Saturday, February 19, 2011


I support Day of Discovery ministry by purchasing their learning cd's every year. I recently received a cd called Bethlehem beyond the Christmas story. They took us to the place where Jesus was born and on to the shepherd's fields. I was amazed at the knowledge they released. Did you ever wonder why God called the shepherds as the witnesses to Jesus's birth? Why not the temple priests, why not the inn keeper, why not the scholars? Why did He chose the shepherds? They took us to the fields of the shepherds. There is a two story tower there. The head shepherd would go to the top story to watch over the sheep because these were shepherd priests who watched over the sheep who were later taken to the temple to be sacrificed. In the bottom story of the tower the other shepherds used this place to birth the sacrificial lambs. They would pull the lambs. As soon as they were born they wrapped the lamb in swaddling clothes to protect the lamb from getting a scratch or blemish worthy of sacrifice and placed it in a manger. . When the lamb was settled down they would unwrap the lamb and took him to eat. Remember what the angels told the shepherds... Behold this shall be a sign unto will find a child wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger. Wow ! Jesus the sacrificial lamb of God wrapped in swaddling clothes in a manger the way the priest shepherds could understand. Amazing. AND THIS SHALL BE A SIGN UNTO YOU.

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