Saturday, February 13, 2010


Have you ever said a silent prayer? Did you feel like you reached the throne of God? Is silent prayer Biblical? It is not written? You will not find one verse that dictates silent prayer. God did not silently think the world into existence. He SAID AND IT WAS! How do you get saved? Silently? No, you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart. Jesus did not say to think the mountain away He SAID SPEAK TO THE MOUNTAIN and it will be removed. Thousands of Christians have been taught by churches to pray silently, a powerless prayer. He cast demons out by speaking to them, the blind received their sight, deaf ears were opened, the lame walked and the dead were raised by the spoken word. He healed all that were oppressed by the devil. Did you know illness was an oppression of the devil? You have to speak to your body command it to line up with the word of God to operate in a normal manner. Speak to those lungs, speak to that heart speak to that blood.Agree with God that you will have life and that more abundantly.He was the living word. He wrote it down for our instruction. For instance your son has spread his toys all over the house. If you silently tell him to pick them up he's not going to respond, but if you speak with the authority of a parent he'll do the job. The devil is not going to respond to silent pleas to remove himself from your life. You have to speak the written word which brings power. If you have practiced silent prayer quit it. Speak up be a Kings kid and speak with the power and authority in Jesus name to get your job done. Too shy to speak prayer? Practice brings confidence, you can do it. Turn up the power in your life. GOD BLESS!!!!!!

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