Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Years ago my prayer partner and I were studying Daniel and Revelations. What to expect in heaven. We found scriptures that said we were to have a country home and a city home and that we would build it ourselves. I thought God is going to have to do a miracle in me because I am not mechanically inclined. Give me a crochet hook and I can make you the most awesome table cloth but to give me a hammer and nails, you have an accident waiting to happen. Then I read the scriptures of how nothing will be hurt and death will be no more in the Holy place so cutting trees and making lumber will not be an option. Then I got a vision of a wall of living roses reflecting off a wall of I read where every year at the appointed time we would travel to the New Jerusalem to keep the three feasts of God, the Passover, Penticost and the day of Atonement. Last year the Holy Spirit impressed me that if I was going to celebrate these feasts in heaven I should know what they were all about. I discovered many wonderful things. This is God's feast, a memorial to Him where the story of the Israelites is to be passed down through the generations. I tell the story of Jesus every year to my children and grandchildren at Christmas time, but until last year I have never told the story of passover to them. God said this Holy feast was to be kept forever through the generations. It is not an option it is a command. I kept the passover last year. I pled the blood of Jesus on my door posts and the homes of my children. I did not eat the traditional sedar meal but rather took communion as Jesus is my passover lamb. The Bible says 3 days of the year you shall come and stand before the Lord on Passover, Pentecost and the Day of Atonement. Duet. 16:16 says no man shall come before the Lord empty handed. The sacrifice comes first (something we do) and putting the blood on the door posts then God sends an angel to our house. It is expedient to note God does not send an angel on Pentecost or the Day of Atonement but rather only on Passover. I discovered if I do my part, stand before God with the sacrifice He will send 7 blessings to my house.

1.God will dispatch an angel to your house.
2.God will make your enemies His enemies.
3.God will release prosperity into your house.
4.Sickness will be taken from the midst of you.
5.You will have long life.
6. You will have increase and inheritance.
7. This will be a special year of blessing.

Passover arrives on March 30th this year. Remember the offering the sacrifice and pleading the blood on your door posts and removing all leaven from your house must be done before midnight the 29th and at midnight you must shut yourself in your house and not go out till morning. I encourage you to remember this is not a Jewish feast, this not a Christian feast... This is God's feast. Being baptized will not get you into heaven though we do it as a request from Christ to honor His death and resurrection. Keeping the Passover will not get you into heaven but it is a memorial day for God which we do to honor Him. If I have made you hungry to learn more and given you food for thought the 7 blessings can be found in Exodus 23....BE LED BY THE SPIRIT MAKE THIS A MATTER OF PRAYER. GOD BLESS, LINDA

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