Saturday, May 1, 2010


JONAH WAS IN A WHALE OF A MESS! It may be funny but Jonah was.... in a..... whale of a mess. Yes, it is true because of Jonah's bad choice he got himself into that mess. The good news is when he repented and called out to God he made that mess so uncomfortable that it spewed him out. Have you made a bad decision that has gotten you into a whale of a mess and you thought there was no way out? Be of good cheer and celebrate the victory. God's answer is to repent and reverse your decision. Our body is the temple of God. We rarely pay attention to our bodies or how God instructs us to care for it. We fill our bodies with toxsines and fast foods. We don't get enough rest or relaxation or exercise. We fail to get quiet and listen to His voice. Beloved I wish above all things you may prosper and be in good health. Enough abuse to your body can cause you to end up with you in a whale of a mess. So let us make the mess so uncomfortable that it spews us out......... Lord forgive us for the neglect in some cases years of neglect for our body your Holy Temple. Thank you for preparing a way out even though our wrong decisions put us in this unhealthy position(mess). We repent and ask for your wisdom to whom you give to all men freely. We trust your word we ask that you collaspe time. We stand in the healing blood of Jesus. Thank you for this word. We believe we have made this mess so uncomfortable that it will spew us out. In Jesus name we touch and agree....AMEN!

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