Saturday, September 3, 2011
GOD HAD PLANNED A SPECIAL PARTY WITH HIS CHILDREN FOR 4 HUNDRED YEARS. The mountain was trembling. Go came down on bolts of lightening. It was to be a day of vows for God and His children. He was offering them a relationship as He had with Adam in the garden. Moses went down the mountain and delivered the message. The children said no we are afraid. You go talk to God for us and then tell us what He says. That day the children of God chose religion instead of relationship. God was grieved when Moses gave Him their answer....He told Moses ok build me a box. That box was the ark. God was placed in a box and welt in the Holy of Holies. Only the priests could enter there in behalf of the children of Israel. And then the priests would approach them with God's answers. That was the day man put God in a religious box, saints. We have heard many sermon's exhorting us to let God out of the box but even today we ten to keep Him in a religious box depending on the preacher to talk to God and tell us what He says, when we could have a personal relationship with Him. Food for thought my friends.
OUR LIVES ARE FILLED WITH INTERRUPTIONS. Some respond to the interruptions, others don't spare the time and walk on by them. Interruptions are often divine appointments from God. 90 per cent of the miracles of Jesus were interruptions. Most happened as He was on His way to do His business. He was on his way to a meeting when He was interrupted by the centurian. On the way to help the centurian He was interrupted by the woman with the issue of blood. On His way He was interrupted by a tax collector in a tree. He was interrupted by a funeral and stopped to raise a dead man. He was teaching the religious crowd and interrupted by a man let down through the roof. There is a story in the Bible..... Two donkey's left the ranch. The father sent his son and a servant to find them. The son was Saul. They searched three places and did not find the donkey's. Saul says it is time to head back to the ranch. The servant says no we are close to the seer's house. He can tell us what we want to know. Saul says we cannot approach a prophet of God without a gift. I have nothing to give. The servant says you may not have a gift but your father gave me enough to give a gift. They go to Samuel's house. The prophrt says stay till tomorrow and I will tell you what is on your heart. They stay. The donkey's have already been found so they are no longer an issue and Samuel tells Saul he is to be king of Israel. Your plans will take you to good my friends but your interruptions will take you to great. God bless, Linda
Your Exodus from the usual and the norm begins now.
What happens first when God begins an Exodus?
God executes justice on the adversary and sets things right.
God bless enjoy your Exodus Saints.
What happens first when God begins an Exodus?
God executes justice on the adversary and sets things right.
God bless enjoy your Exodus Saints.
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