Thursday, March 4, 2010


Wasn't yesterday wonderful, full of sunshine and spring breezes. I set off to go shopping. I was looking forward to it with great joy. I had not been able to shop for myself for a year and a half without collapsing for lack of air. I pulled into Aldi's handicapped parking. A man next to me was unloading his cart and I asked to buy it from him. I thanked him and he put his hand to a magnified throat apparatice and said thank you through the sound mechanism. And I thought, you should be grateful you can speak without help Linda. As I was cruising the first asile, a man and I reached for the same item, we laughed and exchanged greeting and blessed the sunshine. Sunshine makes happy faces have you noticed that? We met again in the 2nd asile and the third and the fourth and the fifth and he said you are just everywhere. Yes, I said that's what I do go everywhere. He had no idea that just a few months ago he could have got his groceries paid for them and loading them in the car before I made it to check out if I did not pass out. I shopped two more stores passing out smiles and sunshiny conversation, returned home unloaded my supplies and put them away within the hour. Used to take me two days to put a few things at a time away. I say all this to say what you all take for granted and do not notice is a gift from God. I stand here with a grateful heart that He is restoring to me, what the enemy stole, my very breath and strength. JUST DOING SOME BRAGGING ON GOD! Enjoy the sunshine! GOD BLESS, LINDA


  1. Amen, Aunt Linda! "Amen!" to "wasn't yesterday wonderful, full of sunshine and spring breezes" (it was absolutely GORGEOUS!!!) and "Amen!" to "what you all take for granted and do not notice is a gift from God" (so true!). Am so glad that you're able to get out and about and do these things again. Praise God for His awesome and magnificent healing touch! Have a nice day! I love you! :)

  2. Praising God with you, Linda!


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