Tuesday, August 24, 2010


God sent thieves to feed the prophet. I am speaking of the story of Elijah at the brook during a time of famine when He sent the ravens to feed the prophet. I have wondered for years why of all the birds He sent thieves, scavengers. One of the most noisy disagreeable birds in the kingdom. They raid other birds nests and reek havoc. Why not an eagle? Why a raven? I recently read a little devotional that may answer the question. An elderly woman who was in distress was heard praying to God for bread being heard by some mischievous lads. They played a joke by buying a loaf of bread putting it on her doorstep ringing the bell and hiding to see her reaction. When she saw the bread she immediately fell to her knees and thanked God for it. The boys couldn't stand that and popped out and told her God had not sent the bread that they had bought it. She chuckled and said oh the Lord sent it all right even if the devil delivered it.......just a thought.....love ya, Linda

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