Saturday, February 27, 2010
We have to get that goat bred,
My Mom said to Dad!
We'll take her to the country,
To visit Jenny's Billy.
With a superman cape and a flash of light'
I hurried outside.
Then in again, you don't have to worry,
Come outside and see.
What is it son?
What have you done?
I bread the goat for you,
Come outside, you will see it is true.
In surprised awe, Mom and Dad stared at him.
Dad gave a wink and said, isn't he a gem.
I jumped and chattered excitedly,
Come on, come on, you just have to see.
Outside the Nanny was tied to the fence.
An empty Wonder bread wrapper at her feet, the evidence.
I made her eat every slice,
She did not even butt me, she was very nice.
With a chuckle and a pat on the head,
Dad said well done, son, I would never have thought to feed a loaf of bread.
Smothering a chuckle, Mom said, I think we will still go to the country,
So Nanny can be with her friend Billy!
When my son was 5 he overheard his dad and I talk about getting our dairy goat bred and he decided to help us out. We have laughed at this story for years. Hope it gave you a chuckle as well. Have a a great rest of the day, God Bless, LINDA
Friday, February 26, 2010
If I asked you what is more powerful than the word of God most of you would answer........ nothing. Although that is the truth it is not the whole truth. There is something more powerful than the word of God, it is the tradition of men. The Bible says the tradition of men make my word void. God can not and will not go against the will of man. It would be illegal for Him to do so. If you bow to a religious spirit it makes His word void. Doubt and unbelief will still His healing power in your life. Most people think God can do whatever He wants to but that simply is not true. In His own home town He could do no mighty miracles because of their unbelief. Is it God's will to heal? ABSOLUTELY! God is activated by faith just as the enemy is activated by fear. Jesus was always tossing the unbelievers out of the room so by faith He could raise the dead or heal the sick. That's why you have to be careful who prays for you. The prayer of doubt and unbelief can stop the manistesfation of God's plan for your future. The destiny God put on your life since before you were formed in the womb can be blocked by the traditions of men. Are you a slave or are you a son? Cast out the traditions of men and be blessed, LINDA
The age old question is why do bad things happen to good people? Have you ever considered that God is setting you up for a supernatural breakthrough? Remember the lame begger at the gate called beautiful. He was forty years old. Others had to carry him there every day. This was his job, to beg for a living. Let's say 4000 people passed through the gates each day. If only 5 out of every hundred gave to him he was making a good living. He was comfortable with his situation, if not he would have picked a different spot. He knew how to work his corner. He depended on the sacrifice of others to make ends meet. Then one day Peter walks by freshly baptized with the power of the Holy Ghost and says I'm here to promote you to a place you have never been before. You are about to become responsible for your own life. You are about to become a witness to the miracle working power of the God of the universe before a congrgation of 4000. You are about to ignite a fire of faith in the hearts of the hopeful and the doubters alike. They have seen you here for years and know your situation. They will see the miracle and know only God could be praised for your healing. You are going to have to leave the comfort of your corner and go where you have never been before. You have just stepped into your anointing. You have just been promoted in the kingdom! Actually Peter did not say all those things, I did. Peter said 4 little words....RISE UP AND WALK, which caused all these things to come to pass.......Have you ever noticed how God gives you a promise and right in the middle of that promise He puts an obsticle..... Maybe your health is precarious...the promise is by His stripes you are healed.....Maybe your marriage is a mess, but the promise is a man who finds a wife finds a good thing.....Maybe your relationship with your children leaves a lot to be desired..... But the promise is children are a blessing from the Lord......Maybe you finances need resurrected from the dead....but the promise is the wealth of the wicked is layed up for the righteous....Don't lose faith in your promise my day soon Jesus will walk right up to your obsticle and say, RISE UP AND WALK! In a moment you will be given your promotion in the kingdom and as the lame man did you will walk and leap in a congregation of 4000 giving God the glory. Have you ever considered the promise is never really about you? It is always about them! Consider this my friend...........GOD BLESS, LINDA
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Did you know worry is a sin? Have I shocked you? The Bible says worry is a prayer blocker. Everyone knows the parable of the sower, but have you applied it to your life? Do you remember what happens to the first seed? The birds come and eat it. The seed was the word. I have learned to pray before each church service for God to bind the word spoken, to my heart, that the enemy may not steal it. The only power in your prayer life is the word you know. If the word is stolen by the enemy it bears no fruit. The second seed was destroyed by persecution and offence. It did not bear fruit. The third seed was choked out by the cares (worries) of the world. Again no fruit bearing. The fourth word was sown on good ground and bore fruit some 30 some 60 some 100 fold. The scripture that gives power to get the worry out of your life is found in Phil. 4:6-7 Don't worry about anything: instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Jesus Christ. (NLT) . 2Cor. 10:5 goes along with that which says.... We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ. My friend Nona does it like this. She imagines a basket outside the door of her house. Before she enters she dumps the days worries there for Jesus to deal with. Only peace goes inside with her. Peace follows Nona wherever she goes. She has no prayer blockers in her life and goes directly to the throne of God with her petitions. Remember worry is a sin and a prayer blocker. Your body was not made to bear it and will eventually make you sick if you carry it too long. It is a curse not a blessing, sooo my friend be blessed of God and give that stuff to Him. He dumps it in the deepest sea and erects a no fishing sign. Once you have dumped it, do not pick it up again. BE BLESSED OF GOD , LOVE YOU, LINDA
FAN THE FIRE FROM HEAVEN! There is a church who has the motto.."Wake up, sing up, preach up, pray up, pay up. But never give up, let up, back up, or shut up until the cause of Christ in the world is built up. They must have agreed with Timothy ... Stir up (rekindle the embers of, fan the flame of, and keep burning the gracious gift of God the inner fire that is in you") 2Timothy 1:16 AMP. SAMUEL CHADWICK, AN ENGLISH EVANGELIST SAID " FIRE IS THE CHOSEN SYMBOL FOR MORAL PASSION. IT IS EMOTION AFLAME. GOD IS LOVE. GOD IS FIRE. THE TWO ARE ONE. THE HOLY SPIRIT BAPTIZES WITH FIRE. SPIRIT FILLED SOULS ARE ABLAZE FOR GOD. THEY LOVE WITH A LOVE THAT GLOWS. THEY BELIEVE WITH A FAITH THAT KINDLES. THEY SERVE WTH A DEVOTION THAT CONSUMES. THEY HATE SIN WITH A FIERCENESS THAT BURNS. THEY REJOICE WITH A JOY THAT RADIATES. LOVE IS PERFECTED IN THE FIRE OF GOD." Fire is often a sign of God's presence in the Bible. The songwriter said I've never rained fire down from the sky, but YOU CAN with your sacrifice. Trough out the Bible we are told God is a consuming fire. Jeremiah said the word was like a fire shut up in his bones that could not be contained. John G. Lake said on his first missionary trip to Africa liquid fire pumped through his veins. When John Wesley was asked how he got the big crowds to come out and see him that he set himself on fire and they come to watch him burn. People are like kindling that is dry, cracked and highly combustible. Once they come into a contact with a life that is burning for Christ they will be ignited with the fire of God. All it takes is one spark to change a dry life into a life that burns with passion and purpose. YOU ARE A FIRE STARTER POSITIONED TO IMPACT THE WORLD. FAN THE FIRE WITHIN YOU AND YOU WILL FLING SPARKS AND IGNITE YOUR WORLD. GOD BLESS, LINDA
It is fruit bearing season. Let us celebrate Carol! We have a few ladies who gather on Saturday morning to pray who call themselves the Eagles. Awhile back a new lady joined us. After 6 weeks she gave this testimony. I have gone to church for 40 years and I thought I knew Him but after 6 weeks coming here I have learned more about Him than in all the 40 years in church. Then she began to grieve for all the wasted time she had failed to share Jesus during those years. The fact is that those 40 years were not wasted. It was simply a winter season where the roots ran deep to nourish themselves for the greatest fruit bearing season of her life. She shares Jesus by faith, example, word and deed now with everyone who wanders through her life including the animal kingdom. On the day she gave her testimony I was so moved I went home and wrote a song about her testimony. It is called Wasted moments wasted days........
For 40 years I thought I knew Him, my church had told me so.
But I was doing nothing to help His kingdom grow. Wasted moments, wasted days, lost people all around. No hope for redemption, in sin they were bound. I did not share the good news, how Jesus loved them so. Offering salvation because of Calvary's road. But now I'm learning quickly, by faith to speak His word, snatching out of the fire precious ones who never heard. No more wasted moments, no more wasted days, now I'm serving Jesus, as I fall on my knees to pray. Joy comes from giving, the good news away, loving my neighbor and hearing them say, Carol, I'm so glad Jesus used you to share His word with me. Sharing the gospel story and His love that sets me free. No more wasted moments, no more wasted days. Now I'm sharing Jesus and I'm singing His Praise...........Soooooo.....Let us celebrate Carol in her fruit bearing season and give praises to the King who gives us His best. Let us follow Carols example and have the greatest fruit bearing season in 2010... GOD BLESS< LINDA
Hello belov-ed prayer warriors of the most high God! I took the day off yesterday to recover from the long journey to my Mom's funeral. I want to thank you all for your prayers of traveling mercies. Many came from afar. All arrived safely and returned safely. Some of you prayed about the weather and the last hundred miles were so amazing. There was no snow except a thin powder at the cemetary. The wind was bitterly cold, the roads were clear but the trees and shrubs were covered with glittering ice reflecting the light like millions of diamonds. It was so beautiful to behold. My preacher brother from Texas delivered the ulogy. There were three rooms of people and everyone was moved by his words. It was truly inspired by the Holy One. My Mom's last request of me was to sing at her funeral and I was able to do that. Many complimented me but the best were when they said when I saw you up, there I saw your mama. A few came to grieve her passing but the majority came to celebrate her life and a celebration it was. I met friends and relatives I had not seen for 10,20,30,40 and over 50 years. One lady I had not seen since I was 6 years old. We picked up and visited as if those years were but a moment. Mom always said give me my roses while I'm living I have no need of them when I'm dead. As I listened to the stories, the memories, I realized that Mom had spent her whole life handing out roses to those she loved. Sooooo my message for today is ....Choose this day whom you will serve and hand out roses to the ones you love! God Bless, Linda!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Today I travel to my mom's funeral. Recently I heard Sheri Easter tell how she came to write the song she loved. A preacher said if you died today what would be the one thing you would have others say about your life. She wrote I love Jesus. I love my church, I love my husband, I love my children, I love my grand children, I love gospel music, I love to sing...... She realized every sentence began with she loved and she thought these two words are the greatest things anyone can ever say about my life. Those words belong to my mother as well...SHE LOVED... I talked to my mom the day before she died and the first thing she said to me was I love you and the last thing she said to me was I love you. The first thing I said to her was I love you and the last thing I said to her was I love you. My mom 's last request to me was to sing at her funeral. She picked the song...because she loved..... these are the words she wanted her loved ones to hear......If you knew where I was resting, If you could see the sights I see. If you could hear the angels singing the songs they sing eternally. If you could see the one I'm holding, could see the smile He smiles at me. If you knew where I was resting you would not cry for me.I know you're confused because I left so soon, but I'll be right there to meet you maybe morning, night or noon. And I will save a place for you right beside the crystal sea. If you knew where I was resting you would not cry for me. I''m resting in the precious arms of Jesus, no other place would I rather be and if you shed a tear please don't shed it for me. If you knew where I was resting, you would not cry for me. Because He Loved, LINDA
Monday, February 22, 2010
Words matter. Don't feed the demons. There is someone in every ones life who can with a word plunge you into offence. Refuse to be offended. I hear people talk bad about the president yet the Bible says God appoints the leadership. He raised up Pharoh. The Bible says not to judge but rather pray for leadership. You cannot hate someone you pray for. I hear people critisize their spouse. Once those words are out there, they are forever and you cannot take them back. Don't hurt the one you love, bless and curse not. I hear people take the name of the Lord in vain and it grieves my heart. Love bled to death on the cross and prayed the Father for them and yet they disrespect Him. It should not be so my friend. I hear parents curse their children, rotten kid, will be in the pen by the time he's 16. You have just placed a curse on your child. Words are powerful and can cause things to come to pass. Words of faith move God to action. Have you ever noticed God always over answers prayer. I asked once for a wheel barrow and He sent a dump truck. When you speak remember words matter, speak a blessing and not a curse. God Bless LINDA
Sunday, February 21, 2010
I was looking for a church just the other day.
In a strange city, got lost along the way.
I stopped a young man in the street , said do you know where this could be?
He said, "Yes mamn, I do, just turn and follow me.
Follow me, follow me to the Birthing place.
It's full of God's glory, His mercy and His grace.
They will welcome you as part of the family.
They'll put His arms of love around you lady, just follow me.
The preacher was on fire as the word of God he did speak.
He humbled the proud and lifted up the weak.
Faith became an action word as he paced to and fro.
The enemy didn't have a choice, he just had to go.
Heaven stood at attention, the angels peeked to see,
What would happen to the young man, who told the lady follow me.
Jesus was preached, the life, the truth, the way,
And that young man bowed his heart, to Jesus that day.
God has a sense of humor, of that I'll have to say,
When He brought the lost lady, to the lost man that day.
He had no idea he'd gain eteternity, when he told the lady, just turn and follow me.
They left that place with joy, a glorious memory.
Jesus words echoed through the ages, come and follow me.
The angels in heaven were rejousing that day,
As the lost man and lady had both found their way.
God Bless,LINDA
Friday, February 19, 2010
Have you met the baker and the cup bearer? Sometime in your life you must meet the baker and the cup bearer. The baker is the bread that was broken and hung on a cross and the cup bearer is the resurrection and the life. Jesus represents both. When Joesph was young God gave him a dream that his brothers and Father would bow down to him. He bragged about the dream to his family. His brothers got angey stripped him of his clothes and sold him into slavery. He was then dressed in slavery clothes and was stripped of them when he was sent to prison, but when he came out of prison it says Joseph stripped himself of the prison clothes and dressed in a robe suitable to appear in the palace. The stripping of the clothing represent stripping away the old life. When Joesph recieved the dream he thought it was for him. Until he was promoted to the 2nd highest authority in the land and saw his brothers bow before him he did not realize that the dream was for his brothers that God had put him in a position to save his brothers. Think about it friends there would have been no 12 tribes of Israel they would have perished in the famine. What the brothers did was to sell the prophetic voice. As soon as that voice was sold the curse came upon the family. Wherever that prophetic voice showed up they were blessed, at Potiphers house, in prision and in the palace and finally a whole country and lesser countries were blessed. The Bible says do not touch my anointed. I am saying all that to say this...... do not sell out the prophetic voice. To be promoted in the kindom you have to realize the prophesy is not about you but about them. The Lord gave me a song called THE PIT AND THE PRISON........................................................................................
The pit and the prison is not my destiny,
I'm just passing through on my way to eternity.
The palace is the promise, I'll make it my home.
Since Jesus sought and bought me and called me His own.
I don't have to bow to the enemy, for Jesus conquered him.
I'll trade this robe of flesh, for a royal diadem.
I'll sup at the palace, with the royal family.
The Father Son and Holy Ghost, they'll all welcome me.
The pit and the prison is not my destiny.
I'm just passing through on the way to eternity.
The palace is the promise, I'll make it my home.
Since Jesus sought and bought me and made me my home.
God show me something.
Do you have a fear in your life that you hide from or refuse to face. Maybe you are afraid of the dark and require a nightlight. Maybe you can't make yourself go out on a dark night for fear of what lurks in that darkness. Maybe you are afraid to ride in a plane. You cannot make yourself get on one and you offer an old scriptural joke when someone asks you about your fear and you say Jesus never promised to ride airplanes rather He said, Lo, I am with you always. I heard an evangelist answer that fear this way. Lord show me somthing that happens after this flight. If God shows hin something he gets on, if God does not show him something he is not getting on. I found that attitude a wise thing to do when facing fears. Lord show me something. Faith will swollow fear. The enemy will be defeated and God will recieve the glory. I am to take a hard journey tomorrow. I asked Good to show me something about tomorrow and He showed me I would come home by way of Lamar which is out of my way and purchase meat at summer fresh. I will follow the vision and avoid the tactics of the enemy. Have a Bless-ed day, LINDA
A few years back my grandson was born and when I looked on his face I thought the first gift of Christmas was a precious baby boy and he was my first Christmas gift that year. The Lord gave me a song..........................
The first gift of Christmas was a precious baby boy.
The first gift of Christmas brought tremendous love and joy.
Soft little curls crowned his downy head.
Angels watched over his wee precious bed.
Mom and Dad were so proud, twas plain to see.
They labored the whole night just to see who you would be.
Shepherds and Kings came to worship the child.
Prophets and priests looked on Him meek and mild.
The first gift of Christmas was a precious baby boy.
The first gift of Christmas brought tremendous love and joy.
The first gift was love in the form of a baby. No one can look on a baby without bringing joy to your heart and face. God Bless!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Who was that young man dressed in linen? Have you ever wondered? The four gospels of the life of Christ in Matt.,Mark, Luke and John all tell the story of the ministry of Jesus, the last supper, the garden, the arrest, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. Only two of the gospels tell of his triumphant march into Jerusalem while the people cried Hosannah. In the garden when the soldiers came to arrest Him, two things happened as a side note Peter cut off the ear of a man and a young man dressed in linen chose to stand by Jesus and to die with Him if necessary. There are two accounts of Peter cutting off the man's ear and only in the book of Mark in the 14th chapter do we find the account of this man. The disciples have ran away but this man stands. He is not afraid to die. Who is this young man who is not afraid to die? Peter swore he would stand by Jesus unto death but became so afraid he denied he even knew Him three times, yet this man stood firm. He was not afraid to die. How come? I went searching for the identity of this man in scripture. In one of the accounts of His entry into the city it said that the people not only came out to see Jesus the miracle worker but they also came to see Lazarus the man Jesus raised from the dead who rode with Him. Of course it all became so clear to me. Lazarus was not afraid to die. He had been there and done that. He was standing by the resurrection and the life, but God could not let him stand there for to do so would make the prophesy dull and void that said He lost not one that the Father had given Him. So God did the only thing he could do to get the young man to run away. His linen garment was jerked from his body and he was naked before men. Men cannot stand naked before men, it is a shame to them. The young man ran away and the prophesy was fulfilled. Consider the young man and be blessed with the knowledge. God Bless!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
What have you left behind today? What did you do ? What did you say?
Did you leave behind beauty for ashes?
And shed the light of Jesus along life's highway.
What did you leave behind today, when that grouchy old woman snarled at you as she crossed your path?
Did you speak a soft answer to turn away her wrath?
Or did you snap and quarrel in the aftermath?
What did you leave behind today when that teen aged driver cut in front of you?
Did you bless him and forgive him as the Bible says to do?
Or did you return his hand jester as anger made your face turn blue?
What did you do when your little girl broke your vase, running through the house as she had been told not to do ?
Did you make her feel better and say it really did not matter?
Or did you make her cry and send her to her room?
What did you leave behind when the boss frowned and told you he expected better than that?
Were you a wise man and receive a rebuke?
Or did you get mad and gossip about him benind his back?
What did you leave behind when you come home tired and your wife tells about her terrible day?
The washer quit, the kids were unruly, she has a headache and the dog has run away.
Did you bring order to the choas with kindness and love?
Or did your family tremble in fear as you cursed and gave the screendoor a shove?
Did you give beauty for ashes as each encounter came your way?
Could they see Jesus in the things you said and did today?
What did you leave behind when the preacher pleaded for your soul and told you about the blood that would save you for eternity?
Did you fall to your knees and accept His love?
Or did you say, "You know that Jesus stuff is just not for me?"
What do the people remember from what you leftbehind today?
What will they do? What will they say?
Will they remember you with a smile and a peaceful sigh?
Or will they remember the hurt you left behind when you made them cry?
What have you left behind today? What did you do? What did you say?
Did you leave beauty for ashes?
And shed the light of Jesus along life's highway?
Oh, Brother what did you do, what did you say?
Monday, February 15, 2010
The day grew dark and the thunder rolled,
And the earth did shake, so the story goes.
In agony His mama cried,
And His best friend John, stood by her side.
He said Friend, when this deed is done,
Care for my mother become her son.
A world of sin rested on His back,
Pain and suffering there was no lack.
His Father even turned away from Him,
He could not look on that world of sin.
On a cross He hung, between two thieves,
Only one of them dared to believe.
He was the one sent from heavens throne,
To rescue him, to take him home.
The soldiers gambled, for his clothes,
With a spear, His side they smote.
An innocent man hung on that tree,
He took my sins and rescued me.
And the day grew dark and the thunder rolled,
And the earth did shake so the story goes.
In agony His mama cried,
And His best friend John stood by her side.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
You just keep loving me, though you the price you paid was Calvary.
You just keep loving me, no matter how un worthy I might be.
You gave me love and laughter and life here after, an inheritance born to kings.
You called us sons and daughters, children of the Father,
Gave music that makes our heart sing.
You gave us rainbows and sunsets, days of joy without regrets,
And family to fill our days.
You give us love and faith abundantly, wisdom simply for asking thee
And angels to guide our ways.
You gave your life willingly, bled to death upon that tree,
To save me from my sins.
You made us your bride to be, to live with you eternally,
And Jesus we praise you again.
And you just keep loving me, though the price you paid was Calvary,
You just kep loving me, no matter how unworthy I may be.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Have you ever said a silent prayer? Did you feel like you reached the throne of God? Is silent prayer Biblical? It is not written? You will not find one verse that dictates silent prayer. God did not silently think the world into existence. He SAID AND IT WAS! How do you get saved? Silently? No, you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart. Jesus did not say to think the mountain away He SAID SPEAK TO THE MOUNTAIN and it will be removed. Thousands of Christians have been taught by churches to pray silently, a powerless prayer. He cast demons out by speaking to them, the blind received their sight, deaf ears were opened, the lame walked and the dead were raised by the spoken word. He healed all that were oppressed by the devil. Did you know illness was an oppression of the devil? You have to speak to your body command it to line up with the word of God to operate in a normal manner. Speak to those lungs, speak to that heart speak to that blood.Agree with God that you will have life and that more abundantly.He was the living word. He wrote it down for our instruction. For instance your son has spread his toys all over the house. If you silently tell him to pick them up he's not going to respond, but if you speak with the authority of a parent he'll do the job. The devil is not going to respond to silent pleas to remove himself from your life. You have to speak the written word which brings power. If you have practiced silent prayer quit it. Speak up be a Kings kid and speak with the power and authority in Jesus name to get your job done. Too shy to speak prayer? Practice brings confidence, you can do it. Turn up the power in your life. GOD BLESS!!!!!!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Last night at midnight I put on some Bill and Gloria Gaither videos. The first one was called precious memories starring JEFF AND SHERI EASTER. She told how she came to write the song"SHE LOVED." She heard a preacher ask, "If you died today, what would be the one thing you would want people to say about you?" She started a list........She loved Jesus. She loved her husband. She loved her children. She loved gospel music. She loved to sing...... She realized that all her sentences began with she loved. That gave birth to a song that has touched several thousand people. She felt the greatest thing anyone could say about her was two words SHE LOVED! I thought yes if the world I leave behind could only say that about me.......But the Holy Spirit reminded me of the most memorized scripture in the Bible... John 3:16...God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. God loved and He gave His most precious gift. He loved and He gave. Love is an action word. If you love you give. Love always gives. So I would like people to say about me.... She loved and she gave her most precious gift. She poured out her life to honor and please the one she loved...her bridegroom....Jesus. What a legacy to leave to your children and grandchildren. Go forth and LOVE AND GIVE! God Bless!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
The Secret Place
There is a secret place. A place I often go.
I meet someone wonderful there, He's the lover of my soul.
In the sanctuary of my heart, only two can enter there.
The sweet fragrance of forgiveness, lingers in the air.
In that secret place I am honored and loved,
No more shame or regrets, He's tender with His love.
He's my everything, He makes my heart to sing.
He takes my mistakes from me,
And dumps them in the deepest sea.
They are never remembered by Him,
Never resurrected again.
And friend you to can know,
This Jesus, the lover of my soul.
Hello warriors of the most high God! In 2000 the Lord started giving me songs. One of the first songs He gave me was called Amazin'....Whenever the enemy comes by to miss with me or my kids or grandkids and it appears he is intent to do serious harm all I have to do is sing this amazing song of praise where I am immediately transported to the throne of grace and become a giant killer armed with a bag containing 3 rocks...The Father, Son and Holy Ghost.... And speak the written word and the enemy turns tail and runs. He has to go he has no choice. I would like to share these powerful words with you this morning........Amazin' Jesus you're amazin' Lord you are a wonder to me. Amazin' Jesus you're amazin' and you lived to make men free. You're the joy in my morning and my comfort at night and when the enemy comes callin' you make everything all right. Miracles and wonders, you're still doing them today , in the name of Jesus as we fall on our knees to pray. You captured me with kindness and your love there was no end. Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. Like a sheep led to slaughter you spoke not again and though I was guilty you delivered me from my sin. Amazin' Jesus you're amazin' You're a wonder to me. Amazin' Jesus you're amazin' and you lived to set men free! Have an amazing rest of the day under his blessing of protection. Do not forget your bag of rocks! God Bless!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
He can use you
He can use you! Every time I think I have finished this morning He gives me another task. This is my 3rd blog of the day.Someone out there in cyber space needs to hear this and it is probably you. I spoke to you in an earlier blog of changing the atmosphere around you and that happiness was a decision you make. I want to tell you a story........Many years ago I worked for a health care facility. They had some rules I did not like but they paid the check so I mostly obeyed their rules. One of the rules was that we could not get personally involved with our clients. We were not allowed to invite them to family things or introduce our children to them or take them places after work. I had a precious elderly lady for a client. We became fast friends. She was a Christian and spent her years serving Him and the church. We talked Jesus and she would have me read the Bible to her. She came to love me and looked forward to or time together. She had an only son and they were very close. He came to see her every day. The time came when she became very ill. She was clothed in fear of dying and her son was bound with the fear she would die. He paniced and became frantic which passed on to his mother. She told them to call me. She wanted to ride to the hospital with me. They called and I agreed to go. The daughter-in-law drove because the son was too emotional. I got in the backseat with my lady. She grasped my hand with tears sliding down her weathered face and said," Linda I don't want to die." I said ok you don't have to. She looked at me in amazement and peace came over her. The tears dried up and a smile graced her ancient face. At the ER her son went in with her. Her blood pressure shot sky high and she tobbled downward then they would shoo him out and I would go in. Her blood pressure would drop to normal and she would rest peacefully. The next morning she awoke feeling good and demanding food. Her son and his wife were relieved to see improvement and relaxed and enjoyed the day. They played remember when and laughed spending a great day together. Faith had swollowed up fear! The next morning the daughter-in-law called to say the lady had a stroke during the night and went to meet Jesus. I praised God for that last day of her life lived without fear enjoying her son and giving him great memories of his Mom. I was blessed to be a part of that. I am so glad God had the wisdom not to tell me that was to be the last day of her life. If I had known I probably would have missed it up. I want to remind you that God never chooses the wise and important of this world to do His work, He always chooses little unknown shepherd boys. He uses their mouth to talk their feet to walk and their hands to work. He can use you to give the gift of life in the face of the giant of fear. Go forth shepherd boy and slay those giants!!!!God Bless!
I'm Bubbling
Hello prayer warriors of the most high God! You get a double dose of the Holy Ghost today. The songwriter says I'm going to have the time of my life when the time of my life is over.....but I refuse to wait I'm going to have the time of my life before the time of my life is over.... I'm bubbling, I'm bubbling, I'm bubbling in my soul. There's singing and dancing since Jesus saved my soul. Folks don't quite understand it nor can I keep it quiet, I'm bubbling, bubbling,bubbling, bubbling day and night. I received a call from my aunt who had been to see my mother. Mom doesn't know anyone now. Nurse says it is just a matter of days. Dad has finally said I will be glad when it is over and she no longer suffers. He is finally letting go. I remember a story John Haggi tells...........A young girl came to him pleading with him to come to the hospital to pray for her dad. He was in his early fifties and had a tractor accident. He was in I.C.U. Not expected to live. John went in and prayed for him to live and not die. When they made Haggi leave the room he stayed in the hall pacing and praying the prayer of faith. While Haggi was in the hall the man died and went to heaven. He met Jesus there and could not describe the incredible peace and joy he felt. Jesus said you have to go back. The man was perplexed and wanted to know why. Jesus said peek through that curtain over there. The man peeked through and saw John Haggi pacing in the hall commanding that this man live and not die. Jesus said John Haggi won't let you leave yet, you have to go back. The man came back to life and later shared his experience with Haggi. So you see some people have to stay until they are released. Have a bubbling kind of a day God Bless!
Happiness is a decision
I met and married my husband of 35 years when I was 16. I was young and dumb in the wisdom of the word. A babe in Christ. That man lit up my life. He only had to enter the room and smile at me to create great joy and happiness, but if he should enter with a look or word of disapproval I was immediately plunged into the depths of despare. I depended on him for my happiness. I did not know I alone was responsible for my own happiness. What a terrible burden to lay at anothers feet. What a selfish thing to do. So it was always his fault whether I was happy or not. I remember our childish arguments if he said something that hurt my feelings and made me cry. I would wallow in my self pity hurting and crying my eyes out, heart broken. How could the one I loved betray me so......see it was always his fault that way I was never accountable. Friends, men don't know, there is a reason they are called clueless. Our minds work differently. Let me give you an example..... A man and his wife are invited to an important party given by the boss. Of course upon examining her wardrobe she discovers she has nothing to wear. She wants her husband to be proud of her. They have very little disposal income so she is off to hunt for a bargain. At Wal-Mart they have a beautiful dress in her size for 50% off. She is delighted. When she is ready and joins her husband for the party, he is overtaken by his beautiful wife and how nice she looks in this dress. He asks her where she got it and she tells him. They proudly arrive at the party. Several comment on her pretty dress and some goofy woman says where did you get it? The husband answers for his wife bragging on her great 50% off deal. The wife is embarrassed and quiet on the way home. He notices and asks what's the matter. She is hurt and says if you don't know, I'm not going to tell you. She feels worse and worse and so does he. He doesn't know what is wrong or how to fix it until she finally says, You don't tell people I shop at Wal-Mart for cheap dresses, that embarrassed me. The husband feels as if he's been hit upside the head. He was proud of the good stewardship of his wife and wanted to brag on her. It was years before I learned happiness is a decision I make. I can literally change the atmosphere in a room from dispear to joy unspeakable and full of glory because of Him and the wisdom of His word. I have walked into a break room of co-workers trashing the boss and the place they work, the place that blesses them with a paycheck. I tell them I feel blessed to work in such a place as this. I feel blessed that I can walk and talk and work. I feel blessed because I have food and a car and medical care when so many don't have limbs or the physical ability to work or food for their kids or gas for their car. By the time I'm finished they are laughing and enjoying, actually grateful for where they are. You see my friends happiness is a decision you make. God has a simple recipe of how to get it fast...... He says put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, lift up your voice to God Pray in the Spirit and the understanding O magnify the Lord! I remember an old Walt Disney song that always brings a smile to my pity do dah zip pity yeah! My O my what a wonderful day. Plenty of sunshine coming my way zip pity doodah zip pity yeah. Mr. Bluebird's on my shoulder, it's the truth it's actual, everything is satisfaction. Zip pity doodah zip pity yeah wonderful feeling wonderful day! Let happiness be a decision you make today !! God Bless!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Be careful what you pray for...
Be careful what you pray just may get it........I learned this lesson many years ago. For 15 years I prayed for my parents salvation. I ran across the verse in Acts that tells us if we have the faith our whole household will be saved and I prayed that verse and claimed it to manifest for 15 years and my parents got saved. After the salvation they attended church for 3 months and never went again. They never grew in the word or bore fruit. That grieved my spirit. I got what I prayed for. God says sometimes our prayers are not answered because we pray amiss. I prayed a mess. My prayer should have been not only for their salvation, but that they hunger and thirst for His word and from that hunger grow a conviction to serve and bear fruit. My Mom is dying of cancer as we speak. She is saved and will soon be in the arms of Jesus, she chose the right door. God has given me peace about my messed up prayer. He reminded me that unto whom much is given is much required and unto whom little is given is little required. My Mom remained a babe in Christ and babies are not held accountable so although that prayer was a learning experience for me not to pray messes it has been a safe place for my Mom to dwell Praise God for His wisdom and I remind you to be careful what you pray for. Top of the Morning to you all and God bless ! Because He knows best, LINDA
Monday, February 8, 2010
The Bear Story
I spent a lot of time in the word yesterday and watched several ministers on TBN. Joel Olsteen told a story that gave me pause to consider God's wisdom......There was a minister who went bear hunting. He was a diligent hunter. He worked all day and found no bear. He got weary of the hunt and put down his gun. He decided to go down to the stream and refresh himself. While he was satisfying his needs a bear burst forth from the woods and ran toward the minister who was kneeling at the stream. The minister cried out to God saying God make this bear a Christian and save me. The bear suddenly stops and raises up his hands to the heavens and says Lord thank you for this food.........That is a funny story but there is hidden truth there. The hunter worked the day through and found no fruit to reward his labor.............We pick up our sword the word. We are prepared for the enemy if we should meet up with him. Then there comes a day when we don't see the fruit of our labors......a day we get weary in well doing...we lay down our weapon and selfishly decide to go enjoy ourselves, we don't seem to be making a difference.......then the enemy shows up seeking whom he may devour. We now have a life and death decision to make....Do we repent and call out for God to save us? Or do we scramble to pick up the sword, the word and scream in the enemies face It Is Written! The written word will destroy the devourer every time. May the Lord bless and keep you!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Called to write
Good morning Beloved of the most high God! The scripture for today comes from Is.40: 6 & 9......A voice says call out. Then he answered saying,"What shall I call out?" ....Get yourself up on a high mountain, o Zion,bearer of good news,Lift up your voice mightily, O Jerusalem,bearer of good news. Lift it up,do not fear. Say to the cities of Judah, "Here is your God."
A few years ago I attended a Christian Writers conference in Pittsburg. One of the teaching sessions was titled "Called to write." The speaker taught for an hour. I condensed her hours teaching to a few lines of poetry. I'd like to share....
You are called to write the speaker implored,
Show me, don't tell me, write living words, make me hunger for more.
Hook the readers from the start, make us curious to go on.
Entice them with compelling words, until at last the story is done.
Inspire them a bit, touch their hearts or minds.
Get them quickly involved, becoming a part of the adventure they find.
Let your voice be heard to a receptive reader.
You can change a misdirected life, you can make it better.
You are called to write the exhorter declared.
Just write His answer and clothe it with prayer!
Shout it from the rooftops my for me I will write it in a shout God Bless because He is our HOPE! LINDA
Saturday, February 6, 2010
two can
Two can agree together.
Two can put ten thousand to flight.
Two can warm each other.
Two can leave their father and mother and become one.
Two can change destiny.
Two can form memories that last a lifetime.
Two can conquer the hard things of life.
Two can create a life.
Two can pass the blessings to the first born child.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Bless and curse not
I am a blessed woman, I am getting stronger! A few days ago I was told the plan for when my Mom goes home to meet Jesus. She will be taken to Cottonwood Falls Ks. For service and on to Strong City to rest with her mom and dad and baby brother. The very thought of that 3 hour drive and then 3 hour service and 3 hour drive home made me cringe. My first thought was I don't know if I am strong enough to make that trip but before I could give power to those words by speaking them a still small voice said didn't God promise you a few days ago in Psalms that He would make you young like the eagle? You have already made 2 ....2 and one half hour drives to the city in 10 days..... What is another half hour to God? What's another half hour to you in God's hands? My brother Bob sent me an e-mail a few days ago that ended with these words.....May He continue to bless you and keep you in the Psalms of His hands pun intended. This mornings devotional came from a sermon by Kenny Copeland that went like this......The devil doesn't care if you are born again or not. He could care less if you go to heaven or hell, as long as you stay out of His way.That's why he works so hard to keep you away from the Word.He knows as long as you are ignorant of it as long as your mind is not renewed, you won't cause him any problems.
But if you ever find out who you are in Christ Jesus, if you ever discover the power and integrity of God's written Word, get in agreement with it and start calling yourself blessed instead of cursed, you will mess up his deal. You'll put a stop to His plans and operations.You'll start controlling his affairs with the Word and the name of Jesus.
The Lord has gotten down and personal with me this morning to straighten out my thinking.I no longer live in the prison of my body I am a healed blessed woman of God. Watch out devil I am up and full of the WORD!
I was reading a little Christmas story about an elderly lady who owned a Victorian tea house and her philosophy was this......To tea is to stake out an island of calm in a chaotic
World. Always make time for tea. If this were my quote it would read.....To Jesus is to stake out an island of calm in a chaotic world. Always make time for Jesus!
Thank you of reading my blog but I am not getting any comments back please remember to click on the post button after you comment..... Also if you will subscribe it will alert your e-mail every time I post a new addition to the blog and will give you a direct route to there.. God bless you all remember to bless and curse not give the enemy a bad day Lots of Love, LINDA
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Mommy's With The Angels
Mommy's With The Angels
I saw a sad little girl sitting on the curb today.
When I asked what was the matter, here's what she had to say.
My Mommy's gone to heaven and this one thing have to know,
Did I do something awfully bad to make her want to go?
Daddy says she's with the angels up in heaven above.
He says she's watching over me and sending all her love.
But I miss her and I need her, and mister I just need to know,
Did I do something awfully bad to make her want to go.
I gathered her in my arms of love and drew her to my chest.
I brushed away those precious tears to sooth her great distress.
I said I've known a lot of Mommies and this one thing I have to say.c
There's nothing you could ever do to make her go away.
So I'll tell you a little secret if you miss her night or day,
Just look down deep within your heart she's just a thought away.
So when you're very lonely this is all you have to do,
Just pull up all those memories and the love she had for you. Yes, honey your Mommy's with the angels up in heaven above,
And I know she's watching over you and sending all her love.............
This poem won the Shakespeare Trophy of excel lance Famous Poet For 2004. It was recorded by a professional artist and put on a cd with other songs and sent to our boys in Iraq. It was later made into a music video and aired on a local cable station in Hollywood Ca. It was also requested from a local mental health clinic as a tool for therapy for children having trouble with the grieving process over losing a parent.
Mommy's With The Angels
I saw a sad little girl sitting on the curb today.
When I asked what was the matter, here's what she had to say.
My Mommy's gone to heaven and this one thing have to know,
Did I do something awfully bad to make her want to go?
Daddy says she's with the angels up in heaven above.
He says she's watching over me and sending all her love.
But I miss her and I need her, and mister I just need to know,
Did I do something awfully bad to make her want to go.
I gathered her in my arms of love and drew her to my chest.
I brushed away those precious tears to sooth her great distress.
I said I've known a lot of Mommies and this one thing I have to say.c
There's nothing you could ever do to make her go away.
So I'll tell you a little secret if you miss her night or day,
Just look down deep within your heart she's just a thought away.
So when you're very lonely this is all you have to do,
Just pull up all those memories and the love she had for you. Yes, honey your Mommy's with the angels up in heaven above,
And I know she's watching over you and sending all her love.............
This poem won the Shakespeare Trophy of excel lance Famous Poet For 2004. It was recorded by a professional artist and put on a cd with other songs and sent to our boys in Iraq. It was later made into a music video and aired on a local cable station in Hollywood Ca. It was also requested from a local mental health clinic as a tool for therapy for children having trouble with the grieving process over losing a parent.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Blessings and memories
Good morning Glory! The word comes from James 1:18...Of His own will begat He us with the word of truth that we should be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures.
The word firstfruits is a scriptural term for an offering closely akin to a tithe. So, by calling us His firstfruits, God is saying we are like His tithe to the earth. We are His offering of blessing to mankind. What a word! What a thought!
I remember the first day we moved to Liberal 21 years ago. I was tired and dirty from moving and hungry. While the guys finished unloading I went to the grocery store ran by Paul and Nona Benter. Nona was the first person I met. After the first year I believed I was directed by God to run a little mini-mart. I opened it in the laundry building next to Nona's store. There were lots of times we would spend our spare moments together and we always talked Jesus. She became my intercessory prayer partner. One day a pastor from a church in town came by the store to meet and greet. During the talk he said to me, " Your business will not succeed. You are a stranger in a foreign land, the people here will not accept you or support you." His words broke my heart but came to pass. Back then I was young and dumb in the knowledge of the war between God and the enemy. I did not know that the enemy could wield his words of discouragement through a Christian. If the pastor had went on to say but God is bigger than the opinions of man so let us pray that God will open doors no man can shut and send the angels to bring them in, I would have had an opportunity to see God work.......I could have become an Abraham in a strange land blessed by God. But I was so discouraged as 3 months passed. I only earned enough from the store to restock and pay the rent and utilities, it seemed wise to shut it down, the town had won. What I did not understand then was..... I was a blessing sent to bloom where I was planted. I am an Abraham sent to bless and be blessed as you are. God's firstfruits, a tithe to bless the earth. Angels surround me and await the word of God to be sent forth. When we know who we are in Him who can withstand His goodness?
This message will appear in the blog today come visit for a fresh word of the Father. Psalms says I will bring upon you a fresh anointing..................... Because He is our Hope!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Asparagus for Cancer
Several years ago, I had a man seeking asparagus for a friend who had cancer. He gave me a photocopied copy of an article,entitled, `Asparagus for cancer' printed in Cancer News Journal, December 1979. I will share it here, just as it was shared with me: 'I am a biochemist,and have specialized in the relation of diet to health for over 50 years. Several years ago, I learned of the discovery of Richard R. Vensal, D.D.S. that asparagus might cure cancer.
Since then, I have worked with him on his project. We have accumulated a number of favorable case histories.
Here are a few examples:
Case No. 1
A man with an almost hopeless case of Hodgkin's disease (cancer of the lymph glands) who was completely incapacitated. Within 1 year of starting the asparagus therapy, his doctors were unable to detect any signs of cancer, and he was back on a schedule of strenuous exercise.
Case No. 2
A successful businessman 68 years old who suffered from cancer of the bladder for 16 years. After years of medical treatments, including radiation without improvement, he went on asparagus. Within 3 months, examinations revealed that his bladder tumor had disappeared and that his kidneys were normal.
Case No. 3
A man who had lung cancer. On March 5th 1971, he was put on the operating table where they found lung cancer so widely spread that it was inoperable. The surgeon sewed him up and declared his case hopeless. On April 5th he heard about the asparagus therapy and immediately started taking it. By August, x-ray pictures revealed that all signs of the cancer had disappeared. He is back at his regular business routine.
Case No. 4
A woman who was troubled for a number of years with skin cancer. She finally developed different skin cancers which were diagnosed by asking specialist as advanced. Within 3 months after starting on asparagus, her skin specialist said that her skin looked fine and no more skin lesions.
This woman reported that the asparagus therapy also cured her kidney disease, which started in 1949. She had over 10 operations for kidney stones, and was receiving government disability payments for an inoperable, terminal, kidney condition. She attributes the cure of this kidney trouble entirely to the asparagus.
I was not surprised at this result, as `The elements of Materia Medica', edited in 1854 by a Professor at the University of Pennsylvania , stated that asparagus was used as a popular remedy for kidney stones. He even referred to experiments, in 1739, on the power of asparagus in dissolving stones.
We would have other case histories but the medical establishment has interfered with our obtaining some of the records. I am therefore appealing to readers to spread this good news and help us to gather a large number of case histories that will overwhelm the medical skeptics about this unbelievably simple and natural remedy. For the treatment, asparagus should be cooked before using, and therefore canned asparagus is just as good as fresh.
I have corresponded with the two leading canners of asparagus, Giant Giant and Stokely, and I am satisfied that these brands contain no pesticides or preservatives.
1) Place the cooked asparagus in a blender and liquefy to make a puree, and store in the refrigerator.
2) Give the patient 4 full tablespoons twice daily, morning and evening.
Patients usually show some improvement in from 2-4 weeks. It can be diluted with water and used as a cold or hot drink. This suggested dosage is based on present experience, but certainly larger amounts can do no harm and may be needed in some cases.
As a biochemist I am convinced of the old saying that `what cures can prevent'. Based on this theory, my wife and I have been using asparagus puree as a beverage with our meals.
We take 2 tablespoons diluted in water to suit our taste with breakfast and with dinner. I take mine hot and my wife prefers hers cold.
For years we have made it a practice to have blood surveys taken as part of our regular checkups.
The last blood survey, taken by a medical doctor who specializes in the nutritional approach to health, showed substantial improvements in all categories over the last one, and we can attribute these improvements to nothing but the asparagus drink...
As a biochemist, I have made an extensive study of all aspects of cancer, and all of the proposed cures. As a result, I am convinced that asparagus fits in better with the latest theories about cancer. Asparagus contains a good supply of protein called histones, which are believed to be active in controlling cell growth. For that reason, I believe asparagus can be said to contain a substance that I call cell growth normalizer. That accounts for its action on cancer and in acting as a general body tonic. In any event, regardless of theory,asparagus used as we suggest, is a harmless substance.
The FDA cannot prevent you from using it and it may do you much good... It has been reported by the US National Cancer Institute, that asparagus is the highest tested food containing glutathione, which is considered one of the body's most potent anticarcinogens and antioxidants.
Please spread the news...
My Testimony
Hello my Dear, Here is my testimony. Our prayer group prayed that God would send me to the Dr. He appointed and anointed for this surgery.Men sent me to K.C. But God said no and pointed me to Springfield sooo since we consulted Him we went his way. The Dr. Agreed to preform the procedure but told me I probably would not make it through the surgery. I was in the holding room when Dr. An anesthiologist came in . He studied my chart and told me that he was trying to decide if we should do this or not and he was leaning toward not. Gave me many reasons why it would end tragically. I interrupted and asked him if I could ease his mind. I told him I would live and not die. I had worked toward meeting Jesus all my life and if I awoke for my first day in heaven I was blessed and if I woke up here it would be the first day of the rest of my life. I had perfect peace either way. I reminded him again that I would live and not die. As he turned to leave I told him one more thing. God's greatest gifts always comes wrapped in wrinkle paper. He smiled and said let's do it. The surgeon came then and asked if I had any questions? I asked if we could pray. He closed the curtain for privacy and I prayed. God had showed me a vision 2 weeks before the procedure of the Dr. And I praying together and that when he touched my hand God would release a gift into him. The Dr. Came to me and took my hand of his own volition and I knew it was orchestrated by God. When I got to the part of the prayer that said I would live and not die he squeezed my hand then came a prophesy where I said he was operating in two og God's gifts the word of knowledge and the word of wisdom, that he was anointed and appointed for this hour this day and when he did these surgery his hands would preform with precision and accuracy. As he turned to leave I told him that I had decided to live and not die. He smiled and said Linda I know you have. After surgery when they got me to my room, I got out of the bed by myself and sat in a chair. The nurse called the Dr and said your patient got out of her bed by herself and is sitting in a chair. He said she is not and she said yes she is and he said I have to come see. He was amazed. I never had pain, He was amazed. He sent me home on the third day. He told me initially that I would be in the hospital 5 to 7 days, but our prayer group had asked God to send me home in 3 days. He is a God of details. He gave me a great poem when I got home. My sister is going to send it to K.U., moms Dr. Hospice, and the American cancer society. As soon as I have been released to drive I will go give testimony on Radio and quote the poem. A friend e-mailed me and asked permission to copy it for his Bible study.Isn't God good ? He gives I receive and distribute to His kids ! I am blessed among women!
The Cross
Your cross has a story for the generations and I would like to suggest that you print it out and give it with the crosses. This is the story I saw when I looked on it. You used 5 horseshoes , representing the hand of God. The thumb represents the apostle who starts the churches, the next finger is the prophet who points the finger,the next represents the evangelist who has the furthest out reach, the next is the ring finger represented the pastor married to the church, and the little finger the only one that fits in your ear representing the teacher. Each horseshoe is cut in two representing the curtain in the temple that was torn in twain at the time of the crucifixion. They are welded together in the form of a fish because Christ taught men to be fishers of men. The top fish is right side up representing the crucifixion of Christ while the bottom fish is upside down representing the way Peter chose to be crucified. The opening at the top of the cross is in a diamond shape reminding us that diamonds are forever as is the love and mercy of the Father Son and Holy Ghost. There are three points at the top of the cross reminding us that in 3 days Christ was resurrected, a promise given to us as well. The cross is painted gold reminding us of His authority and Kingship. Isn't that an awesome story to pass to our kids and grand kids through the generations.
Good Morning Everyone!
Just wanted to wish you a great and wonderful week.
Remember to be in prayer for Janette's Mom that she will quickly recover from her fall yesterday. No bruising, stiffness or soreness.
I just got in the door last night when the phone ran and it was Linda....the Lord had given her a poem already about her surgery ordeal and she wanted to share it.
Am passing it on to you, hope you enjoy. Praise the Lord for All he does for us.
Love to you all, and thanks for being in agreement with us on Linda's behalf. Nona
I am Living Proof......
I am living proof of who He is and what He does.
I am a living testimony of His Greater Love!
The world said you have cancer and you must surely die.
The prayer group said no-no, the report is full of fear and the devils lies.
You have books to publish, stories to tell, houses to bless and songs to sing,
Poems to write that will touch an unclaimed heart at the throne of the King!
We must all have an agreement with the word of the Son,
We'll name them and claim things that are not as if they were, and call it done!
We'll make a list and check it with all our wants and needs,
Then we'll all agree together and let EL Shaddi proceed.
This isn't a greedy child asking a weary parent for a favor,
This is a sick child asking her Father to save her.
God was with her when the Dr. said we can't do this or you will die.
She responded, my God is bigger than the worlds report, you have to let Him try.
So they quietly entered that sterile surgery room,
Faith and courage ruled and reigned and the glory of God overcame the devils gloom.
The healing power of God lay in Jesus voice.
The cancer had to die, the lady lived, there was no other choice.
Now she laughs and loves and sings to the power of her King,
She is a living testimony to the nations and gives Him credit for simply everything!
Light Conquered Darkness
Light conquered darkness 2000 years ago.
Life swallowed death, on resurrection day you know.
He is the word, as near as your next breath.
Speak it with faith, restoring your health.
Exercise your authority, the power not to sin is in the word.
Get all excited and speak what you have heard.
The grace of God’s sufficient to turn your world around,
Send that devil packing; he can’t steal what you have found.
So walk in the favor, of Christ the royal King.
He is the answer, to simply everything.
Three L’s describe the word, He’s light and life and love.
The Father, Son and Holy Ghost, all of the above.
Light conquered darkness 2000 years ago.
Life swallowed death on resurrection day you know.
The word of God manifests Satan’s defeat.
The light of victory my friends is very, very sweet.
Life is for the living, the word given by the Son.
Just do what He says, the adventure has just begun.
His word is priceless
Good morning beloved of the most high God! As you know I have been hold up in the cave with the word for the last few days. I was reading an article by Cathy Duplantis this morning called Establish your Victory Plan. The title caught my attention.Yes establish your victory plan. Jesus was our example and from a child He studied to show Himself approved. When He started His ministry after His baptism the first thing He did was to be led to the desert and be tempted by the enemy who twisted the word but Jesus was armed with the truth not just what He perceived as truth as we often do. I remember as a teenager I would hear a sermon and presume it was the truth, then one day I looked at the word and listened to the preacher tell me what it really said and be offended because that was not what the word said just a mans opinion it sounded good but it was not the truth so I have learned to check out the word for myself. Wouldn't it be nice if God showed us the path we are to walk for him in it's entirety but He doesn't and maybe that is wise. He lights the path just so far and when we get to the end of that light he turns on another light so we can walk further. Proverbs 4:18 says But the path of the just is as the shining light , that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. Psalm119:105 says Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. It is our job to fill up on the word. You know the old saying ........Seven days without God makes one weak.In conclusion ....The word lives and abides forever! It has the power to transform failure, lack and confusion into victory, abundance, and peace each and every day. Not only will the word establish a victory plan that will overcome any storm in life, it will reveal warning signals and keep you prepared for action. Make a QUALITY DECISION TODAY TO FILL UP WITH THE WORD, and you will see the invisible, believe the incredible, and receive the impossible. Follow the map(word), form your victory plan. It is an awesome way to live, God bless. Sorry it was so long today just needed to share, LINDA
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