Friday, July 23, 2010


I was watching a video of Rhineheart Bonnke's ministry this afternoon and was amazed by what I saw. He is the greatest evangelist since Billy Graham. He was saved at 9 in Germany where he was born. At age 10 he was called to Africa. He had never seen a black man until he went to England. H went to a church there and there was one black man. He was so excited he went up to him and asked if he would take his picture with him because he had a calling on his life. He said in the early days it was hard to get a church to preach at. The church did not want him and the people did not want to hear him. If he did get to preach 5 people would show up and they did not want to be saved. In the last 10 years over 55 million souls have signed conversion cards dedicating their lives to Christ through his ministry. At the beginning the Holy Spirit came to him in a dream for 4 nights and said Africa will be saved. During his meetings he raises his fist to the heavens and declares Africa will be saved. Now he shouts Africa is being saved. I watched the videos of his ministry. I saw thousands of people standing in fields from the valleys to the mountains in the back ground crying and praising God as their hearts were moved by the word being preached. These people were standing in the heat elbow to elbow for hours of waiting and sermons and the healing touch of the evangelist I saw people getting out of wheelchairs and holding them over their heads praising God. I could see people standing for more than a mile elbow to elbow. It was awesome and I thought a visual picture of Christ feeding the 5 thousand. At least He seated them in groups of fifty and made them comfortable and fed them. These Africans were standing no room to sit and absorbing the word of God with the love and wonder on their faces. I rarely recommend books but if you want to know more about this awesome man of God he has a book about his life out called, LIVING A LIFE OF I remember a testimony he gave a few years back. An African women's husband became ill unto death and she tried getting hold of Rhineheart and sent messages and he couldn't come and the man died. He laid dead several days and the people begged her to them bury him. She refused and stubbornly repeated if Rhineheart prays for him he will live again. Rhineheart finally arrived at the dead body and prayed the word of faith and the man resurrected from the dead and the woman had her husband back. It reminds me of the story of Lazarus. Jesus was to busy preaching to come and the man was dead 4 days and Jesus came and spoke life into his dead body. What God did before He can do again. Do not be amazed because Jesus said you and me would do greater things.I remember reading a scripture nice that said God would give back the widow's their dead husbands. If you're just being introduced to a living legend I suggest you get the book give it as a gift. It will inspire you. If you had seen the video of all those hungry hearts you would have had compassion on them.We do not hunger here in America. I have visited 9 churches in our small community and they are only half full most of the time. The word is so available to us we tend to ignore instead of hunger after it. Picture in your mind thousands of hungry hearts for Jesus God Bless I love you........

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