Wednesday, February 9, 2011


WE HAVE BEEN TALKING ABOUT PEACE THE PEACE JESUS GIVES US. The peace Jesus purchased for us in the garden. A couple of His disciples were walking to Amais and Jesus joined them but he did not know who He was. They got to the house and it was late an they asked Him to stay and He agreed. Then He broke bread and gave it to them. It was Holy communion and their eyes were opened and they knew him. While back I gave a devotion on healing being the children's bread. Did you noticed saints as soon as they took communion specifically the bread their eyes were opened. Their mind was cleared and they could see. I recently heard a testimony of a man who had back pain for several months and could not get rid of it. He started taking communion every day. He would visualize the Lord's body and how He had taken his illness on Him. His back pain did not belong to him it had already been paid for by Jesus. After 7 days of taking communion his pain left his body. When I heard this testimony the Holy Spirit reminded me of the scripture....discerning the Lord's body. This scripture is dealing with the communion. I had never thought of discerning the Lord's body in this concept before.... Of looking at Jesus with my illness in His body, a debt already paid for. Truly healing is the children's bread the bread of Holy Communion. And my eyes were opened to discern the Lord's body.

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