Monday, August 30, 2010


WHAT IS UP WITH THAT SAINTS? Unworthy only works in church. It does not work in the does not work in a does not work in the does not work in the world....we have endured hundreds of years of poverty preaching......the religious world comes against prosperity messages..... What is up with that.....Jesus never preached poverty he always preached prosperity.....sowing and reaping....blessed coming in and blessed going out...blessed in the field and blessed in the city.......what are you going to do when you get to heaven? You gonna say NO JESUS I'm unworthy... I can't live in a mansion just give me a trailer....there are no trailers in gonna say NO JESUS I can't walk on streets of gold...saints you are your father's sons and daughters...poverty is foirgn to the nature of God. Unworthy is foreign to the nature of God. Who told you you were unworthy? The church that's who. Better to believe God than man. You can not go by feelings can not become intoxicated by success or paralyzed by failure.
Who told you you were unworthy? It sure was not God. He does not talk like that.......God bless...Linda

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