Sunday, October 24, 2010


Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil........a famous word from the Lord's prayer..... The Bible not only outlines the plan of salvation beloved but it also outlines the plan of the enemy to lead us into temptation. I often feel pain in my heart when I hear someone whooing an unsaved person into the kingdom with promises that if you just accept Jesus as Savior your life will become a pleasant, trouble free place. That is not the truth friends. The first thing that happened to Jesus was he was led into the wilderness to face the temptation of the enemy. If the enemy did it to Jesus he will do it to you, but the Bible sheds light on the enemies plan always starts with the stimulation of the senses. The plan can be found in James 1:14-15.....but every person is tempted when he is drawn away, enticed, baited by his own evil desire,lust, passions. Then the evil desire, when it has conceived, gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully matured brings forth death. What a revelation beloved. Evil is first a thought.....what if I did this or that until it begins to manifest.....then the evil is practiced and brings about death. The enemy plants a seed in the imagination and stimulates your senses and emotions. He weakens your will....then you surrender to that will. Remember whatever the devil offers is a counterfeit. God will always make a better offer. Life and that more abundantly. Do you remember what the devil offered Jesus? The kingdoms of the know why Jesus did not accept the offer other than the ovious one He already owns the kingdoms of the earth. He made a like offer to will be like God, she was already like God made in His image. He did not accept because Jesus was sold out. You can not buy someone who is sold out. The Bible says cast down vain imaginations. Be aware of the enemies plan and be sold out for Jesus and be not led into temptation. God bless Linda

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