JESUS AND HIS DECIPLES WERE IN THE CORN FIELD ON THE SABBATH. They were eating the ripe corn. The Pharasee's showed up and upbraided him for breaking the Sabbath. You have to remember where Jesus was. He was 3 miles from the temple. At that time you were only allowed to walk 2 miles on the Sabbath day. They had to break the law to come tell Jesus he was breaking the law. It is amazing how far your enemies will travel to critisize you. The word corn appears 102 times in scripture. 92 of those times the word corn means revelation knowledge. YOU WILL GO THROUGH 4 STAGES IN YOUR MINISTRY. The corn field has 4 directions. You can find true north if you listen to the corn.
1. Field is closed- corn is not ripe.
(field is opportunity a closed field means no opportunity. Corn is not ripe which means there is no revelation word.)
2. Field is open- corn is not ripe.
(field is open means there is opportunity but corn not ripe no revelation word.) Because of the opportunity you can jump in but without the revelation you'll just be a flash in the pan.
3. Field is closed but the corn is ripe.
(No opportunity but you have the revelation.) This is a frustrating place to be.
4. Field is open and the corn is ripe.
(Now is the appointed anointed time when you have both opportunity and revelation knowledge.)
You were born for such a time as this my friends. This is your time. This is your compass. Find your true north. SHHHHHH! LISTEN TO THE CORN!
God Bless LINDA
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
The religious crowd has trained us to believe the Bible is a book about giving when actually the Bible is a book about receiving. I can prove t with the most memorized scripture in the world. John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son........ If God so loved the world why isn't the world fixed? Because the world does not receive Him. Again I can support that with more scripture. John 1:12 For as many as received Him(Jesus) those He gave the power to become the sons of God. As many as received Him......... Of course... If you do not receive the work done on the bloody cross salvation can not be yours. It has no effect in your life. If you do not receive that Jesus purchased your healing by His stripes you will stay sick. Healing will be of none effect in your life. To blind Barnabaus He said receive your healing. He did not tell him to pray for it. He did not tell him to put away his sin, He said, receive your sight. As many as received Him .........Pray to become a Master Receiver ....
Remember when Jesus sent the 70 to the villages and He said if they will not receive you... shake the dust off your feet and leave. We can not excell until we learn to receive. We are trained many times not to receive. A Pastor told a story... A secretary from his staff was leaving for the day an a male member of his staff started to open the door for her and she pushed his hand away and said I can do that. She was not able to receive the honor given to her. Honor has always been a part of God's intentions for us. The first 4 commandments honor God and the last 6 honor others. We are to give honor to where honor is do. You have to receive honor to give it. You have to receive seed before you can give it. Let me give you a small list....
Conversation is the seed for understanding
Confession is the seed for forgiveness
Listening is the seed for learning
Knowledge is the seed for changes
Thankfullness is the seed for more
Battle is the seed for territory
Receiving comes before giving. Appropriate receiving is the key to success. Pray to be a Master Receiver ....God Bless... LINDA
Remember when Jesus sent the 70 to the villages and He said if they will not receive you... shake the dust off your feet and leave. We can not excell until we learn to receive. We are trained many times not to receive. A Pastor told a story... A secretary from his staff was leaving for the day an a male member of his staff started to open the door for her and she pushed his hand away and said I can do that. She was not able to receive the honor given to her. Honor has always been a part of God's intentions for us. The first 4 commandments honor God and the last 6 honor others. We are to give honor to where honor is do. You have to receive honor to give it. You have to receive seed before you can give it. Let me give you a small list....
Conversation is the seed for understanding
Confession is the seed for forgiveness
Listening is the seed for learning
Knowledge is the seed for changes
Thankfullness is the seed for more
Battle is the seed for territory
Receiving comes before giving. Appropriate receiving is the key to success. Pray to be a Master Receiver ....God Bless... LINDA
TIES THAT BIND. WE ARE BOUND BY OUR WORDS MY FRIEND. Words of life or words of death. The first miracle of the law, the water was turned to blood which brought forth death. The first miracle of grace, Jesus turned the water into wine it brought life and celebration. When the law was given 3000 people died at the foot of Mt. Siani On the day of Pentecost when grace fell in the form of the baptism of the Holy Ghost 3000 souls were saved. Have you moved your mountain? Do you worship at the foot of Mt. Siani which brings death or do you worship at Mt. Zion which brings forth living waters of grace? JUST SOME FOOD FOR THOUGHT ....GOD BLESS...LINDA
The lost sheep knows that he is lost. No one needs to tell him he is lost. No one needs to remind him of his mistakes. No one needs to tell him he is lacking protection, food, drink, healing of his wounded spirit. He knows he is lost and has wondered into a desert pace where destruction (wolves) is his future. The shepherd doesn't say it is only one sheep, so what, I still have 99. He leaves the protected flock and begins the search for the lost sheep and when he finds him he does not tell him he is lost but rather picks him up on his shoulders and carries him back to safety with love and mercy and forgiveness. He does what the lost sheep is to weak to do. The lost sheep can not save himself. He does not know the way through the wilderness but the shepherd does, the Savior does. The shepherd restores the lost sheep to the place of safety and heals the wounded spirit with love mercy , forgiveness and hands on wound healing. He sooths him with the word. He restores hope where hope had died. The shepherd has great joy when he finds the lost sheep no accusations, no lectures, no I told you so's, just pure joy. The Bible says Jesus sings a joyful song when a sheep comes to salvation. Did you know Jesus rejoices in song for you, my friend? The lost sheep knows he is lost and the saved sheep knows he is saved and receives the benefits of God. Cry out in the wilderness oh lost sheep so the master can hear your cry and restore you as his own. God Bless.......LINDA
Monday, June 21, 2010
This morning as Jesus and I were spending some quiet time together I wondered what the devotional would be today the Lord said.... Are you a cracked pot? I thought I certainly hope so. You may know the old story but it serves telling again. There were two water vessels. One was perfect and proud of that perfection. He often made fun of the other vessel who was flawed with a crack half way down it's side. No matter how hard the cracked pot tried to hold all the water it was always half gone before the return trip from the well was completed. One day as the cracked pot was so ashamed and feeling small the Lord told him to look down at the path from the well. On the side where the perfect pot was carried was barren dust but on the side the cracked pot was carried was an amazing path of the most beautiful flowers God had created. Every day those flowers were nourished by life giving water from a cracked pot. God can use cracked pots my friend. He can only fill vessels that are empty. He can only bless that which is broken. No matter what you are going through no matter how flawed you feel. No matter if you think you have nothing to offer God .........He loves and uses cracked pots....... Be a cracked pot for Jesus God Bless LINDA
Monday, June 14, 2010
A man with a large company had a problem. His computer broke down. He called a tech in and in about 5 minutes the tech had it fixed and handed the man a bill for 300.00 The owner of the company said you only worked for 5 minutes could you break this bill down and explain what you did? The tech said sure scribbled a few words and handed him back the bill. It read.... turned one screw half inch .50 Knowing which screw to turn 299.50 God Bless LINDA
A man with a large company had a problem. His computer broke down. He called a tech in and in about 5 minutes the tech had it fixed and handed the man a bill for 300.00 The owner of the company said you only worked for 5 minutes could you break this bill down and explain what you did? The tech said sure scribbled a few words and handed him back the bill. It read.... turned one screw half inch .50 Knowing which screw to turn 299.50 God Bless LINDA
Before a prayer meeting I always ask God for a scripture this time I said God what scipt...... And He answered before I could finish the question Psalms 113. I opened the Everyday Bible which has become a favorite of mine lately and read these promises.
Praise the Lord. Praise him you servants of the Lord.Praise the name of the Lord.The Lord's name shall be praised now and forever. The Lord's name should be praised from where the sun rises to where it sets. The Lord is supreme over the nations. His glory reaches the skies.No one is like the Lord our God. He rules from heaven. He bends down to look at the skies and the earth. The Lord lifts the poor from the dirt.He takes the helpless from the ashes. And He seats them with princes, the princes of his people.He gives children to the woman who has none. He makes her a happy woman. Praise the Lord............He gives children to the woman who has is a promise ...a scripture for barren wombs to rest their hope and faith on. I have read many stories in he Bible of God full filling this promise but I did not know there was a actual scripture to believe on. I thought about the stories of a couple of barren womb. Abraham's wife Sarah. They had given up hope their natural bodies were beyond child bearing yet God produced life in a barren womb. Sarah laughed at the promise and named her child Issac which means laughter. If I am not mistaken that is the first time laughter is mentioned in the Bible. Can you imagine a life without laughter? I can not. Then there was Zacariah and Elizabeth. Again laughter and his mouth was shut until the birth of John the Baptist. Can you imagine history without a John the Baptist? Nor can I. I guess my whole point being God not only honored prayer to fill a barren womb as in the case of Samuel's mother but he also went beyond the lost hope and faithless to fill empty wombs. This must be an important matter with God. There is hope for barren wombs in Psalms 113:9 Think about believing and hoping and activating your faith God Bless Linda
Praise the Lord. Praise him you servants of the Lord.Praise the name of the Lord.The Lord's name shall be praised now and forever. The Lord's name should be praised from where the sun rises to where it sets. The Lord is supreme over the nations. His glory reaches the skies.No one is like the Lord our God. He rules from heaven. He bends down to look at the skies and the earth. The Lord lifts the poor from the dirt.He takes the helpless from the ashes. And He seats them with princes, the princes of his people.He gives children to the woman who has none. He makes her a happy woman. Praise the Lord............He gives children to the woman who has is a promise ...a scripture for barren wombs to rest their hope and faith on. I have read many stories in he Bible of God full filling this promise but I did not know there was a actual scripture to believe on. I thought about the stories of a couple of barren womb. Abraham's wife Sarah. They had given up hope their natural bodies were beyond child bearing yet God produced life in a barren womb. Sarah laughed at the promise and named her child Issac which means laughter. If I am not mistaken that is the first time laughter is mentioned in the Bible. Can you imagine a life without laughter? I can not. Then there was Zacariah and Elizabeth. Again laughter and his mouth was shut until the birth of John the Baptist. Can you imagine history without a John the Baptist? Nor can I. I guess my whole point being God not only honored prayer to fill a barren womb as in the case of Samuel's mother but he also went beyond the lost hope and faithless to fill empty wombs. This must be an important matter with God. There is hope for barren wombs in Psalms 113:9 Think about believing and hoping and activating your faith God Bless Linda
Sunday June 13th I turned 62 YEAH! Saturday night my grandsons brought me a fresh large mouth bass they had caught what a delight to eat it was. Thank you all for the cards letters and phone call wishing me love and happiness. Sunday I received a call from my mother's sister who started to sing me happy birthday and then she choked up and couldn't finish because that was what my mom always did. Carol sent me a great card that appeared to be a hot air balloon and basket but you pulled on it and it became a 3-d with the balloons shaped like giant butterflies. Nona sent me an awesome electronic card of a blooming yellow iris. YELLOW IS MY FAVORITE COLOR AND IRIS MY FAVORITE FLOWER. Got an early card from my niece and a happy happy. Melissa called and sang happy birthday and brought Brandon in for a quick hug and I love you. They couldn't come to the party because Brendon had a bad night lots of siezure activity. I arrived at the party at Mike's house. Brian surprised me by bringing in all his big dog karioke equipment. While he set up Mike pushed the button on his phone and there was my mother's voice singing happy birthday and saying I love you. HE HAD SAVED THE MESSAGE TO HIS PHONE WHEN SHE CALLED HIM FOR HIS BIRTHDAY AND LEFT A MESSAGE(in Feb. A couple weeks before she passed). What a treat to hear her voice again. Crystal made a lovely dinner and of course she made me my favorite carrot cake and home made ice cream. Brian started the show with a spicy rendition of happy birthday and he sang a song he had written for me that day called brawnswager. It was hilarious. We sang and played piano and guitar for four hours. We sang lots of old songs I had sung to the kids growing up.... A lonely little petunia in an onion patch....A Zulu king......Linda and of course our old stand by golden streets. The little boys made me a hand written card and done a wonderful job. It was the best birthday I have had in to be featured as a treasured memory. God Bless you all for remembering Love you Linda
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Christians are always in one of two positions......they are either going into a storm or coming out of a storm. When you are in a storm DO NOT QUIT ROWING. Don't quit rowing in a storm. Do you remember when the disciples were on the boat in the storm they quit rowing. They gave up. Do not quit rowing in the storm. ENCOURAGE YOURSELF. DO NOT STOP KNOWING. Remember God is your source. He never panics or gets frantic. When they woke Jesus He didn't say oh my what are we going to do? Shall we call a prayer meeting. Should we shout and wake up God? No He knew His word was the source and He simply said peace be still and it was. DO NOT QUIT GROWING. Wisdom is the principal thing....get wisdom...keep growing in the wisdom of God. Study that word...remember your authority in Him. DO NOT STOP SOWING. Sowing is the answer to grace (God's unmerited favor. I often say God is into mutiplication. If you give Him nothing and He multiplies it you get a whole room of nothing. The Bible says what ever you meet(give) will be meeted again unto you. Sowing gives God access to your storm.
The quickest way out of a storm
The quickest way out of a storm
Friday, June 11, 2010
Do not cry over what has exited your life. Do not grieve for what has left your life. If it has left your life it was never part of your destiny. It was there for a season....... be grateful for that season and let it go. God will not work in something that was not your destiny. Whatever has remained in your life is your destiny and God can and will bless and multiply it to your good. Again I say do not grieve for what has left your life rather rejoice for what has remained. God Bless, I love you, Linda
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Lately the Lord has impressed me to talk about raising our thoughts to His thoughts. He says not to lean on our own understanding, to search out wisdom that is the principle thing. Our thinking is influenced by the world in many ways. Let us consider the work ethic. We start our day with work. We work hard all day and delight in coming home to squeeze in some rest and start the whole thing again the next day. We begin the day with work and end it with rest. My friends that is upside down thinking. God gave us the correct procedure in the book of Genesis. God did not begin the day in the morning, He began the day at sunset. He rested and then went to work creating. He made man on the 6th day ending at sunset. Man spent his first day resting and then working. We've had it upside down. First we need to rest in what He did and then go to work in that rest ............His rest is important to the work. Can you understand what a blessing follows God's wisdom and plan. Doing the work upside down wears you down causes fatigue and many times depression.....a place you endure.....peace is far from you. Work should bring peace and mission of delight to work as if working for God. Let us delight in elevating our thoughts to a higher level of God's thoughts......God Bless I love you LINDA
I was watching a movie the other day called a Greater Yes. It was about a 16 year old girl who had given her life to Christ. She wanted to serve Him and went to Africa for a summer missionary trip. She was excited about the rest of her life and decided her calling was to go into missionary work full time. She got cancer and struggled with the disease and terrible treatment for months. She had started a prayer group at school before she became ill. They prayed for her and finally the whole state of Texas was praying for her and she went into remission. She decided she was to be a missionary at home and began to speak at meetings at schools and other places. Her testimony touched many lives. She got cards and letters from all over. Her cancer came back and she died but she made this amazing statement on her journey to find out what God wanted her to do and the statement was this............When God says no it is because He has a greater yes in your future. That statement spoke to my heart as I hope it speaks to yours God Bless I love you LINDA
IF THE FIRSTFRUIT IS HOLY............WHAT IS THE FIRSTFRUIT? The first fruit is the part that belongs to God........ the first tenth.... The thithe.........What does holy mean? Holy means set apart from the evil and wickedness of this world. For if the first fruit is holy the whole lump is holy. And if the root is holy so are the branches. Romans 11:6 That is a lot of food for thought my friends. If the first fruit is holy the lump has no choice but to come into alignment with it. A blessing that grows and encompasses all that surrounds it. There are many scriptures in the Bible that tell of the blessings of the tithe given cheerfully but I had never considered this one before. I remember one time robbing God. I have faithfully given my 10 percent to God for years and He had been faithful to supply my needs. Several years back I was a little short. I had 80.00 to last the month and I decided to keep it as a cushion, it was God's money His tithe. I went to a revival one night and blew a tire on my car. Guess how much to replace it exactly 80.00. You can give your tithe to God a holy decision or you can make a bad decision and the enemy will steal it...... definitely an unholy decision which made the whole lump unholy. If someone asked you if you are holy unless you have a revelation from God you will answer no there is none holy but Him. That remark came from you own understanding not from the truth. God says His ways are higher than our ways His thoughts higher than our thoughts. The Bible says the truth shall set you free but the truth is only the truth you know will set you free. If you have never heard the truth of salvation you can not be saved etc etc. Recently I did a devotion on Poverty Thinking and one of the things I said was whatever you see on the inside will manifest on the out side. Jesus was God's first fruit and He was holy. When we came to Christ we put on HIS HOLINESS. An identifying mark was put on us....... a clock if you will and when God looks at us He sees through the blood of the lamb with mercy and forgiveness a holy thing. Because He is holy we are holy. IF THE FIRSTFRUIT IS HOLY THE WHOLE LUMP IS HOLY. Can you change your thinking and look on yourself as holy cloaked with His holiness? What is on the inside has no choice but to manifest on the outside. If the first fruit is holy.......... God Bless I love you...... LINDA
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