus spoke has a picture for each letter. If you hear the word dog you do not see the letters d-o-g in your mind but rather you see a picture of a dog. If you hear the word frog you do not see the letters of the word but rather a picture of a frog. If I said to you the word rainbow you would see a picture of a multicolored rainbow in your mind. If I told you God has a rainbow around His throne you would probably see a multicolored rainbow around a huge throne where God sits. Let me change that picture for you. Revelation 4:3-4 and immediately I was in the spirit, and, behold, a throne was set in heaven; and one sat upon the throne. And he that set was to look upon like a jasper and sardine stone; and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald. Wow an emerald rainbow, now that presents a different picture doesn't it? Have you ever imagined a pure dark green rainbow? I don't think so. Since we think in pictures we think of ourselves in certain ways. We will never aspire beyond the picture we have of ourselves. We can live in the land of just enough and not much in the kingdom or we can change the image. Renew our minds and picture what God thinks of us. Kings and priests, more than a conqueror, the head and not the tail, blessed going in and blessed going out. Just having fun. God bless Linda

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


As I was reading my morning devotionals, a statement Paul made in the 2nd chapter of 11Corinthians caught my eye. But I determined this with myself, that I would not come to you again in heaviness. There is another scripture somewhere that says we are to determine in our heart what we shall give to God. I realized some years ago happiness is a state of mind. You can not depend on others for your happiness. Not husbands, wives, children, relationships or jobs. You have to decide. So many times we react according to feelings or emotions when the truth is we have to determine within ourselves as Paul did. That is good word saints. God bless, I love you Linda



Have you ever noticed how God always works from darkness to light? In the beginning the earth was dark and void. The evening and the morning were the first day. From the darkness of a sin filled soul to the light of the word unto salvation. Darkness can never hide the light. Isn't that awesome? Just noticing things. God bless, Linda

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Revelation 1:6 tells us that Jesus has made us Kings and priest to rule and reign with Him. Did you notice He did not make us paupers or beggars but Kings and Priests. The enemy would have us believe we are not worthy of these positions in Christ, but God calls us as He sees us. We must respect the royalty in each other. We may run across a bad king or priest but it is not our job to get into strife or judgement that is between them and God. It is our job to respect the royalty in them. When you respect the royalty in others it helps you to treat them with more honor. As Jesse says this is the altar of opportunity to bless others. It gives God glory when we honor others with respect and love. If someone does not deserve respect that is still ok then it becomes an altar of sacrifice. Sometimes it does not feel good. Thank God we are not moved by feelings but rather by faith.


Has the post man ever delivered letters to you? Of course not...postmen do not deliver letters they deliver envelopes which contain letters. 11Corinthians 3:3 says they we are epistles of Christ living letters. The word the Bible is our love letters from God. The world does not read His love letters. But once we read them we become the living letters of cChrist and the world reads us. We are God's love letters to the world. If we are the letters Christ is the envelope for we are in Him and the address, the destination is heaven. There are three reasons letters are inside envelopes.
1.. To protect or keep the letter clean. That is what Jesus does. He leekps us clean.
2.. Hidden. The letter is hidden from those who should not be reading it. The enemy cannot see our weaknesses through the blood of Christ. He only has the info we give him as we speak it out of our mouth.
3.. Unaddressed envelopes never reach there destination.
Some thing to think about.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011




THE GREAT QUESTION SPOKEN AROUND THE WORLD IS.......WHERE IS GOD IN WHAT IS HAPPENING IN EYGPT? Many men many Christians are giving their opinions but rather saints we should seek God's word. Isaiah 19 says Egypt will suffer civil war and great destruction and the people will demand their leaders step down and toward the end of their suffering they will call out to God and ask for a savior. I love the end of the matter from Isaiah 19:22-25... And the Lord shall smite Egypt : he shall smite and heal it: and they shall return unto the Lord. And he shall be entreated of them and he shall heal them. In that day shall there be a highway out of Egypt into Assyria and the Assyrian shall come into Egypt and the Egyptian into Assyria and the Egyptians shall serve with the Assyrians. In that day shall Israel be the third with Egypt and with Assyria even a blessing in the midst of the land. Whom the Lord of hosts shall bless saying, blessed be Egypt my people and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel mine inheritance. GOOD NEWS!!!!!!


THE OLD TESAMENT IS SHADOWS OF THINGS TO COME. God talks in pictures. Jesse's three oldest sons went to fight the Philistines in Saul's army. Jesse called his youngest son 17 years old the little shepherd boy and sent him with bread and food to his brothers. This is a picture of God the Father sending his son the good shepherd with the word the bread of heaven to save the nations and slay the enemy. Good stuff saints!


Golgatha the place of the scull, the hill where Jesus was crucified. Golgatha is translated Gol- Goliath
Gath- where he lived Goliath of Gath. When David cut off his head, rabbinical history says David took Goliath's head to Israel and buried it on the hill which became known as the place of the scull. I did not know that. Interesting. David killed the enemy of God and Jesus died to strip the enemy of God of his power of death hell and the grave. This will preach brother!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


In the book of Acts when the disciples were waiting on the HolyGhost to come on the day of Pentecost they cast lots(dice) to determine who would take the place of Judus. I thought that strange. Matthias was chosen with prayer and a roll of the dice. He was chosen from the followers of Christ. Man's idea of the right thing to do. God however, though He allowed it chose from sinners, in fact he chose a murder of Christians Saul who would later be known as Paul. Matthias was chosen by the brethern. His destiny was chosen by men a roll of the dice and we never hear from him again. We don't hear of him healing, preaching, baptizing, nothing. Yet Paul whom God chose ended up preaching, teaching, starting churches, baptizing with the Holy Ghost and wrote most of the New Tesament. I looked up about lots casting. Of course we are familiar with the scripture that says they cast lots for Jesus's garment. Other scriptures...
1.preceded by prayer...Acts1:23-26
2.with divine sanction...Numbers 26:55
3.considered final...Numbers 26:56
4.selection of scapegoats...Lev. 16:8
5.detection of a criminal...Joshua 7:14:21
6.selection of warriors...Judges 20:9-10
7.choice of a King...1Samuel 10:19-21
8.deciding priestly rotation...Luke 1:9
9.used by the ungodly...Matthew 27:35

Has your destiny been decided by the roll of the dice by the religious crowd or by mom and dad?
Or have you answered a call of God? I wonder how many marriages have been formed because the church decided they should be joined or family or friends decided they would be perfect together. I wonder how many asked God and then waited for His answer? A roll of the dice....a Holy thing or a man thing?

Monday, March 28, 2011


ISAIAH 58:6-8 is not this the fast I have chosen? To loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke. Is it not to deal bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out of their house? When thou seest the naked ,that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh. Then shall thy light break forth as the morning,and thy health shall spring forth speedily; and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the Lord shall be your rearward.

Did you notice He lists 4 things that will spring forth your healing speedily?
1. Feed the hungry
2. Take in the homeless
3.clothe the naked
4. Examine yourself

I never saw that before.


Luke was a man born out of time. He wrote one of the 4 gospels. He was the only one who did not walk with Jesus or see the deeds first hand. As was Paul, Luke was born out of time. He became Paul's lifetime friend and co-worker. He interviewed those who were present at the events of Jesus ministry. Luke is the only one who told of Jesus birth. He of the four was the only one who told of John the Baptist's birth. Luke is the most woman friendly of all 66 books of the Bible. He tells more stories of women and the poor than the others. Luke was a Doctor and some believed he had also been a slave. They believe that was why he paid special attention to the under dog the down trodden. His book is known as the book that repeats......that you may be certain......a man filled with the Holy Spirit....a seeker of truth.....a man born out of time.


For many years we have heard the story of the prodigal and his brother. In fact if your Bible has titles as mine does the story is titled the prodigal. In fact the story is about the Father, His love, forgiveness, grace, and honor. Because of his love for his lost son he could not see the sons sin for His joy of having His son back under His umbrella of protection. Even though the Father knew giving the son the desires of His heart would ruin him He gave it any way. Today a child who makes mistakes and tries to come back home, the father often says you made your bed now go lie in it. We would do well to remember the story is an example of the grief and the hurt the loved son did to his Father's heart and yet the Father never gave up hope and went to the hill every day waiting for the return of His child. He had the best robe ring and shoes and feast ready to celebrate his return.

Monday, March 7, 2011


God loves to talk. In fact He loves to talk so much He named Himself the word. Every time God wants to put a miracle in your life there is a conversation. It is called prayer. Every conversation is an instruction rule for your life. When you follow an instruction rule of God, God is indebted to you for your obedience. Obedience is the seed that God never denies. Your future is one instruction away. Soooooo go have a conversation with the Word who loves to talk and hang out with you... God bless Linda


Every year I buy a calendar from the mouth and foot painters. Each month has a lovely piece of art and a wisdom statement. I especially liked the March picture and bit of wisdom. The picture was of purple and yellow crocus springing forth from patches of snow. The first signs of spring yes! The wisdom statement was from Emily strange that nature does not knock, and yet does not intrude. I thought how like Jesus that comment is.......he never knocks and He never intrudes. The scripture says if we knock the door will be opened. Have you ever noticed in the picture there is no door knob on the outside. You have to knock for the door to be opened. Jesus is a gentle man. He never enters where He is not welcome. You have to invite Him in. Just wanted to share the beauty and wisdom of spring. God bless, Linda

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Giving changes the atmosphere

Did you ever notice how giving changes the atmosphere? You give praise and worship and the presence of God shows up. You give a compliment and it makes some ones day. Your husband comes home from a hard day at work, you greet him warmly and tell him how great you think he is and he out does himself trying to be that great guy you've accused him of being. Guys you bring your wife home a gift for no reason just because you love her and she is so touched she gets all warm and fuzzy. I visited a church once that startled me. When it was offering time instead of enduring it with solemn faces they rose to their feet with joy and thanksgiving praising God according to the scripture God loves a cheerful giver. It changed the atmosphere in that place. Of course you can change the atmosphere to evil as well with an unkind word, causing wounded spirits. Chipping away at some ones self esteem. What ever you give changes the atmosphere.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


I was reading the 4th chapter of Matt. When I saw something I had never noticed before. In verse 12 it when Jesus heard that John was cast into prison he departed into Galilee. Verse 17 says...and from that time Jesus began to preach and to say, Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Jesus did not begin to preach until after John was in prison and that happened right after Jesus was baptized and was led into the wilderness. No wonder John sent someone to ask Jesus if he was the one since he never witnessed the miracles and wonders. Isn't it amazing how you can read the same scripture for 50 years and get something new every time. God bless, Linda


The Bible says to guard your heart. It says God looks on the heart. At the end of every life that person will have one of three heart conditions. Each condition is a choice each person makes.

1. A hard heart... A heart that is impregantable . A heart that refuses the mercy of God.

2. A broken heart. A heart that refuses to be healed.

3. A tender heart... A heart that yields to the love of Jesus.

What heart condition will you have? The choice is yours God bless


There is a new Christian web site originated from Lamar for Christians to talk Bible and discuss many subjects. I will be leading the study on Matthew would love to have some of you join the site and the groups. It goes beyond the blog in as much as you can comment and bring up missed points. I know some of you are as hungry to speak the word and learn His ways as I am. They need participating Christians there. The address is....... hope to see you there. They also have a place for you to submit a blog about your faith or Jesus or whatever there as well.

Friday, February 25, 2011


Did you know in Jesus time when the people went to the temple to worship they had to descend into a immultion pool for they were considered un pure. There were two staircases going into the pool with a division down the middle. The un pure went down one stairs, immersed themselves in the water and came up the other stairs pure. Then they could enter the temple and worship. There was a troth through the center of the pool where running water flowed through. They called this living waters and they called the stones..talking stones. Most Hebrew scholars believe this is where Acts 2 happened. It is the only area big enough to hold 3 thousand people. Remember it was Pentecost and the people gathered from all nations and journeyed to the city to worship in the temple and when the Holy Ghost fell and they spoke with tongues every man heard in their own language. There are many immersion pools before you mount the stairs to the temple. This is the only place where 3 thousand could have been baptized. The Jews were used to the immersion in water so it was not unusual for them when John came baptizing in the river Jordan. Isn't the wisdom of God amazing God bless, Linda

Monday, February 21, 2011


Did you know the very day that Jesus enter Jerusalem on a donkey was the very day that the lambs were presented at the temple to be examined and determined if they were fit for sacrifice. Jesus entered the city presenting his body to be examined for the ultimate sacrifice for mankind and we all know He was rejected and yet crucified a living sacrifice. What man rejected God approved. There are only two recorded places in scripture reporting Jesus wept. He wept at the tomb of Lazarus and He wept as He looked down on Jerusalem before He entered the city. Both times He wept because of their unbelief. O' Jerusalem Jerusalem how often would I have gathered you as a hen gathers her chicks but you would not. Jerusalem who killed the prophets of God would now condemn the Son of God. But soon according to Bible prophesy Jerusalem will acknowlege and embrace her King. They will finally recognize Him. Please remember to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. God's Holy City. It is a command in scripture. God bless, Linda

Saturday, February 19, 2011


I support Day of Discovery ministry by purchasing their learning cd's every year. I recently received a cd called Bethlehem beyond the Christmas story. They took us to the place where Jesus was born and on to the shepherd's fields. I was amazed at the knowledge they released. Did you ever wonder why God called the shepherds as the witnesses to Jesus's birth? Why not the temple priests, why not the inn keeper, why not the scholars? Why did He chose the shepherds? They took us to the fields of the shepherds. There is a two story tower there. The head shepherd would go to the top story to watch over the sheep because these were shepherd priests who watched over the sheep who were later taken to the temple to be sacrificed. In the bottom story of the tower the other shepherds used this place to birth the sacrificial lambs. They would pull the lambs. As soon as they were born they wrapped the lamb in swaddling clothes to protect the lamb from getting a scratch or blemish worthy of sacrifice and placed it in a manger. . When the lamb was settled down they would unwrap the lamb and took him to eat. Remember what the angels told the shepherds... Behold this shall be a sign unto will find a child wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger. Wow ! Jesus the sacrificial lamb of God wrapped in swaddling clothes in a manger the way the priest shepherds could understand. Amazing. AND THIS SHALL BE A SIGN UNTO YOU.


I have a burden for troubled young people this evening. Especially those who cut themselves. I can't wrap my mind around that type of self abuse. It has only been the last few years that I have even heard of such a practice. I did not realize it is not a new thing but an act carried out for the pagan god Baal. I was reading about Elijah and the word said.....they called on the name of Baal even from the morning until noon, saying, Baal, hear us, but there was no voice or any that answered.... It came to pass at noon, that Elijah mocked them, and said, cry aloud; for he is a god; either he is talking, or he is pursuing, or he is in a journey, or peradventure he sleepeth, and must be awakened. And they cried aloud and cut themselves after their manner....till the blood gushed out of them...but there was neither voice, nor any to answer, nor any that regardeth. 1 KINGS 18:26-29. Of course I knew cutting was demonic but I never realized before that it is in actuality a form of worship to a pagan god who neither answers or regards. John 10:10 says the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy.....these are literally destroyed for lack of knowledge. They are trying to fill an emptiness that can only be filled with Jesus. Let us pray for them... Father God we come in humble supplication for these who bow to the enemy unknown to themselves. We ask for you to shine light in their darkness that they may see the truth and welcome it into their hearts. We bind the power of the evil from their lives and offer the life that is found in your word Jesus Christ. We deliver them into your hands and ask that you send laborers across their paths. We thank you for drawing these wounded spirits to our attention and we ask that you would ever remind our hearts of mercy to remember them to you. For you are the hope and glory Jesus name we pray amen.


As most of you know I arise at 3 or 4 in the morning. I have a cup of tea with Him and we fellowship together before the world can crowd in on me. I am going to attend a Christian writers fellowship this April. I am going to have a book agent review some chapters in my book and work at getting it published. I was thinking on these things and the Holy Spirit said why seek ye the promised land when He lives within you? Have you ever noticed how God always brings wisdom by asking a question? We as Christians tend to seek the promise land. We know the scripture says seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all these other things shall be added unto you, but even when we think we are seeking the kingdom first the world tends to get in our way. We need to let the word get in our way not the world. I wrote the book three years ago and have been frustrated at my efforts to get it published. When I read one of the guests would be a book agent looking for new authors I felt God was opening a door. God told me to write the book and even named the chapters and told me how many chapters to write and why. I believe God is able to finish the work He starts and yet I have been looking to man to do things the usual way. Indeed I need to seek the kingdom first and believe God for the finished product. I had never thought of Jesus as the promised land before. He truly is the promised land. He has ever thing I need and will ever need, why should I seek it from the world. What a blessed peace that word brought to me. Be blessed, Linda

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


What you will not hear on the news about Egypt is found in the 19th chapter of Isaiah which tells that the people will turn to the Lord and the nation will be saved.


WE HAVE BEEN TALKING ABOUT PEACE THE PEACE JESUS GIVES US. The peace Jesus purchased for us in the garden. A couple of His disciples were walking to Amais and Jesus joined them but he did not know who He was. They got to the house and it was late an they asked Him to stay and He agreed. Then He broke bread and gave it to them. It was Holy communion and their eyes were opened and they knew him. While back I gave a devotion on healing being the children's bread. Did you noticed saints as soon as they took communion specifically the bread their eyes were opened. Their mind was cleared and they could see. I recently heard a testimony of a man who had back pain for several months and could not get rid of it. He started taking communion every day. He would visualize the Lord's body and how He had taken his illness on Him. His back pain did not belong to him it had already been paid for by Jesus. After 7 days of taking communion his pain left his body. When I heard this testimony the Holy Spirit reminded me of the scripture....discerning the Lord's body. This scripture is dealing with the communion. I had never thought of discerning the Lord's body in this concept before.... Of looking at Jesus with my illness in His body, a debt already paid for. Truly healing is the children's bread the bread of Holy Communion. And my eyes were opened to discern the Lord's body.


OLIVES HAVE TO GO THROUGH 3 PRESSES. The first press gives the virgin oil which is to use in the temple to light the menorah..a Holy use. The 2nd press is for medicine. The 3rd press is used to wash the body. When Adam sinned and was cast out of the garden God says now you shall work by the sweat of your brow. Now work would become stressful. Then Jesus the 2nd Adam is in a garden called Gethsememe which means oil press and he is sweating blood. He is under stress of what is to come. Isaiah says the chastisement of our peace was upon Him. He delivered unto us His peace before He bore the stripes for our healing and then His blood on the cross to wash away our sins. The first press..our peace...holy for our temple...the 2nd press for our healing... The 3rd press to wash away our sins.


WHEN we review the story of the woman at the well there are some things we fail to notice. For instance she had three things against her... First she was a Samaratan whom the Jews called dogs and had no dealings with... 2nd she had a bad reputation as she had been married many times and was noe living with a man without marriage and 3rd she was a woman. She couldn't even go to the well when the other women did because they shunned her presence. She had to go later. Also she had 7 men and none satisfied her....none filled the empty place in her spirit...none offered her peace, but when the 7th man showed up (Jesus), he did not condemn her. He let her know he knew her situation and offered her peace and sent her out as the first evangelist... To preach the Messiah whom she met at the well tell the town what she had had seen. I find it interesting that Jesus does not pick who the church crowd would pick. I also find it interesting that when He was resurrected He chose to talk with Mary first. He also chose her to be an evangelist to take back the message of his resurrection. She also was a harlot before she came to Him. He gave them both living water and they sold out to Him. Have you met the 7th man?


The first time that love is mentioned in the Bible is when God says to Abraham.... Take the son that you love.... I find that interesting. Issac was a type of Christ. The son Abraham loved and then we have God saying in John 3:16 and God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I was watching a 10 year old rerun of praise the Lord last night and a woman gave a testimony of a revelation word of God on praying your family into the kingdom. Her husband did not want to be with her any more and he divorced her. She was devastated. In time she joined a women's prayer group who were in like circumstances. They taught her how to pray for her husband. They asked her if she wanted him back and she said yes. They taught her to start putting her husband's name into the scriptures and calling what was not as if it was.....for instance.....Psalms 1:1 blessed is Jake who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful. But Jake's delight is in the law of the Lord and he meditates on it day and night. Wow! Three years later that man returned and they were remarried and now have a ministry with divorced Christians and non-Christians alike. That is a powerful word. The word of God never returns void. I have known people who have prayed for family members for years with not many results but I feel in my spirit this will bring results. I have family members I will pray this prayer for. If this prayer is for you the spirit will bear witness with your spirit. Let me hear your testimony of victory when it comes, for beloved it will come. God bless, Linda


What price can be put on healing, be-loved? Healing is a priceless gift as is salvation and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. There is a story in the 3rd chapter of Acts about a man lame from birth. Every day he was layed at the gate beautiful to ask alms of those who entered the temple. This was his place of business, his job to beg for daily wages. Jesus had passed by him many times and never offered to heal him, yet after the Holy Spirit came upon Peter and John they were going to the temple at the hour of prayer and the lame man begged alms of them. I will paraphrase. Listen up fellow, get you eyes and mind off your job. Stop begging for a minute and look on us. We don't have any money for you, but we have something worth far more. We will give you what we have and it will change your life forever. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk. Peter reached down his hand and lifted the man to his feet in faith never doubting and the man's ankle bones received strength and he not only rose up and walked as he was commanded but rose up leaping and walking and went with them into the temple praising God. That was probably the first time the man had ever attended a prayer service in the temple and he went leaping and walking. A restored healed man who could now work and never again beg for his daily bread. Notice how God always over answers prayer? Saints of God, silver and gold have I none but such as I have I give to you in the name of Jesus of Nazareth rise up and be healed and delivered from the bondage of illness in our body receive the healing Jesus and go leaping and walking and praising into the house of prayer God bless, Linda.



Blessed among women,
Yes that is me,
Walking in God's favor,
Toward my destiny.

Healed and saved,
And divinely loved,
Looking forward to eternity,
In heaven above.

Wrapped in His grace,
Protected from the enemy,
Lost in His love,
None can intimidate me.

He is the Sonshine,
The rainbow in my life,
He makes my burdens easy,
And takes away the strife.

His handmaiden is my name,
He dwells within my heart,
His spirit brings me joy,
Never to depart.

He's closer than a brother,
He will never leave or forsake me,
His blood paid the price,
For all eternity.


I have been a widow for over 10 years. Recently a friend asked me, don't you ever get lonely living in this big 2 story house alone. No, I softly replied,( ever notice how people strain to hear when you talk softly). Actually I live with three men, there is not time to be lonely. They raised their brows in shock as I whispered, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Then they laughed and shook their head. A Christian can live alone but lonely is not in the DNA. I am ever busy with my Father's business. There is to much word to hear to watch to read and then there is my job to distribute that word. No time to be lonely, only time to live in the blessing and favor of God. Alone yes, lonely never.


If you are living in any percent of almost you are living in 100 per cent of failure. King Aggrippa said to Paul you have almost persuaded me to be a Christian. As the old saying goes, close only counts in horseshoes. If you almost caught the biggest fish in the pond, you 100 per cent did not catch it. If you almost won the award, you 100 per cent did not win it. If you almost sunk the basket, you 100 per cent did not make it. If you were almost saved you absolutely were not and unless something changes you are on your way to a devils hell. There are only two choices. No room for almosts. We need to live on the flip side of almost. Instead of I almost got saved, our cry needs to be I almost did not get saved meaning you absolutely 100 per cent did get save. Instead of I almost caught the big on, it should be I almost did not catch the big one. You can not almost make it to heaven be-loved. Don't fall into King Agrippa's trap of almost persuaded. Make a decision today to live on the flip side of almost. Amem

Monday, January 17, 2011


Yesterday awaking from my Sunday afternoon nap, I had been dreaming. I rarely remember my dreams but I remembered this one. I had been dreaming about Margaret, a little feisty 80 year old firecracker I was N.A. to for six years. She suffered from alzheimers. In the dream Margaret was sitting in my kitchen laughing and visiting with me. I sometimes brought Margaret to my house for lunch just to get her out and about. It seemed to be one of these times. Suddenly her daughter who lived clear across the country as Margaret often commented was there. Margaret threw her arms around her daughter and started laughing in surprise and delight to see her. Her daughter started singing her a song and Margaret joined in. The daughter called the brother and he came and joined the festivities. We had a grand lunch of cheeseburgers, potatoe salad and porkn'beans with twinkies for desert. Margaret always ate her desert first in case she ate too much food and would not have room for it. I sang to she comes, Miss America and she strutted across the floor with one hand on her hip and the other behind her head like a model laughing all the way. She was such a hoot. Then I awoke, I thought you never lose the ones you love. They always show up in a conversation or a memory or a dream. Even being gone so many years the joy of who they were lives on. I remember one hot summer day I went to Margaret's house wearing knee length shorts. Her favorite show was the price is right with Bob Barker. I think she liked the applause and laughter. She was sitting in her recliner and I was sitting in Putts. By the stone fireplace. All of a sudden a tree frog who must have got inside someway and was clinging to the fireplace flew off and splatted on my bare knee clinging to my skin with those balled feet. Simutaniously I screamed, knocked him across the floor with my hand and shot up out of the chair as if I was on fire. Margaret calmly asked me what in the world was the matter with me. As I told her how a tree frog had startled me we began to laugh so hard we almost wet ourselves. Did you kill it Margaret asked. I don't know let's find it. We found the poor little creature huddled in front of the basement door trying to be invisible. His heart was pumping so hard from the trauma we could see it beating. We rescued him and put him out in the grass. Margaret thought the story was so funny she went to the phone to call her son. By the time he answered she had forgotten what she called about. Margaret could only remember for 5 minutes but they were a great 5 minutes full of laughter and joy. Margaret was a hoot. I miss her, but I have the fun time memories. Hope you enjoyed the saga of Margaret and the tree frog. God bless, Linda



It rains on the just and the unjust,
The sun shines on them too,
But walking in God's favor,
Is a place designed for me and you.

God's grace means unmerited favor,
By faith a place we seek to be,
Learning of His promises,
And the liberty to be free.

No jail or circumstances,
Can hold you prisoner, my friend,
As long as His love surrounds you,
It is just a place you have been.

The enemy will try to put you in bondage,
As you make you're daily walk,
He is the father of all lies,
Don't listen to the way he talks.

Jesus holds the keys,
To death hell and the grave,
He defeated that boogy man on Calvary,
And the keys to man He gave.

So let us walk in victory,
Blessed assurrance so the song does say,
Slaying giants with His word,
As we hurry on our way.



We are the fruit of the earth,
It says so in His word,
We are the salt and light,
A voice that needs to be heard.

He is our salvation,
Our joy and our King,
The love of all ages,
The reason for everything.

To serve Him is to know Him,
To know Him is to give,
Love to all we encounter,
And declare to them He lives.

He is a God of action,
And faith moves Him there,
Creating amazing adventures,
As we go to Him in prayer.

He loves us so much,
He gave His only Son,
So we could be clean all over,
As if we had just begun.

The enemy would try to confuse us,
Laying guilt upon our heart,
But God does not condemn us,
But cheers us on to a brand new start.

God never restricts us,
We can grow as much as we like,
Gathering manna as each man desires,
So tell that lying devil to take a hike.

Bloom where you are planted,
Is what He wants us to do,
The reward is heaven with Him,
And it is reserved for me and you! AMEN



Happy birthday world
It is a brand new year,
A chance for new beginnings,
For you and me and those we hold so dear.

The trees are bare and stark,
Against a cloudless sky,
Snow scatters from the branches,
As a northern wind roars by.

The temperature is dropping,
There is snow here and there,
When you are retired,
You can stay inside and not go anywhere.

A pot of vegetable soup is bubbling,
And there is a nice hot cup of tea,
A sweat shirt over a flannel one,
And I am as warm as I can be.

I remember childhood winters,
Delivering papers and such,
Returning with frozen fingers and toes,
Kids wanted to play snow forts,
And I said no, thank you very much.

My idea of a good time,
When all the chores were done,
Was to cuddle up to the wood stove,
With a good book and think of summer sun.

In the bitter chill of winter,
The saying that impressed me most,
Was this too shall pass,
Kept my thoughts warm as morning toast.

I have endured many bitter winters,
And now I am getting old,
Wrapped in my blanky with my book,
I can sit here and write poems to be told.

Happy birthday world,
Thank you for a brand new year.
Shall we praise His glorious name,
Have another cup of tea and sound a joyful cheer!

Thursday, January 13, 2011




When you belong to Jesus everything that happens in your life pushes you toward Him, to becoming His image. It is a gift. Even the bad experiences push us toward Him to become more like Him. It is hard to view it as a gift but when we do.... we find our ministry to others. I heard a lawyer tell the story of a young man who had been sexually abused by a doctor while he was in the hospital. The experience had damaged this young man's life and his marriage. When they won the suit the young man told the lawyer he and his wife had determined to stay together until the settlement and then divorce. The lawyer started to minister to the young man from the word and told him how his experience was a gift to move him closer to the image of Christ and when he could think of it as a gift he would move closer to the Holy One. Those words turned the young man's life around. It changed his mind abut how he saw the experience turning a curse into a blessing.He began to feel valuable and loved once again and was able to love his wife again and they did not get a divorce. Recently I wrote a blog called don't curse your crises and this story seems to be a second witness. Just sharing


Ever wonder why God picked Noah to build the ark and save a seed of humanity. Because of all the people God found Noah without spot or blemish. The sacrifice had to be without spot or blemish. He was the only pureblood line left. When the angels fell with Lucifer they were demonic. They were called the sons of God. The Bible says the sons of God went into the daugthers of men and there were giants in the land. Until the flood these dark angels had relationships with the women which produced an offspring of giants. Noah was the only pure line left. That my friends is why Noah?


FOR LITTLE PROBLEMS WE SIMPLY SAY PRAY, FOR BIGGER PROBLES WE SAY PRAY HARD. How do you pray hard anyway. Do you grunt and make passionate faces and moan and groan. What does pray hard mean. Do you shout, God is not hard of hearing. Let us see how God reacted to the bigger problems, shall we. When Jesus fed the 5000 He used 5 loaves. When He fed the 4000 He used 7 loaves. Seems when the problems are bigger He used less and when the problems were smaller He used more. Is it not amazing how different God thinks than we do. My point being prayer is easy my friends not hard. It is based on a relationship with Him. We may be overwelmed by the bigger problems, but God is not startled or worried about how to solve them. The red sea gets in the way of deliverance, He sends a messenger to hold up a stick and speak a word of faith and boom the sea parts. Did Moses pray hard... No even though the millions behind him were upset and probably yelling to each other to pray hard, Moses just raised his stick in faith. When someone asks you to pray hard they are usually operating in fear, anxiety and emotions which motivate the enemy to operate freely in their life. Fear and anxiety do not motivate God. Faith motivates God. The first thing you should do is pray the peace of Jesus on that person and when the peace comes then you can move into a deminsion of faith prayer which will motivate God's mercy to save heal and deliver. Amen!


THE BIBLE SAYS JESUS HEALED ALL WHO WERE OPPRESSED of THE DEVIL. He said that infirmity is a spirit. That is good info. I met an older woman years ago at church and built a relationship with her through home prayer meetings. We had known each other for some time and seen Jesus answer many prayers in most unusual ways. She loved and served Him with all her heart and soul. She blessed others wherever she went. You could see Jesus in her. She never complained. One day she drew me into a small room at the church and asked me to pray for her. She had been suffering with back pain for some time and had suffered many things from the doctors which only offered temporary relief. They could not find the cause. This was way back when I first started operating in the gift of the word of knowledge. As I prayed for her back H.G. said, tell her she needs to forgive her father. I did not now anything about her relationship with her father so she knew the words came from God. The God of mercy and grace pierced her heart and she released the story of anger and bitterness and unforgiveness that lived in her heart for all those years. My father has been dead for 30 years. He was an evil man who abused her in many ways. A helpless child who was unable to defend herself. The abuse lasted many years. She lived in constant fear of those encounters. She thought in some way it was her fault. She was a victim of abuse. She never talked about it. The burden was always there...just a thought away. As she cried, her confessions of the abuse flowed from her like a festering boil. Jesus attacked the root of bitterness and unforgiveness with love and mercy until she was relieived of that burden, until at last she had forgiven the abuser and her back pain disappeared. This is an amazing story of deliverance. An amazing story of restoration. She sought the help of the world for a spiritual problem and the world could only offer temporary help but when she sought the great physchian He gave her a spiritual answer for a spiritual problem. And she was healed. PRAYER IS SPELLED R-E-L-I-E-F. GOD BLESS LINDA


I made a mistake in soe of the info I gave you all in the blog...I heard a prophet say...the prophets name was Perry Stone who can be found at the name of his book is Purging your house ad pruning your family tree. It can be bought at for under 10.00 sorry, Linda

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


YOU CAN MISS YOUR DESTINY BY ONE DELIBERATE FEARFUL ACT OF DISOBEDIENCE. Remember when King Saul was told to wait for the prophet Samuel to come and give sacrifice to God? Saul waited and waited and Samuel did not come and Saul was moved by fear to do the sacrifice himself. Then Samuel showed up. Saul's disobedience cost him his destiny for Samuel told him because you have done this thing your kingdom has been taken from you. We have to be careful of the word of God beloved and do what He tells us when He tells us. I heard a world evangelist say God had told him to go to South America and he was so excited to obey God, he sold all his stuff borrowed money and moved his family to South America and suffered failure after failure and he and his family almost starved before friends got them back to the year later God again told him to go to South America in September. He again obeyed and every door opened and his ministry grew and his family flourished. Was it God's will for him to go to South America... Absolutely but it was His will that he go in a specific month. Then God can open doors no man can shut. This man almost missed his destiny not by fear but by enthusiasm to please God and failed to wait for the rest of God's word. Don't miss your destiny beloved.....


At three this am I was listening to a prophet on TBN Praise The Lord show. His name is Perry White Jr. He has written a book called cleaning your house and pruning your family tree. It deals with breaking generational curses and casting out demonic influences in your life. For many years I awake at three in the morning. God wakes me up. He talks to me or I feed on His word or we just have a cup of tea and conversation. I often tell my prayer partners that He wakes me at 3 because that is the only time I am quiet enough for Him to get in a word sideways........but this morning I heard the prophet the spirit world the demonic is at it's lowest strength and the Holy Spirit is elevated at 3;00! No wonder you can hear God better then. Our head is full of voices all day long and sometimes it is hard to sort out God's voice from the imitators. I wanted to share that prophet word with you be blessed, love Linda

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Tonight I received a comment on one of my blogs by a faithful reader who never fails to encourage my efforts. He was operating in the gift of the word of wisdom one of the three speaking gifts of the nine gifts of the spirit listed in I Cor. 12... Check it out. He said sing as in Isaiah 44. That is a favorite scripture which I use often when ministering to others. I knew that He did not send this word so I alone could be blessed. So I am blessing you....Isaiah 44:23 SING , O ye heavens; for the Lord hath done it; shout ye lower parts of the earth and break forth into singing, ye mountains, ye forests and every tree therein; for the Lord hath redeemed Jacob, and glorified Himself in Israel. It is a command of the most high God beloved that all creation shout and sing of His glory AMEN!


Recently I was asked to attend a wedding of some friends . We had ministered to each other in word and deed for many months. The night before the wedding with a hundred details still to take care of they came to my house with a friend who brought a guitar and they played and sang songs of praise that this lady had written. They gave this audience of one a personal praise concert. What an unusual gift. Usually you give gifts to the bride and groom only this couple chose to gifts to their friends. What a blessing that was. The wedding was held in the home of a dear friend who is a decorator extrodinaire. The scene was a wall of an English garden with a small indoor water fall bubbling at the edge of the garden. A unity candle stood on a pedestal in the middle of the garden. A piano and drum stood to the side. Lilly's in full bloom decorated the altar. The wedding music was praise and worship songs that brought the anointing of heaven into the atmosphere. The preacher spoke the words that brought honor to this HOLY MATRIMONY. Vows of love for eternity were spoken. They were introduced as Mr. And Mrs. And then as their first official act as man and wife they and the guests took Holy Communion. I thought this should be a rule that every married couple should do this.They made Jesus the first and most important guest and He showed up. I think that is the first wedding I have ever attended where the Holy One of Israel was present and made His presence known. At the reception many testified of the healing power of Jesus. One had been cancer free for 26 years, one for 6 years, one(me) for one year. One man had 100 per cent blockage in one artery and 90 per cent in the other and God grew new arteries without surgery. They cll him the miracle man. He was the brides father. But for the grace of God that man would have missed his daughter's wedding. They laid hands on a lady who had cateracs and she began to see and they sang praises to the mighty King. If this is a shadow of things to come I can not wait for the marriage of the lamb. Just sharing who He is and what He does.


The humiliation of a general can cause you trouble for years on end. That's what happened to David. There are so many stories of David's life that encourage or warn us. I was thinking about general Abner. He was the body guard to King Saul. David had about 300 ragtag men. Saul had 3000. Saul had chased David into a corner. When you are in a corner there is no where left to go and your response is either fight or flight. Saul stuck his sword in the ground. Abner placed a water pitcher beside it they lay down in the middle of 3000 troops and went to sleep. David snuck through the assembly and took Saul's sword and water jar. The next morning David publicly humiliated the general Abner. It was enough for the private humiliation between Abner and Saul when they woke and the things were gone but David had to publicly humiliate the body guard before his men and his King. Announcing to all that Abner had not done his job... how miserably he had failed in his service to the King. David never tried to hurt Saul because he was God's anointed. It would not have mattered if Saul had been surrounded by 200 body guards David still would have walked in and got his things because God was with him. David did not have victory in his own strength. We have spiritual generals all around us. We do not have to humiliate them by pointing out their weaknesses. God can handle it without our help. Just a thought Linda


HELLO BELOVED OF THE MOST HIGH GOD! Susan I am always blessed and encouraged when you take the time to comment on my blogs. You are one of my faithful cheerleaders. I miss you too girl and the others as well. As to how I am.....I am blessed among women.....a favored child of the most high God. We have to bloom where we are planted but sometimes the nutrients in the soil are depleted and the bloom dies and the plant grows weak and becomes root bound in the old familiar clay pot. I asked the gardener if we could change things and he said no. I made it a matter of prayer and was transplanted. The old nutrients were deminished. The plant taken out of the old clay pot. The soil shaken out of the root bound plant and new nutrients added to a new pot. In two days after the change the plant no longer needed oxygen day or night. No oxygen for 3 months now. The old plant needed 150 units a day and is now down to 50 soon to be none. The plant was exhausted because of a serious shortage of vitamin d which has now been rectified. I am stronger and doing things I have not done in 3 years. I will try to stop by and see you soon I think of you often and continue to pray for your family. God bless, Linda.


Don't curse your crisis saints. Is there someone in your life that drives you crazy? Causes you to stay in an attitude of repentance? Do you have circumstances (mountains so high) so big you curse the fatique and hopelessness of fighting them. Friends I am here to advise you do not curse your crisis because behind that crisis is the answer... the rainbow... the hope of glory... the victory... so be ready to receive from the abundant supply from the Father...heavens best is coming your way. Praise your way through to the other side. This to shall pass. Sing at midnight friends ...the rainbow awaits you. God bless, Linda


Have you met the man I the middle? There were two thieves on the cross then Jesus appears and stands in the middle between heaven and hell. The hope of glory. It occurred to me as Jesus is the man in the middle and stands between heaven and hell because He lives in us that we too stand in the middle. We are responsible for every soul who enters our territory to stand between heaven and hell and offer them the signpost pointing to heaven. We must become that man in the middle. God bless...Linda