Sunday, April 18, 2010


A single mother at work had met her prince. They were to be married. He was very good to her little boy and she was crazy about him. She asked me to do a poem about him. A poem she used as part of her wedding vows.


Hello Darling, it seems I've waited my whole life through,
For a knight in shining armor to arrive and it was you.
Our hearts collided in a strange sort of way,
I knew I could trust you from the very first day.
You captured me with tender words.
The sweetest and truest I ever heard.
We are joined at the heart for the whole wide world to see,
My friend, my prince , my husband to be.
I long to be with you as day is done,
To watch as you become a Father to my son.
You have become the bright and shining star in my life,
And, Darling I can't wait to begin the adventure of being your wife.

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