Thursday, July 29, 2010


Simon Peter the son of Jonas lived in Bethsaia and Capernaum. He did evangelistic and missionary work among the Jews as far as Babylon. He was crucified upside down. He wrote first and second Peter. He was a member of the inner circle. In every apostolic list the name Peter is listed first. His Greek name was Simon which meant rock and his Hebrew name was Cephas which also meant rock. Peter was a married man. Scripture does not speak of his wife but rather his mother-in-law. He was well off for he owned a fishing fleet with many employees and two homes. Peter was a leader always asking the hardest questions. He layed down his life for the Lord yet he was the one who denied him 3 times. He also cut off a servants ear to protect Jesus and was rebremended for it. He was martyred on the cross upside down. His symbol is a cross upside down and two keys......the keys representing the keys to the kingdom of heaven.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Hello beloved of the most high God. I was reading Acts 12 and noticed some things that I had not noticed before. Isn't the word of God amazing in that every time you read it you can find a new thing. It truly is a living word. Herod had just killed James and the crowd cheered. Who was James ? He was the brother of John the sons of Zebedee. He and John were called the sons of thunder. Herod was so delighted in the death of James he decided to arrest Peter and kill him in a few days time on Easter. There were twelve guards with Peter and he was chained between two of them. The angel came when the guards slept and released Peter from his chains led him out of the prison and through the city gates. Peter went to the house where people were praying for his divine protection. They thought he was a ghost. Although they had been praying for him they had little faith God would answer. Peter told them to bring Mark who was surnamed John. John Mark. That raised a question in my mind. Who exactly was John Mark. He was the writer of one of the four gospels. He wrote in first person even though he did not walk in Jesus's ministry. He wrote what Peter related to him. A little later Peter says go tell the others and tell James. Wait a minute what James? James was killed before Peter went to prison. There was another disciple called James the lesser but when he is referred to he is always called James the lesser so that leaves James the brother of Jesus who wrote a book in the New Testament. Does anyone out there know who this second James was? I said all this to say the scripture gave me a hunger to know the disciples better so the next twelve blogs will be about them. God bless, Linda.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Isn't God's humor amazing? He hides puzzles and secrets in His book for inquiring minds. Here is one of His math facts. It is amazing.

The middle scripture in the entire Bible is Ps. 118:8. From the first chapter to the middle is 594 chapters. From the middle to the end is 594 chapters. If you add 594 plus 594 you get 1188......Middle verse is Ps.118:8 It is better to trust the Lord than to put confidence in men. The shortest chapter is before the middle one and the chapter after is the longest in the Bible. God Bless LINDA


Shhhhhh! Want to hear a secret? Everyone is fascinated with secrets. If you write a book and include the word secret you are guaranteed good sales. Did you know God has secrets? Jesus says if you pray He will reveal His secrets to you. Many Christians are consumed with fear in this fragile economy. They lean toward faithlessness. They are failing to trust God with their jobs homes and finances. You have heard for years Jesus is the answer there is nothing new under the sun. He is the same yesterday today and tomorrow. God is not broke. His children never beg bread. God is not frightened by the economy. He has the answers. He knows secrets. You can know His secrets. He has appointed an anointing for His prophets. If you want to know God's secrets listen to His prophets. Amos 3:7 says....SURELY THE LORD GOD WILL REVEAL HIS SECRET UNTO HIS SERVANTS THE PROPHETS! Listen to the prophets of God for direction my friend. Mark Chironna is good as Kim Clement. God Bless I love you LINDA

Friday, July 23, 2010


I was watching a video of Rhineheart Bonnke's ministry this afternoon and was amazed by what I saw. He is the greatest evangelist since Billy Graham. He was saved at 9 in Germany where he was born. At age 10 he was called to Africa. He had never seen a black man until he went to England. H went to a church there and there was one black man. He was so excited he went up to him and asked if he would take his picture with him because he had a calling on his life. He said in the early days it was hard to get a church to preach at. The church did not want him and the people did not want to hear him. If he did get to preach 5 people would show up and they did not want to be saved. In the last 10 years over 55 million souls have signed conversion cards dedicating their lives to Christ through his ministry. At the beginning the Holy Spirit came to him in a dream for 4 nights and said Africa will be saved. During his meetings he raises his fist to the heavens and declares Africa will be saved. Now he shouts Africa is being saved. I watched the videos of his ministry. I saw thousands of people standing in fields from the valleys to the mountains in the back ground crying and praising God as their hearts were moved by the word being preached. These people were standing in the heat elbow to elbow for hours of waiting and sermons and the healing touch of the evangelist I saw people getting out of wheelchairs and holding them over their heads praising God. I could see people standing for more than a mile elbow to elbow. It was awesome and I thought a visual picture of Christ feeding the 5 thousand. At least He seated them in groups of fifty and made them comfortable and fed them. These Africans were standing no room to sit and absorbing the word of God with the love and wonder on their faces. I rarely recommend books but if you want to know more about this awesome man of God he has a book about his life out called, LIVING A LIFE OF I remember a testimony he gave a few years back. An African women's husband became ill unto death and she tried getting hold of Rhineheart and sent messages and he couldn't come and the man died. He laid dead several days and the people begged her to them bury him. She refused and stubbornly repeated if Rhineheart prays for him he will live again. Rhineheart finally arrived at the dead body and prayed the word of faith and the man resurrected from the dead and the woman had her husband back. It reminds me of the story of Lazarus. Jesus was to busy preaching to come and the man was dead 4 days and Jesus came and spoke life into his dead body. What God did before He can do again. Do not be amazed because Jesus said you and me would do greater things.I remember reading a scripture nice that said God would give back the widow's their dead husbands. If you're just being introduced to a living legend I suggest you get the book give it as a gift. It will inspire you. If you had seen the video of all those hungry hearts you would have had compassion on them.We do not hunger here in America. I have visited 9 churches in our small community and they are only half full most of the time. The word is so available to us we tend to ignore instead of hunger after it. Picture in your mind thousands of hungry hearts for Jesus God Bless I love you........


I was listening to a preacher. He was inspiring. He spoke the word of God. And then three times he inserted the great religious lie as he preached..... God's unconditional love. It grieved my spirit and ruined the inspiration the word had brought. This man was preaching on TBN seen round the world and the Christian audience was clapping and cheering him on and my spirit was grieved. Where did he get this unconditional love theory? He did not read it in the word. IT IS NOT WRITTEN! He heard some Christian or some preacher say it and it sounded good and he passed it on. Some preachers use it to condemn the believer. God loves unconditionally something mere believers can never accomplish making them seem small in their efforts to love God. Don't buy the lie my friends.... read the book. God put conditions on receiving His love from the first book. Do what I say and you will live... Don't do what I say and you will die. Yes it is true that you can not do anything bad enough or good enough to earn God's is a gift freely given......... Freely given but never unconditional. John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believed on Him should not perish but have eternal life. Again God give the same conditions He gave in the garden life and death. There were two thieves on the cross. If His love was unconditional why did He receive one and not the other? Because He can only receive those who believe. Did he love the unbelieving thief? Yes! Did He die for him? YES! Did he go to heaven? No. Why not ? He did not accept the condition to believe.
Do not be condemned by the lie....... you live a Christ like life because if you love your children you put down conditions from birth because those conditions dictate the life they lead. Don't touch the stove or you will get burned. Do this and you will Be praised do this and you will receive punishment. No matter how good or bad our kids are the love remains as do certain conditions. That is a perfect imitation of the Holy Father. I hope I have offered a hunger to your spirit which will lead you to search the book and find out the truth yourself, the Holy Spirit will give witness to your spirit and lead you into the truth of all things. I love and pray that truth will fill your spirit . God Bless LINDA