Monday, December 20, 2010


We have talked many times of the power of words to bless or heal or lift up or destroy but I don't think we have ever discussed wordless actions. They have the same power. College professors set up an experiment. They took a group of workers. The boss was well loved by all. Bosses give orders. The workers loved him and always went the extra mile for him. This day however they had been instructed to ignore the man as if he had not spoken as if he was not there. This went on for several hours. The man was beside himself. He did not understand why this was happening. Finally he went to his workers with tears in his eyes begging them to tell him what he had done wrong to deserve such treatment. He was devastated. They broke down as well. It had hurt them as much to treat the well loved one this way as the well loved was hurt by the treatment. A little food for thought. Wordless actions have power to heal or hurt. God bless Linda

1 comment:

  1. As always,this has made me stop and ponder. Thanks, Linda. PS I miss you! How are you?


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