Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I'm Bubbling

Hello prayer warriors of the most high God! You get a double dose of the Holy Ghost today. The songwriter says I'm going to have the time of my life when the time of my life is over.....but I refuse to wait I'm going to have the time of my life before the time of my life is over.... I'm bubbling, I'm bubbling, I'm bubbling in my soul. There's singing and dancing since Jesus saved my soul. Folks don't quite understand it nor can I keep it quiet, I'm bubbling, bubbling,bubbling, bubbling day and night. I received a call from my aunt who had been to see my mother. Mom doesn't know anyone now. Nurse says it is just a matter of days. Dad has finally said I will be glad when it is over and she no longer suffers. He is finally letting go. I remember a story John Haggi tells...........A young girl came to him pleading with him to come to the hospital to pray for her dad. He was in his early fifties and had a tractor accident. He was in I.C.U. Not expected to live. John went in and prayed for him to live and not die. When they made Haggi leave the room he stayed in the hall pacing and praying the prayer of faith. While Haggi was in the hall the man died and went to heaven. He met Jesus there and could not describe the incredible peace and joy he felt. Jesus said you have to go back. The man was perplexed and wanted to know why. Jesus said peek through that curtain over there. The man peeked through and saw John Haggi pacing in the hall commanding that this man live and not die. Jesus said John Haggi won't let you leave yet, you have to go back. The man came back to life and later shared his experience with Haggi. So you see some people have to stay until they are released. Have a bubbling kind of a day God Bless!

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