Monday, February 1, 2010

Light Conquered Darkness

Light conquered darkness 2000 years ago.
Life swallowed death, on resurrection day you know.
He is the word, as near as your next breath.
Speak it with faith, restoring your health.
Exercise your authority, the power not to sin is in the word.
Get all excited and speak what you have heard.
The grace of God’s sufficient to turn your world around,
Send that devil packing; he can’t steal what you have found.
So walk in the favor, of Christ the royal King.
He is the answer, to simply everything.
Three L’s describe the word, He’s light and life and love.
The Father, Son and Holy Ghost, all of the above.
Light conquered darkness 2000 years ago.
Life swallowed death on resurrection day you know.
The word of God manifests Satan’s defeat.
The light of victory my friends is very, very sweet.
Life is for the living, the word given by the Son.
Just do what He says, the adventure has just begun.

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