Saturday, June 26, 2010


The religious crowd has trained us to believe the Bible is a book about giving when actually the Bible is a book about receiving. I can prove t with the most memorized scripture in the world. John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son........ If God so loved the world why isn't the world fixed? Because the world does not receive Him. Again I can support that with more scripture. John 1:12 For as many as received Him(Jesus) those He gave the power to become the sons of God. As many as received Him......... Of course... If you do not receive the work done on the bloody cross salvation can not be yours. It has no effect in your life. If you do not receive that Jesus purchased your healing by His stripes you will stay sick. Healing will be of none effect in your life. To blind Barnabaus He said receive your healing. He did not tell him to pray for it. He did not tell him to put away his sin, He said, receive your sight. As many as received Him .........Pray to become a Master Receiver ....

Remember when Jesus sent the 70 to the villages and He said if they will not receive you... shake the dust off your feet and leave. We can not excell until we learn to receive. We are trained many times not to receive. A Pastor told a story... A secretary from his staff was leaving for the day an a male member of his staff started to open the door for her and she pushed his hand away and said I can do that. She was not able to receive the honor given to her. Honor has always been a part of God's intentions for us. The first 4 commandments honor God and the last 6 honor others. We are to give honor to where honor is do. You have to receive honor to give it. You have to receive seed before you can give it. Let me give you a small list....

Conversation is the seed for understanding

Confession is the seed for forgiveness

Listening is the seed for learning

Knowledge is the seed for changes

Thankfullness is the seed for more

Battle is the seed for territory

Receiving comes before giving. Appropriate receiving is the key to success. Pray to be a Master Receiver ....God Bless... LINDA

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say thank you an on time word .....on 8/30/2012 gods word is never too early or late but always right ont time..keep up the great work in him in due season your finally season shall be here.......


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