Friday, August 20, 2010


The words you spoke yesterday determined the life you live today. The words you speak today determine your future. Think about it. I am sure you all know someone who makes the old country song come alive. Gloom despair and agony on me, deep dark depression excessive misery. I'm sure you've heard them say things like...the flu is going round I know I'll get it and be in bed for a week. Sure enough it came to pass. I know I'll have arthritis by the time I'm forty yep. I'll never get a raise. My car breaks down every time I turn around. My teenager is going to end up in jail. On and on they go and so goes their life. God said speak to things that aren't as if they were. That's what He did. He spoke to things that aren't and they became what He said. In fact that is what prayer is. We speak possibilities into impossible situations and believe by faith to become what we spoke. Sometimes people speak negative things into my life and I have to tell you I am not shy to rebuke those things in Jesus name. Jesus wasn't shy to rebuke Peter or the religious leaders and I like to imitate the one I love. I hear people speak a healing prayer on their life and then ruin it with their next breath. Lord heal me if it be thy will. I tell you right now those words canceled out your healing. If it be God's will? Of course it is God's will to heal you. By saying if it be your will doubt enters in and God can't move by doubt only by faith. Read the book He purchased your healing with His stripes before He purchased your salvation with His blood. Yes, beloved words matter. The book says we will be judged for every idol word we speak. Speaking is the creative power of God and He passed it on to us. God bless Linda

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