Thursday, July 29, 2010


Simon Peter the son of Jonas lived in Bethsaia and Capernaum. He did evangelistic and missionary work among the Jews as far as Babylon. He was crucified upside down. He wrote first and second Peter. He was a member of the inner circle. In every apostolic list the name Peter is listed first. His Greek name was Simon which meant rock and his Hebrew name was Cephas which also meant rock. Peter was a married man. Scripture does not speak of his wife but rather his mother-in-law. He was well off for he owned a fishing fleet with many employees and two homes. Peter was a leader always asking the hardest questions. He layed down his life for the Lord yet he was the one who denied him 3 times. He also cut off a servants ear to protect Jesus and was rebremended for it. He was martyred on the cross upside down. His symbol is a cross upside down and two keys......the keys representing the keys to the kingdom of heaven.

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