Thursday, January 13, 2011


When you belong to Jesus everything that happens in your life pushes you toward Him, to becoming His image. It is a gift. Even the bad experiences push us toward Him to become more like Him. It is hard to view it as a gift but when we do.... we find our ministry to others. I heard a lawyer tell the story of a young man who had been sexually abused by a doctor while he was in the hospital. The experience had damaged this young man's life and his marriage. When they won the suit the young man told the lawyer he and his wife had determined to stay together until the settlement and then divorce. The lawyer started to minister to the young man from the word and told him how his experience was a gift to move him closer to the image of Christ and when he could think of it as a gift he would move closer to the Holy One. Those words turned the young man's life around. It changed his mind abut how he saw the experience turning a curse into a blessing.He began to feel valuable and loved once again and was able to love his wife again and they did not get a divorce. Recently I wrote a blog called don't curse your crises and this story seems to be a second witness. Just sharing

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