Monday, March 28, 2011


Luke was a man born out of time. He wrote one of the 4 gospels. He was the only one who did not walk with Jesus or see the deeds first hand. As was Paul, Luke was born out of time. He became Paul's lifetime friend and co-worker. He interviewed those who were present at the events of Jesus ministry. Luke is the only one who told of Jesus birth. He of the four was the only one who told of John the Baptist's birth. Luke is the most woman friendly of all 66 books of the Bible. He tells more stories of women and the poor than the others. Luke was a Doctor and some believed he had also been a slave. They believe that was why he paid special attention to the under dog the down trodden. His book is known as the book that repeats......that you may be certain......a man filled with the Holy Spirit....a seeker of truth.....a man born out of time.

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