Saturday, March 6, 2010


I was thinking about King David's life from a shepherd boy to the palace. He spent hours alone with the sheep, his dog, and an insturment which he used to praise and worship. The Bible says God inhabits the praise of His people. When David played, the Lord showed up and brought with Him wisdom, knowledge and the supernatural power to defeat the enemy. David developed a relationship of trust and faith with God. He killed a bear and tore a lion apart with his bare hands. The demons tormented the King so that he could not sleep.. There was no rest to be found for him. DAVID SENT DEVILS FLEEING FROM KING SAUL'S BEDCHAMBER WITH PRAISE AND WORSHIP! Darkness cannot live where light is. I heard a preacher say once....Do you know how to make cock roaches run? Turn on the light. Do you know how to make demons run, turn on the light (JESUS). The Lord gave me a poem...........

Starve the Demons....Feed them Music

It is a wonderful place, this world I see,
Surrounded with the love of a devoted family.

The power to stand and work and play,
The honor to talk to the Father and pray.

You heard about David and all he did,
With music sent the demons flying from the King's bed.

There's power in music, I do declare,
The force of the enemy is stripped bare.

Let's starve those demons and make them thin.
Make music your love and play it again and again.

Peace and joy then flood the soul.
Bringing health to the bones so I am told.

So let's all sing our praises to Him,
Feed our souls peace, joy and health, amen and amen!

When the demons come to torment your mind or body don't reach for the pill bottle that will knock you out but reach for the music that will knock the enemy out. Be that anointed shepherd boy, you know the one, the giant killer...JUST THINKING OUT LOUD...GOD BLESS, LINDA

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