Friday, July 23, 2010


I was listening to a preacher. He was inspiring. He spoke the word of God. And then three times he inserted the great religious lie as he preached..... God's unconditional love. It grieved my spirit and ruined the inspiration the word had brought. This man was preaching on TBN seen round the world and the Christian audience was clapping and cheering him on and my spirit was grieved. Where did he get this unconditional love theory? He did not read it in the word. IT IS NOT WRITTEN! He heard some Christian or some preacher say it and it sounded good and he passed it on. Some preachers use it to condemn the believer. God loves unconditionally something mere believers can never accomplish making them seem small in their efforts to love God. Don't buy the lie my friends.... read the book. God put conditions on receiving His love from the first book. Do what I say and you will live... Don't do what I say and you will die. Yes it is true that you can not do anything bad enough or good enough to earn God's is a gift freely given......... Freely given but never unconditional. John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believed on Him should not perish but have eternal life. Again God give the same conditions He gave in the garden life and death. There were two thieves on the cross. If His love was unconditional why did He receive one and not the other? Because He can only receive those who believe. Did he love the unbelieving thief? Yes! Did He die for him? YES! Did he go to heaven? No. Why not ? He did not accept the condition to believe.
Do not be condemned by the lie....... you live a Christ like life because if you love your children you put down conditions from birth because those conditions dictate the life they lead. Don't touch the stove or you will get burned. Do this and you will Be praised do this and you will receive punishment. No matter how good or bad our kids are the love remains as do certain conditions. That is a perfect imitation of the Holy Father. I hope I have offered a hunger to your spirit which will lead you to search the book and find out the truth yourself, the Holy Spirit will give witness to your spirit and lead you into the truth of all things. I love and pray that truth will fill your spirit . God Bless LINDA

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