Sunday, January 2, 2011


Recently I was asked to attend a wedding of some friends . We had ministered to each other in word and deed for many months. The night before the wedding with a hundred details still to take care of they came to my house with a friend who brought a guitar and they played and sang songs of praise that this lady had written. They gave this audience of one a personal praise concert. What an unusual gift. Usually you give gifts to the bride and groom only this couple chose to gifts to their friends. What a blessing that was. The wedding was held in the home of a dear friend who is a decorator extrodinaire. The scene was a wall of an English garden with a small indoor water fall bubbling at the edge of the garden. A unity candle stood on a pedestal in the middle of the garden. A piano and drum stood to the side. Lilly's in full bloom decorated the altar. The wedding music was praise and worship songs that brought the anointing of heaven into the atmosphere. The preacher spoke the words that brought honor to this HOLY MATRIMONY. Vows of love for eternity were spoken. They were introduced as Mr. And Mrs. And then as their first official act as man and wife they and the guests took Holy Communion. I thought this should be a rule that every married couple should do this.They made Jesus the first and most important guest and He showed up. I think that is the first wedding I have ever attended where the Holy One of Israel was present and made His presence known. At the reception many testified of the healing power of Jesus. One had been cancer free for 26 years, one for 6 years, one(me) for one year. One man had 100 per cent blockage in one artery and 90 per cent in the other and God grew new arteries without surgery. They cll him the miracle man. He was the brides father. But for the grace of God that man would have missed his daughter's wedding. They laid hands on a lady who had cateracs and she began to see and they sang praises to the mighty King. If this is a shadow of things to come I can not wait for the marriage of the lamb. Just sharing who He is and what He does.

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