Monday, November 15, 2010


This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. This beloved scripture is as familiar and memorized as John 3:16. If you were to quote it to someone....would you quote it from your head from memory or from your heart from meditation? These are powerful words saints of God. This is the victory that overcometh the world. Nothing can stand against our faith....not cancer, not lack, not finances, not governments or principalities, not sickness or disease, not mountains or oceans, not the enemy. Nothing can stand against our faith. We have to meditate on this word until we get it down in our heart and believe this word belved....THIS IS THE VICTORY THAT OVERCOMETH THE WORLD, EVEN OUR FAITH.......when we limit our faith we limit the power of God....think about it. The Bible says we are more than conquers, but most Christians are not. Our faith works according to the word we have in us and if it is just head knowledge instead of heart knowledge there is no power in it. Only faith pleases God. If we could believe this word and work our faith on this word, Christians could turn the world upside down by the power of that word in Jesus name. God bless, Linda

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